筋 jin ˉ

Muscle, Tendons, Sinew, Prominent veins

筋骨 jin ˉ guˇ

(Bones, Build, Physique, Strength) Build, Physique, Strength, Bones And Muscles

Cat: Anatomy (Bones And Muscles) Next



筋絡 jin ˉ luoˋ

(Tendons And) Tendons And Veins

Cat: Anatomy (Tendons And Veins) Next



筋節 jin ˉ jieˊ

(Forceful, Tendons And) Forceful Transitions In Writing, Tendons And Joints

Cat: Anatomy (Tendons And Joints) Next




jin ˉ piˊ liˋ jinˋ

(Exhausted, Worn out) Exhausted, Worn out


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jin ˉ piˊ liˋ jieˊ

(Completely drained, Completely exhausted) Completely exhausted, Completely drained


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筋力 jin ˉ liˋ

(Physical strength, Strength) Physical strength, Strength



筋書 jin ˉ shu ˉ

(Calligraphy) Calligraphy style with thin but strong strokes


Rhymes: yin wu

rh: jin ˉ shuˉ 筋書

rh: jin ˉ shuˇ 金屬


rh: jinˋ shuˋ 盡述


rh: jinˋ suˋ 盡速


rh: minˊ suˊ 民俗


rh: minˊ zhuˇ 民主


rh: minˊ zuˊ 民族


rh: pin ˉ chuˉ 拼出


rh: pinˊ fuˋ 貧富


rh: pin ˉ tuˊ 拼圖


rh: qin ˉ guˇ 親骨


rh: qin ˉ guˋ 親故


rh: qin ˉ ruˋ 侵入


rh: qin ˉ shuˇ 親屬


rh: xin ˉ wuˊ 心無


rh: xin ˉ buˊ 心不


rh: xin ˉ buˋ 心部


rh: xinˋ buˊ 信不


rh: xinˋ duˋ 信度


rh: xinˋ fuˊ 信服


rh: xinˋ guˇ 釁鼓


rh: xin ˉ kuˇ 辛苦


rh: xin ˉ muˋ 心目


rh: xin ˉ puˇ 辛普


rh: xinˋ tuˊ 信徒


rh: xin ˉ zhuˊ 新竹


rh: yinˇ chu ˉ 引出


rh: yinˋ chu ˉ 印出


rh: yinˋ duˋ 印度


rh: yin ˉ fuˊ 音符


rh: yinˊ muˋ 銀幕


rh: yinˇ ruˋ 引入


rh: yin ˉ shuˋ 因數


rh: yin ˉ suˋ 因素


rh: yin ˉ suˋ 音速


rh: jinˋ wu ˉ 進屋


rh: jinˋ wuˇ 近午


rh: jin ˉ buˊ 禁不


rh: jinˋ buˋ 進不


rh: jinˋ buˋ 進步


rh: jinˋ buˋ 盡不


rh: jinˋ chu ˉ 進出


rh: jinˋ chuˇ 晉楚


rh: jinˋ duˋ 進度


rh: jinˋ fuˋ 盡付


rh: jin ˉ guˇ 筋骨


rh: jinˇ guˋ 緊固


rh: jinˋ hu ˉ 近乎


< Muscle, Tendons, Sinew, Prominent veins

Muscle, Prominent, Sinew, Tendons









Copyright©2025 Neil Keleher.
All rights reserved.