yunˊ duan ˉ chuˇ cunˊ kuˋ
Cloud repository | Cloud storage
Reserve, Reserved, Reserves, Reserving, Storage, Store, Stored, Stores, Storing, To reserve, To store, Repositories, Tanks
雲端 yunˊ duan ˉ
儲存 chuˇ cunˊ
Storage | To store | Store | Stores | Storing | Stored | To reserve | Reserve | Reserves | Reserving | Reserved
存庫 cunˊ kuˋ
Tanks | Repositories
yunˊ duan ˉ 雲端
yunˋ suanˋ 運算
yunˋ zhuanˇ 運轉
jun ˉ guanˉ 軍官
jun ˉ tuanˊ 軍團
xunˊ guan ˉ 巡官
xunˊ huanˊ 循環
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