Often, Usually, Usual, Frequently, Principal, Rule, General, Constant, Always, Long lasting, Frequent, Long standing, Common, Regular, Ordinary, Use often, Proverb
changˊ shengˋ jiang ˉ jun ˉ
(Ever, Frequently, Usual) Usual victor, Frequently victorious, Ever victorious
changˊ beiˋ ji ˉ rouˋ ciˋ ji ˉ wuˋ nongˋ deˊ youˇ dianˇ jiao ˉ zaoˋ
(Often) Often a little bit jumpy because of muscle stimulants
常, 被, 肌, 肉, 刺, 激, 物, 弄, 得, 有, 點, 焦, 躁
changˊ shuˋ duo ˉ xiangˋ shiˋ
(Constant) Constant polynomial
Cat: Math (Constant polynomial) Next
xiˊ yiˇ weiˊ changˊ
(Become accustomed, Fall into a) Fall into a habit, Become accustomed to doing
Rhymes: ang wen
rh: changˊ chun ˉ 常春
rh: fangˇ wenˋ 訪問
rh: langˊ tun ˉ 狼吞
rh: shangˋ lunˊ 上輪
rh: zhangˇ wenˊ 掌紋
常< Often, Usually, Usual, Frequently, Principal, Rule, General, Constant, Always, Long lasting, Frequent, Long standing, Common, Regular, Ordinary, Use often, Proverb
Always, Common, Constant, Frequent, Frequently, General, Long lasting, Long standing, Often, Ordinary, Principal, Proverb, Regular, Rule, Use often, Usual, Usually
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