ta ˉ men˙ juˋ youˇ zhiˋ nengˊ huoˋ chuˋ liˇ nengˊ liˋ huoˋ mouˇ zhongˇ xuanˇ zeˊ zhiˋ zuoˋ nengˊ liˋ
(They have) They have intelligence or processing power or some choice making ability
它們 taˉ men˙
(Their, Them, They) They, Them, Their
具有 juˋ youˇ
(Has, Have, Possess, Possessed) Have, Has, Possess, Possessed
智能 zhiˋ nengˊ
(Intelligence) Intelligence
或 huoˋ
Or, Maybe, Perhaps, Might
處理 chuˋ liˇ
(Deal with, Dispose of, Handle, Process, Take care of, To deal with, To dispose of, To handle, To process, To take) To handle, Handle , Handles , Handling , Handled , To take care of, Take care of, Takes care of, Taking care of, Took care of, To dispose of, Dispose of, Disposes of, Disposing of, Disposed of, To deal with, Deal with, Deals with, Dealing with, Dealt with, To process, Process , Processes , Processing , Processed
處理能力 chuˋ liˇ nengˊ liˋ
(Processing) Processing power
能力 nengˊ liˋ
(Abilities, Ability, Capabilities, Capability, Competence, Power) Ability, Abilities, Capability, Capabilities, Competence, Power
或 huoˋ
Or, Maybe, Perhaps, Might
某種 mouˇ zhongˇ
(Certain, Particular, Some kind of, Some sort of) Particular, Certain, Some sort of, Some kind of
選擇 xuanˇ zeˊ
(Choice, Choices, Choose, Pick, Select, To choose, To pick, To select) To choose, To select, To pick, Choice, A choice, Choices, Choose , Chooses , Choosing , Chose , Select , Selects , Selecting , Selected , Pick , Picks , Picking , Picked
製作 zhiˋ zuoˋ
(Made, Make, Makes, Making, Manufacture, Manufactured, Manufactures, Manufacturing, Produce, Produced, Produces, Producing, To make, To manufacture, To produce) To make, Make, Makes, Making, Made, To produce, Produce, Produces, Producing, Produced, To manufacture, Manufacture, Manufactures, Manufacturing, Manufactured
能 nengˊ
Ability, An ability, The ability, Abilities, The abilities, Potential, A potential, The potential, Potentials, The potentials, Energy, An energy, The energy, Energies, The energies, Can, May, Maybe, Able
力 liˋ
Strong, Vigorous, Powerful, Power, Strength, Vigor, Earnestness, Persistence, Effort, Ability, Able
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