成分 chengˊ fenˋ
Composition, Ingredient, Ingredients
Component, Composition, Cut, Delineate, Distinguish, Distribute, Distributed, Divide, Ingredient, Ingredients, Molecule, Part, Players, Portion, Section, Separate, Share, Split
Words with 成分:
que ˉ faˊ yiˊ ge˙ chengˊ fen ˉ
Lack an ingredient | Lacked an ingredient
zheˋ zuiˋ houˋ yiˊ ge˙ chengˊ fen ˉ
This final ingredient | This last ingredient
que ˉ faˊ de˙ chengˊ fenˋ
Insufficiencies | Missing ingredient | Missing ingredients
deˊ daoˋ shenˊ miˋ de˙ chengˊ fenˋ
Retrieve the mysterious ingredient
naˋ lingˋ yiˊ ge˙ que ˉ shaoˇ de˙ chengˊ fen ˉ
The other missing ingredient | That other missing ingredient
naˋ lingˋ yiˊ ge˙ que ˉ shaoˇ de˙ chengˊ fen ˉ shiˋ shenˊ me˙
What is the other missing ingredient? | What was the other missing ingredient
那另一個缺少的成分 | 另一 | 一個 | 一個 | 缺少 | 缺少 | 缺少的成分 | 成分 | 成分 | 是什麼 | 什麼 | 什麼
zhuˇ yaoˋ chengˊ fen ˉ shiˋ shuiˇ
The main component is water | The main ingredient is water
Words with 分:
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