zhuanˇ jinˋ wuˊ tongˊ jie ˉ
To turn onto Sycamore Street | Turn onto Sycamore Street | Turns onto Sycamore Street | Turning onto Sycamore Street | Turned onto Sycamore Street
To turn, Turn onto, Turned onto, Turning, Turns
Change to, Changed to, Segued, Seque, Switch to, Switched, Firmiana, Parasol tree, Phoenix, Sycamore
轉進 zhuanˇ jinˋ
Change to | Changed to | Switch to | Switched to | Seque to | Segued to | Segued into
梧桐 wuˊ tongˊ
Phoenix tree | Firmiana | Parasol tree | Sycamore tree | Sycamore
Word page
init Shapes | final Shapes | phone Shapes | phone inits | phone finals | English | cats
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