Amount, Amounted to, Amounting to, Amounts, Implied, Implies, Imply, Implying, Mean, Meaning, Means, Meant, To amount, To imply, To mean
Intent, Intention, Meaning, Meant, Will, Wish
Mean, Meaning, Means, Meant, To mean
Intent, Intention, Meaning, Meant, Will, Wish
Had meant, Had planned, Meant, Originally intended
(From the, It goes, Of course, Originally, Intend, Make a, Plan)
Denote, Denoted, Denotes, Denoting, Describe, Described, Describes, Describing, Express, Expressed, Expresses, Expressing, Indicate, Indicated, Indicates, Indicating, Mean, Meaning, Means, Meant, Reveal, Revealed, Revealing, Reveals, Said, Say, Saying, Says, Tell, Telling, Tells, To Showed, To Showing, To Shows, To denote, To describe, To express, To indicate, To mean, To reveal, To say, To show, To tell, Told
Meant to
Meant to call who
Meant well
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