送 songˋ

Send off, send off, Escort, Deliver, Send, Dispatch, Say goodbye, Convey, Present, Give

songˋ zhiˇ 送紙


tongˊ shiˊ 同時


tongˊ shiˋ 同事


tongˋ siˇ 痛死


tong ˉ zhiˉ 通知


tongˊ zhiˋ 同志


tongˇ zhiˋ 統制


tongˇ zhiˋ 統治


tongˊ ziˇ 童子


tongˇ zi˙ 桶子


zhong ˉ shiˊ 忠實


zhong ˉ shiˇ 終始


zhong ˉ shiˋ 中世


zhongˋ shiˋ 重視


zhong ˉ zhiˇ 終止


zhong ˉ zhiˇ 中止


zhong ˉ zhiˇ 中指


zhongˋ zhiˊ 種植


zhongˋ zhiˋ 眾志


zhongˇ ziˇ 種子


zongˇ shiˊ 總時


zongˇ shiˋ 總是


zongˋ shiˇ 縱使


zong ˉ zhiˇ 宗旨


zongˇ zhi ˉ 總之


zongˇ zhiˋ 總質


zongˇ zi ˉ 總資


zongˋ ziˇ 粽子


chong ˉ ciˋ 衝刺


chong ˉ chiˋ 充斥


chong ˉ shiˊ 充實


chongˊ zi˙ 蟲子


congˊ ciˇ 從此


congˊ chiˇ 從齒


congˊ riˋ 從日


congˊ shiˊ 從石


congˊ shiˋ 從事


congˊ siˋ 從四


congˊ zhi ˉ 從芝


congˊ ziˇ 從紫


dongˋ ciˊ 動詞


dongˇ shiˋ 懂事


dongˇ shiˋ 董事


dong ˉ zhiˋ 冬至


gong ˉ chiˇ 公尺


gong ˉ shiˋ 弓式


gong ˉ shiˋ 公式


gong ˉ shiˋ 公示


gong ˉ shiˋ 公事


gong ˉ shiˋ 工事


gongˋ shiˋ 共識


gongˋ shiˋ 共事


gong ˉ siˉ 公絲


gong ˉ siˉ 公司


gong ˉ zhiˊ 公職


gong ˉ zhiˋ 公制


gong ˉ ziˉ 工資


hongˊ zhi ˉ 紅之


kong ˉ shiˋ 空室


kongˋ zhiˋ 控制


kongˇ ziˇ 孔子


longˊ shi ˉ 龍師


longˊ zhi ˉ 龍之


longˊ zi˙ 籠子


wong i

送別 songˋ bieˊ


, , 送別-rhymes

送她去 songˋ ta ˉ quˋ

Send her to, Sending her to, Sent her to

, , , 送她去-rhymes

送信 songˋ xinˋ

Deliver mail

, , 送信-rhymes

送份 songˋ fenˋ

Send (a gift)

, , 送份-rhymes


songˋ niˇ huiˊ jia ˉ

Take you back home


, , , , 送你回家-rhymes

送行 songˋ xingˊ

See off, Send-off, Send-off party

, , 送行-rhymes

送往 songˋ wangˇ

Send to

, , 送往-rhymes

送過來 songˋ guoˋ laiˊ

Send over


, , , 送過來-rhymes


songˋ huanˋ geiˇ niˇ

Return back to you, Give back to you


, , , , 送還給你-rhymes

送禮 songˋ liˇ

Send gifts, Present

, , 送禮-rhymes

送友人 songˋ youˇ renˊ

Saying Goodbye To a Friend


, , , 送友人-rhymes

送去 songˋ quˋ

To send (to), Send, Sends, Sending, Sent

, , 送去-rhymes

送走 songˋ zouˇ

To send away, Send away, Sends away, Sending away, Sent away, To send off, Send off, Sends off, Sending off, Sent off

, , 送走-rhymes

目送 muˋ songˋ

Watch, Send off


贈送 zengˋ songˋ



解送 jieˋ songˋ

Escort a prisoner, Escort, Transfer, Escorted


護送 huˋ songˋ

Protective escort, To be escorted, Am being escorted, Are being escorted, Is being escorted, Was escorted, Were escorted, To escort, Escort , Escorts , Escorting , Escorted


寄送 jiˋ songˋ

Send of, Send to, Sending


歡送 huan ˉ songˋ

Send-off, Farewell party


配送 peiˋ songˋ




xueˇ zhong ˉ songˋ tanˋ

Timely help or assistance, Port of call when in need

, , ,

去送死 quˋ songˋ siˇ

Go to die, Go to one's death

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播送 bo ˉ songˋ

Broadcast, Send, Transmit


接送 jie ˉ songˋ

Pick up


押送 ya ˉ songˋ

Pull away


< Send off, send off, Escort, Deliver, Send, Dispatch, Say goodbye, Convey, Present, Give

Convey, Deliver, Dispatch, Escort, Give, Present, Say goodbye, Send, Send off

Copyright©2025 Neil Keleher.
All rights reserved.