
xiaˋ che ˉ shiˊ qingˇ zhuˋ yiˋ houˋ fang ˉ laiˊ che ˉ

Pay attention to vehicles approaching from the rear when getting off of the bus

Pay Attention To

Get out of, Got out of, Note, Take care, Attention, Note, Noted, Notes, Notice, Noticed, Notices, Noticing, Noting, Pay Attention, Payed, Paying, Pays, To note, To notice, To pay, Behind, From behind

下車 xiaˋ cheˉ

Get out of a vehicle | Got out of a vehicle | Get out of the vehicle | Got out of the vehicle


請注意 qingˇ zhuˋ yiˋ

Take care (to) | Note that | Note


注意 zhuˋ yiˋ

Attention | Note! | To pay attention | Pay attention | Pays attention | Paying attention | Payed attention | To notice | Notice | Notices | Noticing | Noticed | To note | Note | Notes | Noting | Noted


後方 houˋ fangˉ

Behind | From behind


xiaˋ che ˉ 下車


xiaˋ deˊ 嚇得


xiaˋ de˙ 下得


xiaˋ de˙ 下的


xiaˋ ge˙ 下個


xiaˋ heˊ 下頜


xiaˊ keˋ 俠客


xiaˋ keˋ 下課


xiaˋ le˙ 嚇了


xiaˋ le˙ 下了


xiaˋ zhe˙ 下著


jiaˋ che ˉ 駕車


jia ˉ de˙ 家的


jiaˇ de˙ 甲的


jiaˇ de˙ 假的


jiaˋ geˊ 價格


jia ˉ keˋ 夾克


jiaˇ keˋ 賈克


jia ˉ le˙ 加了


jia ˉ le˙ 夾了


jiaˇ leˋ 假肋


jia ˉ reˋ 加熱


jiaˋ seˋ 稼穡


jiaˇ sheˋ 假設


jiaˋ sheˋ 架設


jiaˋ zhe˙ 駕著


qiaˇ zhe˙ 卡著


xiaˋ eˋ 下顎


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