跟他聊拳擊 gen ˉ ta ˉ liaoˊ quanˊ jiˊ

Talk with him about boxing


xiangˇ gen ˉ ta ˉ liaoˊ quanˊ jiˊ

(Want to, Wanted to, Wanting to, Wants to) Want to talk to him about boxing, Wants to talk to him about boxing, Wanting to talk to him about boxing, Wanted to talk to him about boxing


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Rhymes: en a

rh: gen ˉ taˉ 跟她


rh: gen ˉ taˉ 跟他


rh: henˇ daˋ 很大


rh: henˇ fa ˉ 很發


rh: menˊ baˇ 門把


rh: nenˋ yaˊ 嫩芽


rh: pen ˉ saˇ 噴灑


rh: renˊ maˇ 人馬


rh: renˊ zha ˉ 人渣


rh: shenˇ chaˊ 審查


rh: shen ˉ paˋ 深怕


rh: zhen ˉ chaˊ 偵察


rh: zhenˇ chaˊ 診察


rh: fen ˉ chaˉ 分叉


rh: fen ˉ faˉ 分發


rh: fenˋ fa ˉ 奮發


rh: fen ˉ kaˇ 芬卡


Talk with

Talk about, Talked about, Talking, Talks about, Boxing

< With, Follow, Go with, And, Heel (Of Foot)

And, Follow, Go with, Heel, With

< He, She, He, She, They, Him, Her, Other, Others, It

He, Her, Him, It, Other, Others, She, They

< Talk, Chat, Kill Time

Chat, Kill, Talk

< Fist, Box, Fight, Boxing, Sparring

Box, Boxing, Fight, Fist, Sparring

< Strike, Hit, Break, Beat

Beat, Break, Hit, Strike


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All rights reserved.