真實 zhenˉ shiˊ
(Genuine, Real, True) Genuine, Real, True
和 hanˋ heˊ heˋ huoˊ huoˋ
Together with, together with, Peaceful, Harmonious, Calm, Mix, Blend, Unify, Soft, Warm, With, And
虛擬 xuˉ niˇ
(Assume, Fictitious, Imaginary, Imagine, Suppose, To assume, To imagine, To suppose, Virtual) Imaginary, Fictitious, Virtual, To assume, To suppose, To imagine, Assume , Assumes , Assuming , Assumed , Suppose , Supposes , Supposing , Supposed , Imagine , Imagines , Imagining , Imagined
虛擬空間 xuˉ niˇ kongˉ jianˉ
(Imaginary space) Imaginary space
空間 kongˉ jianˉ
(Area, Space, Space-time, Time and) Space, Area, Space-time (continuum), Time and space
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