新發明 xin ˉ fa ˉ mingˊ
New invention, New device, Invention, Device
新, 發, 明, 新發明-rhymes
刷新 shua ˉ xin ˉ
To refresh, Refresh, Refreshes, Refreshing, Refreshed
刷, 新
yiˋ menˊ xin ˉ yuˇ yanˊ
A new language
一, 門, 新, 語, 言
xueˊ xiˊ yiˋ menˊ xin ˉ yuˇ yanˊ
Learn a new language, Learns a new language, Learning a new language, Learned a new language
學, 習, 一, 門, 新, 語, 言
嶄新 zhanˇ xin ˉ
New, Brand new
嶄, 新
yiˋ zhang ˉ xin ˉ chuangˊ
A new bed
一, 張, 新, 床
congˊ erˊ suiˊ shiˊ chuangˋ jianˋ xin ˉ xiˊ guanˋ
And thus create new habits at any time, And thus create new habits on the fly
從, 而, 隨, 時, 創, 建, 新, 習, 慣
wuˋ zhiˋ fa ˉ sheng ˉ huaˋ xueˊ bianˋ huaˋ chanˇ sheng ˉ xin ˉ wuˋ zhiˋ
A substance that undergoes a chemical change produces a new substance
物, 質, 發, 生, 化, 學, 變, 化, 產, 生, 新, 物, 質
yiˊ ge˙ xin ˉ mingˊ ziˋ
A new name
一, 個, 新, 名, 字
quˇ yiˊ ge˙ xin ˉ mingˊ ziˋ
Take a new name, Takes a new name, Taking a new name, Took a new name
取, 一, 個, 新, 名, 字
翻新 fan ˉ xin ˉ
Overhaul, Rebuild, Recondition, Remodel
翻, 新
gao ˉ xin ˉ jiˋ shuˋ
High technology
高, 新, 技, 術
jianˋ liˋ xin ˉ feng ˉ guoˊ
Establish new fiefdoms, Establishing new kingdoms, Established new fiefdoms
建, 立, 新, 封, 國
poˋ jiuˋ liˋ xin ˉ
Out with the old and in with the new
破, 舊, 立, 新
buˊ duanˋ xiangˋ dong ˉ jianˋ liˋ xin ˉ feng ˉ guoˊ
Continuing to the east, they established new Fiefdoms
不, 斷, 向, 東, 建, 立, 新, 封, 國
daˋ xueˊ de˙ xin ˉ ceˋ louˊ
New wing of the university
大, 學, 的, 新, 側, 樓
zaiˋ zheˋ xin ˉ shiˊ daiˋ
In this modern era, In these new times
在, 這, 新, 時, 代
創新 chuangˋ xin ˉ
創, 新
小新 xiaoˇ xin ˉ
小, 新
革新 geˊ xin ˉ
Innovation, Renovation
革, 新
erˇ muˋ yiˋ xin ˉ
耳, 目, 一, 新
lingˋ renˊ erˇ muˋ yiˋ xin ˉ
令, 人, 耳, 目, 一, 新
ba ˉ buˋ yaˋ xin ˉ ji ˉ neiˋ yaˋ
Papua New Guinea
巴, 布, 亞, 新, 幾, 內, 亞
huanˋ shangˋ xin ˉ zhuang ˉ
Put on new clothes, Face lift, Renewed
換, 上, 新, 裝
chuan ˉ shangˋ xin ˉ kui ˉ jiaˇ de˙
To put on the new armour, Put on the new armour, Puts on the new armour, Putting on the new armour, Put on the new armour, To wear the new armour, Wear the new armour, Wears the new armour, Wearing the new armour, Wore the new armour
穿, 上, 新, 盔, 甲, 的
gong ˉ heˋ xin ˉ xiˇ
Best Wishes for a Happy New Year
恭, 賀, 新, 禧
yong ˉ baoˋ xin ˉ guan ˉ dianˇ
Embrace new ideas, Get a new perspective, Get a different perspective
擁, 抱, 新, 觀, 點
meiˇ pi ˉ xin ˉ diˋ chanˇ
Every new parcel of land
每, 批, 新, 地, 產
換新 huanˋ xin ˉ
Renew, Replace, Replace with new
換, 新
jiˋ yiˋ youˊ xin ˉ
Fresh in memory
記, 憶, 猶, 新