Words with 彎曲:
wan ˉ qu ˉ bingˋ zhuanˇ zheˊ
Bend and turn | Bends and turns | Bending and turning | Bent and turned
xiangˋ qianˊ wan ˉ qu ˉ
Bend forwards | Bends forwards | Bending forwards | Bent forwards
tunˊ buˋ xiangˋ qianˊ wan ˉ qu ˉ
Bend forward at the hips | Bends forwards at the hips | Bending forward at the hips | Bent forwards at the hips
xiangˋ youˋ wan ˉ qu ˉ
Bend to the right | Bending to the right | Bent to the right
xiangˋ houˋ wan ˉ qu ˉ
Bend backwards | Bends backwards | Bending backwards | Bent backwards
baˇ jiˊ zhui ˉ xiangˋ lingˋ yiˋ bian ˉ wan ˉ qu ˉ
Bend the spine towards the other side
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