Strong, Vigorous, Powerful, Power, Strength, Vigor, Earnestness, Persistence, Effort, Ability, Able
Cat: Radical (019, Strong) Next
liˋ diˊ wanˋ weiˋ
(Able To) Able to fight off 10 000 men, Able to fight off ten thousand men
liˋ buˋ congˊ xin ˉ
(Lacking) Lacking the ability to do what one wishes, Lacking the resources or power to do what one wants
liˋ daˋ wuˊ biˇ
(Unequalled, Unmatched) Unequalled strength, Unmatched in physical prowess
naoˇ liˋ ji ˉ dangˋ
(Brainstorm, Brainstormed, Brainstorming) Brainstorm, Brainstorming, Brainstormed
kuaiˋ danˋ liˋ xian ˉ weiˊ
(Fast-twitch) Fast-twitch fibers
manˋ danˋ liˋ xian ˉ weiˊ
(Slow-twitch) Slow-twitch fibers
辨色力 bianˋ seˋ liˋ
(Color, ability to) Color vision, Color discernment ability, Ability to distinguish colors
chu ˉ le˙ henˇ duo ˉ liˋ
(Earned, Expended, Worked) Expended a lot of effort, Worked hard, Earned through hard work
借力 jieˋ liˋ
(Give strength, Giving the) Giving the ability to, Giving the power to, Give strength
daˋ xiong ˉ ji ˉ shiˇ liˋ
(Using the) Using The Strength Of The Pectoralis Major
Cat: Anatomy (Using The Strength Of The Pectoralis Major) Next
利力馬 liˋ liˋ maˇ
(Lilimar) Lilimar
Cat: Latest (Name-place-fictional: Lilimar) Next
Cat: Name-Place-Fictional (Lilimar) Next
feiˋ le˙ jiuˇ niuˊ erˋ huˇ zhi ˉ liˋ
(Expended) Expended the strength of nine oxen and two tigers, Expended a lot of strength and effort
推進力 tui ˉ jinˋ liˋ
(Propulsion, Propulsive, Thrust) Thrust, Propulsion, Propulsive force
xingˊ youˇ yuˊ liˋ
(Have time) Have time (or money) or resources beyond what is needed for self
yaoˋ feiˋ xie ˉ liˋ
(Required, Took a, Took some) Took some effort, Required effort, Took a little effort
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