lianˋ xiˊ huoˋ liaoˇ jieˇ woˇ men˙ qieˋ ge ˉ de˙ neiˋ rongˊ
(Practice) Practice or learn what we've cut up
練習 lianˋ xiˊ
(Exercise, Practice, Practices, To exercise, To practice, To train, Train) Practice, A practice, The practice, Practices, To practice, To exercise, To train, Practice , Practices , Practicing , Practiced , Train , Trains , Training , Trained , Exercise , Exercises , Exercising , Exercised
或 huoˋ
Or, Maybe, Perhaps, Might
了解 liaoˇ jieˇ
(Consider, Know, To consider, To know, To understand, Understand) To understand, To know, To consider, Understand , Understands , Understanding , Understood , Consider , Considers , Considering , Considered , Know , Knows , Knowing , Knew
我們 woˇ men˙
(Our, Ourselves, Us, We) We, Us, Our, Ourselves
切割 qieˉ geˉ
(Carve, Carved, Carves, Carving, Chop, Chopped, Chopping, Chops, Cut, Cuts, Cutting, Slice, Sliced, Slices, Slicing) Cut, Cuts, Cutting, Carve, Carves, Carving, Carved, Chop, Chops, Chopping, Chopped, Slice through, Slices through, Slicing through, Sliced through
的 de˙ diˋ diˊ
Have, Has, At That, (Di4), Clear, Distinct, Target, Goal, (Di2), Accurate, Exact, Proper, (De5)
內容 neiˋ rongˊ
Word page
init Shapes | final Shapes | phone Shapes | phone inits | phone finals | English | cats
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