Resolve, Disconnect, Break off, Cut, Interrupt, Sever, Define, Decide, Judge
duanˇ duanˇ 短短
duanˋ duanˋ 斷斷
guanˋ chuan ˉ 貫穿
guan ˉ guanˉ 關關
huan ˉ huanˉ 歡歡
huanˇ huanˇ 緩緩
huanˊ kuanˇ 還款
kuan ˉ guanˉ 髖關
kuan ˉ kuanˉ 髖寬
kuan ˉ kuanˉ 寬寬
luanˋ luanˋ 亂亂
nuanˇ nuanˇ 暖暖
ruanˇ guanˇ 軟管
ruanˇ ruanˇ 軟軟
suan ˉ suanˉ 酸酸
suanˋ suanˋ 算算
tuanˊ tuanˊ 團團
zhuanˇ wan ˉ 轉彎
zhuanˇ huanˋ 轉換
wanˊ wanˊ 玩完
wanˋ wanˋ 萬萬
wanˋ guan ˉ 腕關
wan wan斷開聯繫
duanˋ kai ˉ lianˊ xiˋ
To disconnect, Disconnect, Disconnects, Disconnecting, Disconnected, To break contact, Break things down and group them effectively contact, Breaks things down and group them effectively contact, Breaking things down and group them effectively contact, Broke things down and group them effectively contact
斷, 開, 聯, 繫, 斷開聯繫-rhymes
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