yongˋ laiˊ nuˇ liˋ daˊ daoˋ
To use to work towards | Use/Uses/Using/Used to work towards
Use, Used to, Uses, Using to, Effort, Endeavour, Endeavoured, Endeavouring, Endeavours, Hard work, Strive, Strived, Strives, Striving, Struggle, To endeavour, To strive, To try, To work, Tried, Tries, Try, Trying, Work, Work Hard, Worked, Working, Works, Attain, Reach, Reached, To reach
用來 yongˋ laiˊ
To use to | Use to | Uses to | Using to | Used to | Use
努力 nuˇ liˋ
Effort | To work | Work | Works | Working | Worked | Hard work | To work hard | Work hard | Works hard | Working hard | Worked hard | To try | Try | Tries | Trying | Tried | To strive | Strive | Strives | Striving | Strived | To endeavour | Endeavour | Endeavours | Endeavouring | Endeavoured | Struggle
達到 daˊ daoˋ
Reach | Attain | Reached | To reach
Word page
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