寬 kuan ˉ
(Broad, Comfort, Comfortable, Console, Forgive, Forgiving, Lenient, Loose, Relaxed, Soothe, Spacious, Tolerant, Vast, Wide, Width)
Width, Broad, Wide, Spacious, Vast, Console, Soothe, Comfort, Comfortable, Lenient, Loose, Tolerant, Relaxed, Forgiving, Forgive
xiongˉ tangˊ henˇ kuanˉ
Broad chested, With a broad chest, Has a broad chest, Had a broad chest
fangˋ kuanˉ
(Ease, Free up, Liberalize, Relax)
Liberalize, Free up, Ease a restriction, Relax a restriction
changˊ fangˉ xingˊ de˙ kuanˉ
Rectangle's width, Width of the rectangle, Width of a rectangle
daˋ yueˉ youˇ shiˊ weiˉ miˇ kuanˉ
About ten microns wide, Approximately ten microns wide
Rhymes: wan yu
rh: kuan ˉ yuˇ 寬與
rh: tuanˊ juˋ 團聚
rh: zhuan ˉ quˉ 專區
rh: wanˊ juˋ 玩具
rh: wan ˉ quˉ 彎曲
rh: duanˇ yuˇ 短語
rh: duanˇ juˋ 短距
rh: duanˇ juˋ 短句
rh: guan ˉ yuˊ 關於
rh: huan ˉ juˋ 歡聚
rh: huanˋ juˋ 換句
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