核心 heˊ xin ˉ
Core, Heart, Mid-section, Center, Central
Atom, Center, Central, Check, Core, Examine, Hard, Heart, Investigate, Mid-section, Nucleus, Seed, Study, Verify
Words with 核心:
heˊ xin ˉ gaiˋ nianˋ
Core idea | Key idea | Core concept | Key concept | Essentials | The essentials
xiangˋ yinˊ heˊ heˊ xin ˉ ban ˉ miˋ jiˊ
As dense as a the core of the milky way | As dense as a galactic core
de˙ heˊ xin ˉ yuanˊ zeˊ
Core principle | Core principles | Central tenet
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