款式 kuanˇ shiˋ

Style, Fashion, Trend

款式 xingˊ kuanˇ shiˋ

(Model, Style, Type) Model, Type, Style


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zhuo ˉ shangˋ xingˊ kuanˇ shiˋ

(Desktop) Desktop model


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Rhymes: wan i

rh: kuan ˉ shiˋ 寬是


rh: kuanˇ shiˋ 款式

rh: luanˇ shiˊ 卵石


rh: luanˋ shiˊ 亂石


rh: luanˇ zi˙ 卵子


rh: ruanˇ shiˊ 軟實


rh: suanˋ shiˋ 算是


rh: suanˋ shiˋ 算式


rh: suan ˉ zhiˇ 酸枳


rh: zhuan ˉ zhiˊ 專職


rh: zhuan ˉ zhiˋ 專制


rh: zuanˋ shiˊ 鑽石


rh: wanˋ shiˋ 萬事


rh: wanˋ shiˋ 萬世


rh: wanˋ zhiˇ 腕指


rh: wanˋ ziˇ 腕子


rh: chuan ˉ ciˋ 穿刺


rh: chuanˇ ciˊ 舛辭


rh: chuanˊ shiˋ 船式


rh: chuan ˉ zhiˋ 穿制


rh: chuanˊ zhi ˉ 船隻


rh: duan ˉ shiˋ 端視


rh: guanˋ shiˊ 灌食


rh: guan ˉ siˉ 官司


rh: guanˇ zhiˋ 管制


rh: guanˇ ziˇ 管子


rh: guanˋ zi˙ 罐子


Fashion, Style, Trend

< Specification, Item, Article, Account entry, Sum Of Money, Submit, Fund, Signature, Style, Act, Knock at a door, Entertain, Proceed slowly, Intimate, Heart felt, Sincere, Empty

Account, Act, Article, Empty, Entertain, Fund, Heart, Intimate, Item, Knock, Proceed, Signature, Sincere, Specification, Style, Submit, Sum Of Money

< Form, Type, Style, System, Pattern, Posture, Pose

Form, Pattern, Pose, Posture, Style, System, Type




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