chuanˊ diˋ xinˋ haoˋ biˇ ciˇ huoˋ gengˋ yiˋ ban ˉ de˙ chuanˊ diˋ bianˋ huaˋ biˇ ciˇ
(Transmitting) Transmitting signals between each other or in more general terms transmitting change between each other
傳遞 chuanˊ diˋ
(Deliver, Forward, Propagate, Relay, To deliver, To forward, To propagate, To relay, To transmit, Transmit) To transmit, Transmit , Transmits , Transmitting , Transmitted , To forward information, Forward information, Forwards information, Forwarding information, Forwarded information, To relay, Relay , Relays , Relaying , Relayed , To deliver, Deliver , Delivers , Delivering , Delivered , To propagate, Propagate , Propagates , Propagating , Propagated
傳遞信號 chuanˊ diˋ xinˋ haoˋ
(Signal, Transmit) Signal relay, Transmit signals, Transmits signals, Transmitting signals, Transmitted signals
信號 xinˋ haoˋ
(Signal, Signals) Signal, Signals
彼此 biˇ ciˇ
(Each other, That and, You and me) Each other, You and me, That and this
或 huoˋ
Or, Maybe, Perhaps, Might
更一般地 gengˋ yiˋ banˉ de˙
(More generally, More generic, More generically) More generally, More generic, More generically
一般 yiˋ banˉ
(As a, As if, Common, In general, In much, Just like, Like, Mediocre, Ordinary, Typical, Usually) Just like, In much the same way, Like, As if, Usually, In general, As a rule, Ordinary, Common, Mediocre, Typical
一般地 yiˋ banˉ de˙
(Generally, Normally) Normally, Generally
般地 banˉ de˙
(In the same, Just as) Just as, In the same way
傳 chuanˊ zhuanˋ
Transmit, Communicate, Send, Conduct, Circulate, Propagate, Teach, Pass On
遞 diˋ
Submit, Hand over, Signal, Deliver, Forward, Transmit, Pass
變化 bianˋ huaˋ
(Change, Conjugate, To change, To conjugate) Change , Changes , Conjugate , Conjugates , To change, Change , Changes , Changing , Changed , To conjugate (a verb), Conjugate , Conjugates , Conjugating , Conjugated
彼 biˇ
That, Those, There
此 ciˇ
This, These, Those
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