Often, Usually, Usual, Frequently, Principal, Rule, General, Constant, Always, Long lasting, Frequent, Long standing, Common, Regular, Ordinary, Use often, Proverb
changˊ shengˋ jiang ˉ jun ˉ
(Ever, Frequently, Usual) Usual victor, Frequently victorious, Ever victorious
changˊ beiˋ ji ˉ rouˋ ciˋ ji ˉ wuˋ nongˋ deˊ youˇ dianˇ jiao ˉ zaoˋ
(Often) Often a little bit jumpy because of muscle stimulants
常, 被, 肌, 肉, 刺, 激, 物, 弄, 得, 有, 點, 焦, 躁
changˊ shuˋ duo ˉ xiangˋ shiˋ
(Constant) Constant polynomial
Cat: Math (Constant polynomial) Next
xiˊ yiˇ weiˊ changˊ
(Become accustomed, Fall into a) Fall into a habit, Become accustomed to doing
Rhymes: ang ying
rh: changˊ ting ˉ 常聽
rh: changˊ xingˊ 長形
rh: dang ˉ bingˉ 當兵
rh: fangˋ yingˋ 放映
rh: gang ˉ lingˇ 綱領
rh: gangˋ lingˊ 槓鈴
rh: gang ˉ pingˊ 鋼瓶
rh: gang ˉ xingˋ 剛性
rh: hangˊ qingˊ 行情
rh: hangˊ xingˊ 航行
rh: pangˊ ting ˉ 旁聽
rh: sangˋ mingˋ 喪命
rh: shangˋ yingˋ 上映
rh: shangˋ xing ˉ 上星
rh: tangˇ pingˊ 躺平
rh: zhang ˉ jingˇ 張警
rh: cang ˉ yingˉ 蒼鷹
rh: cang ˉ yingˊ 蒼蠅
rh: changˊ bingˇ 長柄
常< Often, Usually, Usual, Frequently, Principal, Rule, General, Constant, Always, Long lasting, Frequent, Long standing, Common, Regular, Ordinary, Use often, Proverb
Always, Common, Constant, Frequent, Frequently, General, Long lasting, Long standing, Often, Ordinary, Principal, Proverb, Regular, Rule, Use often, Usual, Usually
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