Instead, Contrary, Oppose, Opposite, Turn over, Flip, Switch, Turn upside down, Turn Around, Turn back, Retreat, Return, Reverse, Introspect, Infer, Retrospect, Anti
反胃 fanˇ weiˋ
(Get sick, Gets, Got sick, Nauseated, Nauseous) Nauseous, Nauseated, Get sick, Gets sick, Got sick
反響 fanˇ xiangˇ
(Counter, Echo, Reaction, Repercussion) Echo, Counter action, Reaction, Repercussion
反感 fanˇ ganˇ
(Antipathy, Strong feeling, Strongly) Antipathy, Strongly dislike, Strong feeling of dislike
fanˇ qing ˉ fuˋ mingˊ
(Revolt) Revolt against the Qing dynasty and restore the Ming dynasty
Cat: History (Revolt against the Qing dynasty and restore the Ming dynasty) Next
反而 fanˇ erˊ
(Contrarily, On the contrary, Unexpected, Unexpectedly) Unexpected, Unexpectedly, Contrarily, On the contrary
反面 fanˇ mianˋ
(Back side, Opposite, Reverse, Turn away, Turn back) Back side, Reverse side, Opposite side, Turn away from, Turn back on
違反 weiˊ fanˇ
(Contradict, Disregard, Ran, Violate) Violate, Contradict, Disregard, Ran counter to
Rhymes: an wei
rh: fanˇ kuiˋ 反饋
rh: fanˊ suiˋ 繁碎
rh: fanˋ zuiˋ 犯罪
rh: gan ˉ cuiˋ 乾脆
rh: hanˋ weiˋ 其和
rh: hanˋ weiˋ 捍衛
rh: hanˋ huiˋ 漢惠
rh: han ˉ shuiˋ 酣睡
rh: hanˋ shuiˇ 汗水
rh: lanˊ weiˋ 欄位
rh: lanˇ guiˇ 懶鬼
rh: lanˋ zuiˋ 爛醉
rh: manˋ wei ˉ 曼威
rh: manˇ zuiˇ 滿嘴
rh: nanˊ weiˊ 難為
rh: panˊ tuiˇ 盤腿
rh: san ˉ weiˊ 三維
rh: san ˉ weiˋ 三位
rh: san ˉ suiˋ 三歲
rh: shan ˉ shuiˇ 山水
rh: tan ˉ weiˋ 攤位
rh: zhanˋ shuiˇ 蘸水
rh: an ˉ weiˋ 安慰
rh: an ˉ ruiˋ 安瑞
rh: banˇ shuiˋ 版稅
rh: banˋ suiˊ 伴隨
rh: banˋ zuiˋ 半醉
rh: canˊ kuiˋ 慚愧
rh: canˊ suiˋ 殘碎
rh: dan ˉ weiˋ 單位
rh: danˋ duiˋ 但對
rh: danˋ shuiˇ 淡水
rh: danˋ suiˊ 但隨
rh: dan ˉ tuiˇ 單腿
rh: fan ˉ weiˋ 翻胃
rh: fanˇ weiˋ 反胃
rh: fanˋ weiˊ 範圍
rh: fanˇ duiˋ 反對
rh: fanˋ gui ˉ 犯規
反< Instead, Contrary, Oppose, Opposite, Turn over, Flip, Switch, Turn upside down, Turn Around, Turn back, Retreat, Return, Reverse, Introspect, Infer, Retrospect, Anti
Anti, Contrary, Flip, Infer, Instead, Introspect, Oppose, Opposite, Retreat, Retrospect, Return, Reverse, Switch, Turn around, Turn back, Turn over, Turn upside down
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