狼藉 langˊ jieˋ

狼藉 langˊ jieˋ

(Disarray, Disorder, Notorious, Pandemonium)

Notorious, Disorder, Disarray, Pandemonium



langˊ jieˋ de˙ mingˊ sheng ˉ

(Disreputable, Notorious)

Disreputable, Notorious


, , , ,

Rhymes: ang ye

rh: langˊ jieˋ 狼藉

rh: pangˊ xieˋ 螃蟹


rh: sang ˉ qieˋ 桑切


rh: shang ˉ yeˋ 商業


rh: shangˋ jie ˉ 上街


rh: shangˋ xieˊ 上斜


rh: zhang ˉ jieˊ 章節


rh: zhang ˉ tieˉ 張貼


rh: cang ˉ jieˊ 倉頡


rh: fangˋ xieˇ 放血


rh: gang ˉ lieˋ 肛裂


rh: gang ˉ tieˇ 鋼鐵


rh: hangˊ yeˋ 行業



< Wolf, Heartless, Cruel, Greedy, Avaricious

Avaricious, Cruel, Greedy, Heartless, Wolf

< Rely on, Use, Take advantage of, To avail oneself of, Avail/Avails/Availing/Availed oneself of, Excuse, Pretext, Mat, Bedding, Bedding material, Pad, Cushion, (Ji2), Disorder, Confusion

Avail oneself, Bedding, Confusion, Cushion, Disorder, Excuse, Mat, Pad, Pretext, Rely on, Take Advantage Of, To avail, Use




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