繁 fanˊ

Numerous, Many, Abundant, Prolific, Intricate, Complicated, Complex, Difficult

fanˊ zheng ˉ 繁徵


fanˇ zhengˋ 反證


fanˇ zhengˋ 反正


gan ˉ dengˋ 乾瞪


hanˊ feng ˉ 寒風


hanˋ fengˊ 銲縫


hanˊ lengˇ 寒冷


han ˉ shengˉ 鼾聲


kan ˉ chengˉ 堪稱


kanˋ chengˊ 看成


kan ˉ dengˉ 刊登


kanˋ feng ˉ 看風


kanˋ nengˊ 看能


manˊ hengˊ 蠻橫


nanˊ pengˊ 男朋


nanˊ sheng ˉ 男生


pan ˉ shengˉ 攀升


ranˇ chengˊ 染成


san ˉ cengˊ 三層


san ˉ lengˊ 三稜


san ˉ shengˉ 三聲


shanˇ deng ˉ 閃燈


shan ˉ fengˉ 山峰


tanˇ chengˊ 坦承


tanˇ chengˊ 坦誠


zanˋ chengˊ 贊成


zhanˋ shengˋ 戰勝


zhanˋ zheng ˉ 戰爭


banˋ chengˊ 半成


chanˇ sheng ˉ 產生


dan ˉ chengˊ 單程


danˋ sheng ˉ 誕生


fanˊ pengˊ 帆篷


fan ˉ shengˊ 翻繩


an eng

繁體字 fanˊ tiˇ ziˋ

Original Traditional form of a simplified Chinese Character

, , , 繁體字-rhymes

繁細 fanˊ xiˋ

Highly detailed and complex, Detailed and complicated

, , 繁細-rhymes

繁多 fanˊ duo ˉ

Numerous, Many

, , 繁多-rhymes

繁重 fanˊ zhongˋ

Strenuous work load

, , 繁重-rhymes

繁衍 fanˊ yanˇ

Breed, Multiply

, , 繁衍-rhymes


fanˊ zheng ˉ boˊ yinˇ

Quote from many sources

, , , , 繁徵博引-rhymes

繁雜 fanˊ zaˊ

Intricate, Complex, Complicated

, , 繁雜-rhymes

繁育 fanˊ yuˋ


, , 繁育-rhymes


fanˊ wenˊ ruˋ jieˊ

Excessive ceremony

, , , , 繁文縟節-rhymes

繁忙 fanˊ mangˊ

Hectic, Busy, Frenetic

, , 繁忙-rhymes

繁複 fanˊ fuˋ

Intricate, Complex, Complicated, Elaborate

, , 繁複-rhymes

繁分數 fanˊ fen ˉ shuˋ

Complex fraction


, , , 繁分數-rhymes

繁榮 fanˊ rongˊ

Thriving, Prosperous, Flourishing

, , 繁榮-rhymes

繁蕪 fanˊ wuˊ


, , 繁蕪-rhymes

繁難 fanˊ nanˊ

Complicated and difficult

, , 繁難-rhymes

繁碎 fanˊ suiˋ

Complex and detailed

, , 繁碎-rhymes


youˊ jianˇ erˊ fanˊ

Go from the simple to the complex

, , ,

頻繁 pinˊ fanˊ



< Numerous, Many, Abundant, Prolific, Intricate, Complicated, Complex, Difficult

Abundant, Complex, Complicated, Difficult, Intricate, Many, Numerous, Prolific

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