jiang ˉ tuiˇ biˇ zhiˊ xiangˋ shangˋ taiˊ qiˇ
(Lift the, Lift your) Lift your leg straight up | Lift your legs straight up | Lift the leg straight up | Lift the legs straight up
將 jiang ˉ jiangˋ
To do, Do, Does, Doing, Did, To take, Take, Takes, Taking, Took, To cause, Cause, Causes, Causing, Caused, To get, Get, Gets, Getting, Got, Will, Shall, Ready, Deliver, Conduct, Prepare, Rest, Recuperate, Then, (Jiang4), General, Admiral, High Ranking Military Officer
腿 tuiˇ
Leg, Thigh
筆直 biˇ zhiˊ
(Perfectly, Straight) Straight, Perfectly straight
筆直向上 biˇ zhiˊ xiangˋ shangˋ
(Straight) Straight up, Straight upwards
向上 xiangˋ shangˋ
(Upwards) Upwards
抬起 taiˊ qiˇ
(Hoisted, Lift, Lift up, Lifted) Lift, Lift up, Lifted, Hoisted
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