Speak, Speaking, Speaks, Spoken, Talk, Talking, Talks, Tell, Telling, Tells, Told
(Keep informed, Notify, Tell, Update)
Narrated, Told
Denote, Denoted, Denotes, Denoting, Describe, Described, Describes, Describing, Express, Expressed, Expresses, Expressing, Indicate, Indicated, Indicates, Indicating, Mean, Meaning, Means, Meant, Reveal, Revealed, Revealing, Reveals, Said, Say, Saying, Says, Tell, Telling, Tells, To Showed, To Showing, To Shows, To denote, To describe, To express, To indicate, To mean, To reveal, To say, To show, To tell, Told
Told a small lie
Told him
Told his last boss to go to hell
Told me
Told me once
Told them
Told them otherwise
Told themselves
Told us
English (and Chinese Chars for) page
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