Emit, Send out, Issue, Express, Launch, Transmit, Dispatch, Leave, Start, Initiate, Become
fa ˉ haoˋ shi ˉ lingˋ
(Give orders, Issue, Order, To give, To issue, To order) To give/issue orders, To order about, Order about, Orders about, Ordering about, Ordered about, Give orders, Gives orders, Giving orders, Gave orders, Issue orders, Issues orders, Issuing orders, Issued orders
Cat: Latest (To give/issue orders) Next
發作 fa ˉ zuoˋ
(Attack, Break out, Flare, Have a, Seizure, Take effect, To have a, To take) Seizure, Attack, Flare up, Break out, To take effect, Take effect, Takes effect, Taking effect, Took effect, To have a seizure, Have a seizure, Has a seizure, Having a seizure, Had a seizure
發育 fa ˉ yuˋ
(Develop, Development, Grow, Growth, Period of) Period of development, Development, Growth, Develop, Grow
發福 fa ˉ fuˊ
(Gain, Gained, Gaining, Gains, To gain) To gain weight, Gain weight, Gains weight, Gaining weight, Gained weight
發火 fa ˉ huoˇ
(Become angry, Burst into, Fire, Get mad) Become angry, Get mad, Burst into flames, Fire off a gun
發著抖 fa ˉ zhe˙ douˇ
(Shiver, To shiver, To tremble, Tremble) To tremble, Tremble , Trembles , Trembling , Trembled , To shiver, Shiver , Shivers , Shivering , Shivered
發聲 fa ˉ sheng ˉ
(Speak out, To speak, To vocalize) To vocalize/speak out, Speak out
Cat: Latest (To vocalize/speak out) Next
發掘 fa ˉ jueˊ
(Detect, Discover, Excavate, Excavation, To detect, To discover, To excavate) Excavation, To excavate, Excavate , Excavates , Excavating , Excavated , To detect, Detect , Detects , Detecting , Detected , To discover, Discover , Discovers , Discovering , Discovered
lianˊ fa ˉ yi ˉ baiˇ
(Disperse, burst of) Burst of one hundred rounds, Disperse a hundred rounds
buˋ fa ˉ yiˋ yuˇ
(Didn't say a, Don't say, Said nothing, Without a) Said nothing, Without a word, Didn't say a word, Don't say a word
打發 daˇ fa ˉ
(Dismiss, Dispatch, Fire, Send away, Spend time) Dispatch, Fire, Dismiss, Send away, Spend time
Rhymes: a yue
rh: fa ˉ jueˊ 發覺
rh: fa ˉ jueˊ 發掘
rh: laˋ yueˋ 臘月
rh: maˊ queˋ 麻雀
rh: maˇ xue ˉ 馬靴
rh: ta ˉ jueˉ 她噘
rh: ta ˉ jueˊ 她覺
rh: ta ˉ jueˊ 她決
rh: ta ˉ jueˊ 他覺
rh: ta ˉ jueˊ 他決
rh: ta ˉ queˋ 他確
rh: ya ˉ queˋ 鴉雀
rh: ba ˉ yueˋ 八月
rh: chaˊ yueˋ 查閱
rh: chaˊ jueˊ 察覺
rh: daˋ yue ˉ 大約
rh: daˋ yueˋ 大躍
rh: daˋ yueˋ 大樂
rh: daˋ lueˋ 大略
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