據 juˋ ju ˉ

Presume, Presumably, Accordingly, According to, Based On, Depend on, Proof, Evidence, Seize, Occupy, (据)

juˋ woˇ 據我


juˇ cuoˋ 舉措


juˇ guoˊ 舉國


juˋ luoˋ 聚落


juˋ shuo ˉ 據說


ju ˉ suoˇ 居所


quˇ guoˇ 取果


quˋ guoˋ 去過


quˇ huoˋ 取貨


quˋ zuoˋ 去做


xuˇ duo ˉ 許多


xu ˉ ruoˋ 虛弱


yuˇ woˇ 與我


yuˋ duo ˉ 愈多


yu wo

據了解 juˋ liaoˇ jieˇ

It is understood that


, , , 據了解-rhymes

據信 juˋ xinˋ

Presumed, Believed that

, , 據信-rhymes


juˋ woˇ suoˇ zhi ˉ

As far as I know, From what I've heard


, , , , 據我所知-rhymes

據悉 juˋ xi ˉ

It is reported that…, What we know is…

, , 據悉-rhymes

據此 juˋ ciˇ


, , 據此-rhymes

據報 juˋ baoˋ

Reported, According to reports

, , 據報-rhymes

單據 dan ˉ juˋ

Invoice, Bill, Receipt


收據 shou ˉ juˋ




yinˇ jing ˉ juˋ dianˇ

Quote words or stories from the classics

, , ,

< Presume, Presumably, Accordingly, According to, Based On, Depend on, Proof, Evidence, Seize, Occupy, (据)

According To, Accordingly, Based on, Depend On, Evidence, Occupy, Presumably, Presume, Proof, Seize

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All rights reserved.