Admiral, Cause, Caused, Causes, Causing, Conduct, Deliver, Did, Do, Does, Doing, General, Get, Gets, Getting, Got, High ranking, Prepare, Ready, Recuperate, Rest, Shall, Take, Takes, Taking, Then, To cause, To do, To get, To take, Took, Will
Am caused, Are caused, Cause, Caused, Causes, Causing, Comes, Is caused, To cause
Cause, Caused, Causes, Causing, Initiate, Initiated, Initiates, Initiating, To cause, To initiate, To set
Cause, Caused, Causes, Causing, Initial, Initially, Origin, Original, Originally, Originate, Originated, Originates, Originating, To begin, To cause, To originate
Caused, Triggered
(Activate, Activated, Activates, Activating, Trigger, Triggering, Triggers, Ignition, Open and, Switch)
Cause, Caused, Causes, Causing, Made, Make, Makes, Making, To cause, To make
Cause, Caused, Causes, Causing, Create, Created, Creates, Creating, Gave rise, Give Rise, Gives, Giving, Produce, Produced, Produces, Producing, To cause, To create, To give, To produce
Caused, Causing
Cause, Caused, Causes, Causing, Lead to, Leading, Leads, Led, Render, Rendered, Rendering, Renders, Result In, Resulted, Resulting, Results, To cause, To lead, To render, To result
Cause, Caused, Causes, Causing, Provoke, Provoked, Provokes, Provoking, To cause, To provoke
Caused a lot of trouble
Caused her to
Caused it to be dissipated or deflected
Caused people to feel intimidated rather than imbued with wonder
Caused the sunlight to
Caused the sunlight to turn yellow
Caused them
Caused them to be delighted
Caused trouble
Caused us to write the answer
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