Cheap, Common, Mean, Worthless
Cruel, Mean, Ravenous, Wicked, Wolf
Cruel, Hot, Mean, Peppery, Piquant, Pungent, Ruthless, Spicy, Vicious
Barren, Fresh, Frivolous, Go near, Mean, Peppermint, Slight, Thin
Acrimonious, Caustic, Cold, Mean, Unfeeling
Amount, Amounted to, Amounting to, Amounts, Implied, Implies, Imply, Implying, Mean, Meaning, Means, Meant, To amount, To imply, To mean
Mean, Meaning, Means, Meant, To mean
Contemptible, Mean, Weak
Denote, Denoted, Denotes, Denoting, Describe, Described, Describes, Describing, Express, Expressed, Expresses, Expressing, Indicate, Indicated, Indicates, Indicating, Mean, Meaning, Means, Meant, Reveal, Revealed, Revealing, Reveals, Said, Say, Saying, Says, Tell, Telling, Tells, To Showed, To Showing, To Shows, To denote, To describe, To express, To indicate, To mean, To reveal, To say, To show, To tell, Told
Mean spirited
Mean well
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