ta ˉ yeˇ shiˇ woˇ men˙ nengˊ gouˋ xuanˇ zeˊ fen ˉ jieˇ de˙ gui ˉ moˊ
(It also allows) It also allows us to choose the scale of breakdown
它 ta ˉ
It, This, These, That, They, Them
也 yeˇ
Also, Beside, Still, Too, And, Either
使我們能夠 shiˇ woˇ men˙ nengˊ gouˋ
(Allow us, Allowed us, Allowing us, Allows us, Enable, Enabled, Enables, Enabling us to, To allow us, To enable) To enable us to, Enable us to, Enables us to, Enabling us to, Enabled us to, To allow us (to), Allow us, Allows us, Allowing us, Allowed us
我們 woˇ men˙
(Our, Ourselves, Us, We) We, Us, Our, Ourselves
能夠 nengˊ gouˋ
(Able, Am able to, Am capable, Are able to, Are capable, At least, Being, Being able to, Can, Can sufficiently, Is able to, Is capable, To be, To be able, Was able to, Was capable, Were able to, Were capable) Can, Able, To be able to, Being able to, Am able to, Are able to, Is able to, Was able to, Were able to, To be capable, Being capable, Am capable, Are capable, Is capable, Was capable, Were capable, Can sufficiently, At least
選擇 xuanˇ zeˊ
(Choice, Choices, Choose, Pick, Select, To choose, To pick, To select) To choose, To select, To pick, Choice, A choice, Choices, Choose , Chooses , Choosing , Chose , Select , Selects , Selecting , Selected , Pick , Picks , Picking , Picked
分解 fenˉ jieˇ
(Analyze, Break down, Collapse, Decompile, Decompose, Resolve, Separate, To analyze, To break down, To collapse, To decompile, To decompose, To resolve, To separate) To resolve, Resolve , Resolves , Resolving , Resolved , To break down, Break down, Breaks down, Breaking down, Broke down, To decompile, Decompile , Decompiles , Decompiling , Decompiled , To separate, Separate , Separates , Separating , Separated , To collapse, Collapse , Collapses , Collapsing , Collapsed , To decompose, Decompose , Decomposes , Decomposing , Decomposed , To analyze, Analyze , Analyzes , Analyzing , Analyzed
的 de˙ diˋ diˊ
Have, Has, At That, (Di4), Clear, Distinct, Target, Goal, (Di2), Accurate, Exact, Proper, (De5)
規模 guiˉ moˊ
(Extent, Formulae, Magnitude, Patterns, Scale, Scope) Scale, Scope, Magnitude, Extent, Patterns, Formulae
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