Building, Built, Created, Creating, Formed, Forming, Made, Making
(Made from, Made with, Make, Makes, To make, Become)
Cause, Caused, Causes, Causing, Create, Created, Creates, Creating, Gave rise, Give Rise, Gives, Giving, Produce, Produced, Produces, Producing, To cause, To create, To give, To produce
(Assemble, Build, Construct, Come Out, Emerge, Arrived, Came, Coming, Get to, Here, It's arrived)
Create, Created, Creates, Creating, Establish, Established, Establishes, Establishing, Found, Founded, Founding, Founds
Art, Author, Authored, Authoring, Authors, Create, Created, Creates, Creating, Creative, Do art, Write, Writes, Writing, Wrote, piece of
Create, Created, Creates, Creating, Creation, Invent, Invented, Inventing, Invention, Invents, To create, To invent
Create, Created, Creates, Creating, To create
(Creation, Invent, Invented, Inventing, Invention, Invents, To invent)
Build, Building, Builds, Built, Construct, Constructed, Constructing, Constructs, Create, Created, Creates, Creating, To build, To construct, To create
Built, Constructed, Created
(Build, Building, Builds, Construct, Constructing, Constructs, Create, Creates, Creating, To build, To construct, To create, Made)
Created, Fabricate, Faked, Made up
(Create, Make Up, Built, Constructed, Made)
Created a map
Created a model
Created change
Created force
Created models
Created one
Created or broke
Created stability
Created the desired or specified change
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