停車場 tingˊ che ˉ changˇ

Car park, Parking lot


paoˇ xiangˋ tingˊ che ˉ changˇ

(Run to, To run) To run to the parking lot, Run to the parking lot, Runs to the parking lot, Running to the parking lot, Ran to the parking lot


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tuo ˉ che ˉ tingˊ che ˉ changˇ

(Trailer) Trailer park


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Rhymes: ying e

rh: tingˊ che ˉ 停車


rh: ting ˉ deˊ 聽得


rh: ting ˉ de˙ 聽的


rh: ting ˉ le˙ 聽了


rh: tingˊ le˙ 停了


rh: ting ˉ zheˋ 聽這


rh: ting ˉ zhe˙ 聽著


rh: tingˊ zhe˙ 停著


rh: xingˊ che ˉ 行車


rh: xingˊ deˊ 行得


rh: xingˊ de˙ 型的


rh: xingˇ deˊ 醒得


rh: xingˋ geˊ 性格


rh: xingˊ le˙ 行了


rh: xingˇ le˙ 醒了


rh: xingˊ zeˊ 刑責


rh: yingˋ eˋ 硬顎


rh: yingˊ deˊ 贏得


rh: ying ˉ geˊ 英格


rh: yingˊ heˊ 迎合


rh: yingˊ le˙ 贏了


rh: yingˇ sheˋ 影射


rh: yingˋ sheˋ 映射


rh: yingˊ zhe˙ 迎著


rh: yingˋ zhe˙ 映著


rh: yingˋ zhe˙ 硬著


rh: bing ˉ heˊ 冰河


rh: bingˋ le˙ 病了


rh: dingˋ eˊ 定額


rh: dingˋ le˙ 訂了


rh: ding ˉ zhe˙ 盯著


rh: dingˇ zhe˙ 頂著


rh: jing ˉ eˋ 驚愕


rh: jingˇ che ˉ 警車


rh: jingˇ seˋ 景色


rh: jing ˉ zheˊ 驚蟄


rh: lingˋ ge˙ 另個


rh: lingˇ zhe˙ 領著


rh: mingˊ eˊ 名額


rh: mingˊ ceˋ 名冊


rh: mingˊ heˊ 冥河


rh: mingˊ leˋ 和樂


rh: ningˊ keˇ 寧可


rh: pingˊ heˊ 平和


rh: pingˊ le˙ 平了


rh: pingˊ zhe˙ 憑著


rh: qing ˉ cheˋ 清澈


rh: qingˋ heˋ 慶賀


Car, Parking

Stop, To stop

< Park, Stop, Halt, Pause, Suspend, Delay

Delay, Halt, Park, Pause, Stop, Suspend

< Car, Cart, Vehicle, Wheel, Axle, Lathe, Turn

Axle, Car, Cart, Lathe, Turn, Vehicle, Wheel

< Park, Field, Open space, Recreation Area, Courtyard, Market place

Courtyard, Field, Market place, Open space, Park, Recreation




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