從序列中的任何點 congˊ xuˋ lieˋ zhong ˉ de˙ renˋ heˊ dianˇ
(From any, Sequence, Sequenced, Sequences, Sequencing, Midst, Within, Any, Whatever, Whichever)
From any point within the sequence
congˊ xuˋ lieˋ zhong ˉ de˙ renˋ heˊ dianˇ kai ˉ shiˇ
Start from any point within the sequence
Rhymes: wong yu
rh: congˊ xuˋ 從序
rh: gong ˉ yuˋ 公寓
rh: gong ˉ juˋ 工具
rh: gong ˉ luuˋ 功率
rh: gong ˉ xuˋ 工序
rh: hongˊ luuˋ 紅綠
rh: hongˊ qu ˉ 紅麴
rh: kong ˉ yuˋ 空域
rh: kongˇ juˋ 恐懼
rh: kong ˉ xuˉ 空虛
rh: longˊ xu ˉ 龍鬚
rh: nongˊ yuˋ 濃郁
rh: nongˋ xu ˉ 弄虛
rh: rongˊ yuˋ 榮譽
rh: rongˊ xuˇ 容許
rh: songˋ quˋ 送去
rh: tongˇ yuˋ 統禦
rh: tongˊ nuuˇ 童女
rh: zhong ˉ yuˊ 終於
rh: zhong ˉ yuˊ 忠於
rh: zhong ˉ quˇ 衷曲
rh: zongˇ juˊ 總局
rh: zong ˉ luuˊ 棕櫚
rh: chong ˉ yuˋ 充裕
從< From, Lax, Yielding, (Cong1), Easy, Relaxed, Unhurried, Plentiful, (Zong1), From North To South
Easy, From, From North, Lax, Plentiful, Relaxed, Unhurried, Yielding
序< Rank, Order, Procedure, Process, Ordinal number, Series, Sequence, Preface, Prelude, Prologue, Forward, Introduction, Notes
Forward, Introduction, Notes, Order, Ordinal, Preface, Prelude, Procedure, Process, Prologue, Rank, Sequence, Series
列< Organize, Arrange, Line up, Row, File, Series, List, Collect
Arrange, Collect, File, Line up, List, Organize, Row, Series
中< Within, During, Middle, Center, Central, Core, Among, China, Chinese, Neutral, Target, Bullseye, Goal
Among, Bullseye, Center, Central, China, Chinese, Core, During, Goal, Middle, Neutral, Target, Within
的< Have, Has, At That, (Di4), Clear, Distinct, Target, Goal, (Di2), Accurate, Exact, Proper, (De5)
Accurate, Clear, Distinct, Exact, Goal, Have, Proper, Target
任< Appoint, Employ, Any, Use, Duty, Mission, Office
Any, Appoint, Duty, Employ, Mission, Office, Use
何< What, Why, Where, Which, How, Xiao He
How, What, Where, Which, Why, Xiao
點< Dot, Point, Speck, Degree, Check, Order, Nod
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