le˙, liaoˇ, liaoˋ
Whole, Complete, Finish, End, (Liao3), Understand, Comprehend
Word Links for words containing 了 (sorted via character pairs)
嘆了口氣 Sigh, Sighed
歎了口氣 Sighed
如釋重負地嘆了口氣 Breathe a sigh of relief, Breathes a sigh of relief, Breathing a sigh of relief, Breathed a sigh of relief
聽見了嗎 Did you hear?
你聽見了嗎 Are you listening, Can you hear
是被人誤導了嗎 Were you misled?, Misled?
他知道是什麼了嗎 Does he know what it is?, Does he know what it was?
她知道是什麼了嗎 Does she know what it is?, Does she know what it was?
你要拿回你的生活了嗎 Are you taking your life back?
妳要拿回妳的生活了嗎 Are you taking your life back?
那他不是學到寶貴的一課了嗎 Then you've learned a valuable lesson, haven't you?
那妳不是學到寶貴的一課了嗎 Then you've learned a valuable lesson, haven't you?
眼睛適應了陽光 Eyes had adjusted to the sunlight
探住了陽光照不到的地方 Poking where the shone doesn't shine, Someplace where the sun doesn't shine, Exploring places where the sun does not shine
推了出去 Pushed out
撒了出來 Spilled out, Scattered
滑了出來 Slipped out
跨了出來 Stepped out
逃了出去 Escaped
保釋了出去 Bailed out
窗戶鑽了出去 Went through the window
傷了她 Hurt her
他騙了她 He lied to her, He tricked her, He had lied to her, He had tricked her
看見了她 Saw her, Had seen her
逮捕了她 Captured her, Arrested her, Brought her to justice
有人認出了她 Someone recognized her, She was recongized
硬是認出了她 Had recognized her (in a crowd), Picking her out, Picked her out
有個巫師看見了她 A sorcerer saw her, A sorcerer had seen her
壓住了她的一邊肩膀 Press her shoulder, Presses one of her shoulders, Pressing one of her shoulders, Pressed one of her shoulders
回答了她沒有問出口的問題 Answered her unspoken question
兜了幾圈 Circled around a few times
退了幾步 Take a few steps back, Takes a few steps back, Taking a few steps back, Took a few steps back
穿越了幾公里 Travelled a few kilometers, Travelled for several kilometers
穿越了幾公里的路程 Travelled a few kilometers, Travelled for several kilometers
留在了那裡 Still in there
擔心了那麼一秒鐘 Felt a moment of worry
儘管你知道了那麼多 Despite all that you knew, In spite of all that you knew
猶豫了那麼百分之一秒 Hesitated for a split second
了解 Understand, Understands, Understanding, Understood, Consider, Considers, Considering, Considered, Know, Knows, Knowing, Knew
我了解 I understand
據了解 It is understood that
對我了解 Understand me
為了了解 In order to understand, To figure out
不是很了解 Don't really understand, Doesn't really understand
對她的了解 Know about her
希望能了解 Wanting to understand, Hoping to understand
我終於了解 I finally understood
他連自己說的話都不是很了解 He doesn't understand what he's saying
你了解吧 You understand
我很了解他們 I know them well
了解所謂的農民心態 Understood the so-called peasant mentality
了解那句話是什麼意思 Understood the meaning of the phrase
我終於了解媽媽剛才為什麼說 I finally understood why mother a moment ago said
他查明了多少 How much did he discover?, How much did he find out?
他知道了多少 How much does he know?
她查明了多少 How much did she discover?, How much did she find out?
她知道了多少 How much does she know?
忽略了什麼 Overlooked something, Overlooked anything
為她準備了什麼 What have we got for her
出了什麼問題 What happened?, What went wrong?
捅了什麼漏子 What the hell, What's wrong, What happened, What hole were you trying to plug
傷了他 Hurt him
她騙了他 She lied to him, She tricked him, She had lied to him, She had tricked him
看見了他 Saw him, Had seen him
逮捕了他 Captured him, Arrested him, Brought him to justice
有人認出了他 Someone recognized him, He was recongized
硬是認出了他 Had recognized him (in a crowd), Picking him out, Picked him out
有個巫師看見了他 A sorcerer saw him, A sorcerer had seen him
打中了他的臉 Hit him in the face, Hit his face
勒住了他的喉嚨 Strangled him
改善了他的狀況 Improved his situation
踢中了他的胸口 Kicking him in the chest, Kicked him in the chest
壓住了他的一邊肩膀 Press his shoulder, Presses one of his shoulders, Pressing one of his shoulders, Pressed one of his shoulders
回答了他的問題 Answered his questions
回答了他沒有問出口的問題 Answered his unspoken question
沖了個澡 Showered, Had a shower
撒了個小謊 Told a small lie
我帶了個禮物給你 I brought you a present
起了個念頭 A thought rose up, Came to mind
心裡悄悄的起了個念頭 A thought quietly came to mind, A thought quietly rose up and came to mind
出了很多力 Expended a lot of effort, Worked hard, Earned through hard work
抄了很多書 Transcribed many books
塗抹了很濃的妝 Applied a lot of makeup
猶豫了很長一段時間 Hesitated a long time
撲了過去 Rushed over
跨了過去 Across the past, Step through, Steps through, Stepping through, Stepped through, Cross over, Crosses over, Crossing over, Crossed over
轉了過來 Turned around
已經轉了過來 Turned around
直截了當 Straightforward, To the point, Blunt, Bluntly, Flatly
但起碼直截了當 But at least it had been straightforward, But at least it had been to the point
看見他握緊了拳頭 Saw his fist clench, Saw his fists clench
看見她握緊了拳頭 Saw her fist clench, Saw her fists clench
吞了一半 Half swallowed
敲了一記 Struck a note, Struck and created a sound
滾了一圈 Rolled
聊了一會 Chatted (for a while)
補了一句 Said in addition, Added
親了一下 Kissed, Briefly kissed, Kissed it, Kissed once
轉了一圈 Did a turn, Did a spin, Did a twirl
鞠了一躬 Bowed
頓了一下 Paused
頓了一秒 Took a second, Stopped for a second
卻晚了一步 But (are) too late
嘟囔了一聲 Grumbled, Muttered, Grunted
多灌了一些 Added a little more
思考了一下 Thought for a moment, Took a moment to think, Take a moment to think
調整了一下 Adjusted once, Adjusted a single time
退縮了一下 Flinched a little, Recoiled a little
向後退了一步 Stepped back, Retreated a step
小小轉了一圈 Did a little turn, Did a little spin, Did a little twirl
就是舊了一點 It's a little bit old
小小掙扎了一下 Struggled a little, Struggled briefly
帶著他轉了一圈 Spun him around
帶著她轉了一圈 Spun her around
吐了一口血 Spat out a mouthful of blood, Spat blood
喝了一點湯 Drink a little soup, Have a little soup
忙了一整天 Worked all day
大吼了一聲後 Roared and then after
挑高了一道眉 Raised an eyebrow
插了一支小傘 Included a tiny umbrella
發現了一個蟲洞 Discovered a wormhole
夾了一張紙當書籤 Used a sheet of paper as a bookmark, Bookmarked with a sheet of paper
倒了一些穀片到碗裡 Pouring cereal into a bowl, Poured cereal into a bowl
開創了一家有機農場 Started an organic farm
怕了一會兒 Felt an instant of fright
沉默了一會兒 Went quiet for awhile
住了一段時間 Lived for a while
持續了一段時間 Lasted for a while
在中南部住了一段時間 Lived in the mid-South for awhile
給舉了上 Lift up, Lifts up, Lifted up
將自己給舉了上去 Lifted himself up, Lifted herself up, Lifted themselves up, Lift yourself up
他將自己給舉了上去 He lifted himself up, He hauled himself up
工作了十六小時 Worked for sixteen hours
派遣了十二名科學家 Dispatched 12 scientists
派遣了十二名科學家搭載探測器 Dispatched 12 scientists carrying surveying equipment
包了起來 Wrapped, Wrapped in
吵了起來 Argued, Had an argument
彎了起來 Bent, Curled
捲了起來 Curled, Curled up, Curled up into
腫了起來 Swelled up
鼓了起來 Bulged up
急促了起來 Sped up, Became strained
沮喪了起來 Became depressed
熱鬧了起來 Becomes lively
猶疑了起來 Hesitated
將其圈了起來 Had been circled, Had a circle around it
跟他吵了起來 Argued with him
他龜裂的嘴唇抿了起來 His cracked lips pursed
受了極嚴重的傷 Badly injured
在爆炸中受了極嚴重的傷 Were seriously injured in the explosion, Was badly hurt in the explosion
他兩手搓了搓 He rubbed his hands, He rubbed his hands together
她兩手搓了搓 She rubbed his hands, She rubbed her hands together
擦了擦 Wipe, Wiping, Wiped
用袖子擦了擦裂開的嘴唇 Wiping his burst lip with his sleeve, Using her sleeve to wipe her burst lip
吃了 Ate, Ate up
忍不住吃了 Could not resist eating
吃了頓晚餐 Eat dinner
請她吃了頓晚餐 Invite her to dinner, Invited her to dinner
吸了 Inhaled
深吸了 Inhaled, Took a deep breath in
吸了一口氣 Inhale, A breath of air, Take a breath, Breathe in
嚇了 Shocked, Surprised
阻嚇了 Intimidated
嚇了一跳 Startled, Surprised, Taken aback, Shocked, Scared, Frightened, Made (someone) jump
大家都嚇了一跳 Everybody jumped in fear, Everbody was startled
我被自己的回答嚇了一跳 I am surprised by my own answer
嚇了一大跳 Shocked
嚐了 Tasted
嚐了嚐 Tasted
嚐了嚐水質 Tasted a sample of water to assess
為了確定他還嚐了嚐水質 He tasted the water just to be sure of its quality, He tasted the water just to be sure
迷路了 Got lost
快沒路了 Quickly running out of road
我上路了 I'm on my way, I've set off
有生路了 Had a way out
跳了 Danced, Jumped
往後跳了 Jumped back
上上下下跳了 Jumped up and down
跳了一夜 Dancing through the night, Dancing into the night
跳了下來 Jumped down, Jumped
回了 Back to
移居回了 Moved back to, Has or had moved back to
我們撤回了 We are pulling out, We are coming out
查明了 Uncovered, Found out, Discovered
發明了 Invented
學聰明了 Got smart, Got smarter, Figured out a better way to do something
問了 Asked
問了她很多問題 Asked her a lot of questions
問了她 Asked her
問了一句 Asked a question
最後蠻懊惱問了那句話 Ended up regretting having asked
開了 Started, Opened
打開了 Opened, Started
放開了 Released, Let go of
花開了 The flowers are blooming
裂開了 Burst, Ruptured, Split apart
門開了 The door is open
離開了 Left
就離開了 Then left
他們離開了 They left
你就可以打開了 Then you can open it
永遠不會離開了 Would never leave
打開了門 Opened the door
開了一槍 Fired a single shot
張開了翅膀 Spread open (its) wings
打開了電燈 Turn on the light, Turned on the light, Turn on a light, Turned on a light, Turn the lights, Turned on the lights
離開了人群 Left the crowd, Separated from the crowd
帶他們離開了圖書館 Leading them away from the library, Led them away from the library
越界了 Out of bounds, Stepped out of bounds
發現自己越界了 Realizing oneself had stepped out of bounds, Realizing they themselves had stepped over the line
或許是發現自己越界了 Perhaps realizing that they had stepped out of bounds
點了 Ordered
矮點了 A little short
點了點頭 Nodded
稍微大一點了 A little bit older, A little bit bigger, A little more grown up
他的分身點了點頭 His doppelgänger nodded, His reflection nodded
她的分身點了點頭 Her doppelgänger nodded, Her reflection nodded
現在你稍微大一點了 You're a little bit older now
點了新鮮水果 Ordered fresh fruit
跟侍者點了義大利濃縮咖啡 Ordered an espresso from the waiter
看都沒看就點了一個起司漢堡和一杯汽水 Ordered a cheeseburger and soda without looking
罷了 That's all, That's enough, Be done with it
我只不過是要別人欣賞我這個人罷了 I just want others to appreciate me for who I am
睡了 Slept
呼呼大睡了 Fell asleep
我睡了多久 How long did I sleep?, How long was I asleep for?, How long was I out?
好好睡了一晚 Had a good night's sleep, Having had a good night's sleep
我睡了兩個小時 I slept for two hours, I had two hours sleep
不見了 Disappeared, Can't see it, Couldn't be seen, Was lost
拜見了 Formally meets
接見了 Met with
看見了 Saw
遇見了 Met
就會不見了 Will have disappeared, Will be gone
好好久不見了 Very long time no see
成年女子怎麼不見了 Why is the woman not here?
賺了 Wond
賺了大錢 Made a lot of money, Gotten rich
賺了一大筆 Won a lot of money, Won a bundle, Made a bundle
用了 Used, Used for
任用了 Appointed
使用了 Used, Had used
採用了 Adopted, Used
他只用了 He just used
借去用了 Borrowed, Used
拿去用了 Was using it
除了 Except for, Except, Apart from, In addition to
移除了 Removed
開除了 Fired
被開除了 Was fired
瞬間消除了 Instantly extinguished
除了我之外 Except for me, Apart from me
除了第一個之外 Except for the first one, Except the first one
除了說明外 Except for describing, Except for explaining
除了親生父母 Except for their parents, Apart from their parents
除了謀殺罪以外 Apart from murder, Other than murder
除了空氣什麼也沒有 Nothing but air
除了說明外沒別的可做 Had nothing to do but narrate, Apart from explaining had nothing to do
再也沒有什麼東西能比狂熱份子更危險了 There's nothing more dangerous than a fanatic, There's nothing more dangerous than a zealot
掏出了 Took out, Pulled out
演出了 Put on a show
發出了 Emitted, Let loose
認出了 Recognized
走出了 Walked out, Left
退出了 Retired
逃出了 Escaped
長出了 Sprouted
露出了 Revealed
製造出了 Produced, Generated
斷了 Broken, Snapped off
壟斷了 Monopolized
打斷了 Interrupted
燒斷了 Blew up
兩腿都斷了 Had both legs broken, Had two broken legs
鼻子被打斷了 Broken nose
腰簡直快要斷了 Back breaking
你把我的鼻子打斷了 You broke my nose
好把我的鼻子打斷了 You broke my nose
這工作讓我的腰簡直快要斷了 This is back-breaking work!
斷了他兩條腿 Broke his legs
你把我的鼻子打斷了啦 You broke my nose
裝了 Equipped (with), Fitted with, Filled with
槍裝了 Gun has been mounted, Gun has been installed, Gun has been loaded, Gun has been loaded with
槍裝了一百發 Loaded with a hundred rounds
裝了半瓶水的小瓶子 Small bottle half filled with water
他們的腦袋裡到底裝了什麼啊 What was in their heads?, What were they thinking?
好了 Ready, It's done, Good!, For good measure
不好了 Not good, Bad news
做好了 Completed, Finished, Done
太好了 Great, Wonderful, Fantastic
就好了 Is good enough, Fine, Will be fine
治好了 Healed, Cured
畫好了 Finish drawing, Finish painting
準備好了 Ready, Is ready, Am ready, Are ready, Prepared
已經準備好了 Was ready, Was prepared
時間都排好了 Completely booked
預先設想好了 Anticipated
準備好了沒 Ready or not?
妙了 Wonderful
不妙了 Bad, Not good
那可就不妙了 That's not good, That would be bad, That's bad, That's just dandy
給了 Gave
交給了 Gives, Gave
獻給了 Sacrificed, Offered
送給了 Gave to
還給了 Returned, Gave back to
已經給了 Had given
給了他 Gave him
給了她 Gave her
給了我 Gave me
變了 Changed
他變了 He's changed
改變了 Changed, Had changed
時代變了 Times have changed
全盤改變了 Everything changed, It all changed
情況已經變了 Things have changed
改變了主意 Changed their mind
費了 Expend, Expended, Spent
浪費了 Wasted
浪費了那麼多力氣 Wasted so much effort
費了九牛二虎之力 Expended the strength of nine oxen and two tigers, Expended a lot of strength and effort
來不及了 Too late
就來不及了 It would be too late
再也等不及了 Couldn't wait, Couldn't put up with the wait
已經來不及了 Already too late, Too late
到時候就來不及了 By that time it would be too late
到時可能就來不及了 By then it may be too late
多了 More, Much more
夠多了 Enough
小多了 Lots smaller, A lot smaller
帥多了 More handsome
看多了 Seen many
容易多了 A lot easier
差不多了 Almost, Just about, Close enough
方便多了 Much more convenient, So much more convenient
難射多了 More difficult to shoot
響亮多了 Much louder
這樣好多了 That's better, That's much better
這次容易多了 This time it is easier, This time it was easier
可是已經比以前進步多了 It was better than before, It was better than it had been
他有多了解她 How much did he know about her?, What did he know about her?
她有多了解他 How much did she know about him?, What did she know about him?
夠了 Enough, It's enough, That's enough, That did it
就夠了 Enough, Is enough, Was enough
我真的受夠了 I've had enough
生了 Gave birth
發生了 Happens, Occurs
起死回生了 Come back to life, Came back to life, Brought back to life
生了火 Made a fire
生了病 Sick
生了重病 Became very sick, Became very ill, Became gravely ill
生了病的狗 Sick dog
發生了衝突 Clashes occur, Clashes break out
如果發生了什麼我不知道的犯罪行為 If a criminal act occurred that I was not aware of
發生了什麼 What happened
如果發生了什麼 If something happened
發生了什麼事 What had happened
我到底發生了什麼事 What happened to me in the end? What happened to me?
知道我到底發生了什麼事 Know what happened to me in the end
找到他了 Found him
掃描他了 Scanned him
敢煩他了 Mess with him, Hassle him
我剛看見他了 I just saw him
好久沒想到他了 Hadn't thought about him in ages
勒住了 Wrapped around and tightened
封住了 Sealed
探住了 Poked, Probed
擋住了 Blocked, Blocking
纏住了 Tangled, Tangled up, Entangled
蓋住了 Covered
遮住了 Covered
忍不住了 Could not stand, Could no longer take it, Was unable to resist, Cannot help
站不住了 Can hardly stand
以跪姿壓住了 Kneel and press down on, Kneeling and pressing down on, Kneeling on
佔了 Occupied
佔了位 Grabbed a spot, Staked out a position
佔了兩張桌面 Covered two tables, Occupied the tops of two tabletops
做了 Worked, Made, Did
不過做了 Had only done
已經在做了 Already doing it, Is already doing it, Am already doing it, Are already doing it, Was already doing it, Were already doing it
我真的做了 I really did, I really did it
做了手術 Did the surgery, Had the surgery
做了比對 Comparison
做了些預防 Took some precautions, Took certain precautions
做了一個決定 Made a decision
跟她做了朋友 Became friends with her
以前做了很多對不起你的事 Wronged you in a lot of ways in the past
做了些工作 Did some work
在這項計畫上也做了些工作 Did some work on this project
停了 Stopped, Paused, Parked
等雨停了 Wait for the rain to stop, Waiting for the rain to stop
停了一下 Pause, Paused
停了下來 Stopped
停了幾輛車 Parked cars
動了 Moved
啟動了 Switched on, Started
發動了 Started, Initiated
移動了 Shifted, Moved, Adjusted
觸動了 Touches, Connects to, Moves
起來活動了 Up and about
他是不是起來活動了 Is he up and about
動了起來 Moved, Started moving
移動了一下 Shifted, Moved, Adjusted
有多重了 Weight, Weighs how much
這件事太嚴重了 This matter is far too important, This matter is far too serious
分手了 Split up, Broke up, Separated
接手了 Took over
伸出手了 Reached out
他們分手了 They've split up
一定是伸出手了 Probably reached out, Must have reached out
他一定是伸出手了 He probably reached out, He must have reached out
看了 Seen
不要看了 Don't look at it
反覆看了 Watched repeatedly, Have/has been watching, Been reviewing
對著光看了 Looked at under the light, Looked at while facing the light
看了看 Check, Checks, Checking, Checked, Look at, Looks at, Looking at, Looked at
仔細地看了看 Looked carefully, Peered
看了一眼 Glanced at
父女倆對看了一眼 Father and daughter looked at each other
看了一會兒 Looked for a while, Looked at it for a while
看了一眼它 Glanced at it, Looked at it
看了十幾次 Looked at a dozen times, Watched a dozen times
他至少拿出機械懷錶看了十幾次 Pulled out his mechanical pocket watch at least a dozen times
種了 Planted
接種了 Vaccinated, Get vaccinated, Got vaccinated
現在已經絕種了 Now extinct
接種了對抗 Vaccinated against, Get vaccinated against
種了很多樹 Planted many trees
翻了 Flipped, Turned over, Overturned
翻了過來 Turned it over
翻了過去 Tumbled, Fell over
又翻了一頁 Turned another page, Flipped another page
他翻了個白眼 He rolled his eyes
翻了個筋斗 Somersault, Somersaults, Somersaulting, Somersaulted, Do a somersault
在半空中翻了個筋斗 Somersaulted in mid air, Flipped in mid air
執行了 Carried out, Executed
進行了 Commenced, Started, Began carrying out, Started doing, Started to act or advance
得了 Can, Is able to, Could, Got it, Allright (deˊ le˙), Got it
不得了 Extremely, Exceedingly
他得了 He's got, He's acquired
做得了 Can finish, Can complete the job, Can complete the work
到得了 Can get (there)
去得了 Can go
受得了 Affordable, Bearable
吃得了 Can finish eating
喝得了 Can drink, Can finish a drink
她得了 She's got, She's acquired
忘得了 Can remember
拿得了 Can grab, Can pick up
撐得了 Provide support, Can provide support, Would provide support
用得了 Can use
買得了 Can buy
真的得了 Had, Really had, Truly had
也不記得了 Couldn't remember
動彈不得了 Freeze, Freeze up, Become unable to move
幾乎不記得了 Barely remembered, Almost completely forgotten about
得了麻疹 Got measles, Caught measles
他得了麻疹 He's got measles
發得了芽 Can sprout, Will germinate
取得了進步 Made progress, Improved
撐得了多久 How long would it last, Would last for long
笑了 Smiled, Laughed
咯咯笑了 Chuckled
微微笑了 Smiled
少開玩笑了 Joking, Can't be serious, You're joking
忍不住笑了 Could not help laughing
欣慰地笑了 Gave a satisfied smile, Smiled with satisfaction
說了什麼讓他笑了 Said something to make him smile
笑了出來 Laughed out loud, Laughed
他們笑了起來 They laughed
微笑了一下 Smiled briefly
笑了一天以來第一次 Smiled for the first time all day
回答了 Answered
他就會知道該怎麼回答了 He'll know how he should answer, He knew how he would have answered, He knew what he would have said
她就會知道該怎麼回答了 She'll know how to answer, She knew how she would have answered
算了 Forget about it, That's enough, That's it
寧可死了算了 Would rather die
算了一下 Did some calculations, Did the math
為了 Because, For, For the sake of, So that…
化為了 Transformed (into), Turned to
封為了 Labelled, Classified, Named
成為了 Turned into, Become
是為了 Just to, For the sake of, So that
為了了解 In order to understand, To figure out
他曾自以為了解 He once thought he understood
為了便於 To make it easier to
為了找我 To find me
化為了灰燼 Turned to ashes, Destroyed
為了以防萬一 As a precaution, Just in case
為了各種事情 For all sorts of things
為了測試一下 Just to check it out
為了今日的活動 For the day's activities, For the occasion
進城都是為了追捕 Came to town hunting for
是為了讓你印象深刻 Just to impress you
是為了達到什麼目的 For what purpose?, To what end?
為了不妥協而不妥協 Be non-conformist for its own sake, Be a non-conformist for its own sake
為了那一晚特別借了 Had borrowed especially for that evening
為了確定他還嚐了嚐水質 He tasted the water just to be sure of its quality, He tasted the water just to be sure
他們可能會為了什麼而起衝突 What might they be fighting over?
我為了這個快要趕不上和家人共進晚餐了 This is making me late for dinner with the family
為了確保 Just to make sure
為了確定 To be sure, Just to be sure
為了你的安全 For your safety
為了您的安全 For your safety
救了 Save, Saved, Rescued
趕到就沒救了 Arrive too late to save (him, Her, Them)
你救了我 You saved me
謝謝你救了我 Thank you for saving me.
救了出來 Rescued
把你從監獄裡救了出來 Freed you from prison, Got you out of jail
我很佩服他把你從監獄裡救了出來 I appreciate him for getting you out of prison, I appreciate that he got you out of jail
你救了我們 You saved us
丟棄了 Discarded, Got rid of
捨棄了 Abandoned
放棄了 Given up
被捨棄了 Been abandoned
我想是時候放棄了 I think it's time to give up.
天亮了 It's daybreak!, The sun is up!
照亮了 Lit up, Illuminated
綠燈亮了 Light turned green, Traffic light turned green
忘了 Forgot, Can't remember
你忘了 You forgot, You have forgotten
已忘了 Had forgotten, Had already forgotten
遺忘了 Forgotten, Unremembered
都忘了 Completely forgot
是誰忘了 Who forgot
容易就忘了 Easy to forget
幾乎遺忘了 Almost forgotten
或許你忘了 Perhaps you have forgotten
難道你忘了 It's hard to believe you've forgotten, It doesn't seem likely that you forgot
玩全把他忘了 Forgot about him, Did not think about him
忘了記 Can't remember
難道你忘了嗎 You mean to say that you forgot?
忘了這事 Forgot about it
容易就忘了這事 Easy to forget, Forgettable
你忘了穿襯衫 You forgot to put on a shirt, You forgot your shirt
是誰忘了關門 Who forgot to close the door?
站了 Stood
在碼頭旁站了 Stood beside the pier, Stood by the pier
站了起來 Stands, Stood up, Rose
站了一會兒 Stood for a moment, Stood for a while
他在那兒站了一會兒 He stood there for a while
說了 Said, Spoke
聽說了 Heard, Been told
別再說了 Stop talking, Don't say anything else, Enough already
沒別的事好說了 Nothing else to say, Nothing else to talk about
大家沒別的事好說了 People had nothing else to talk about
你說了算 Perhaps it is as you say, Perhaps you can
說了起來 Said
說了什麼讓他笑了 Said something to make him smile
說了什麼有意義的話 Said something meaningful, Said something significant
你想知道我是不是聽說了什麼特別有料的謠言 You want to know if I've heard any especially juicy rumors, You want to know if I've heard any particularly helpful rumors
說了一遍 Said it again, Said once again, Repeated
又說了一遍 Repeated, Said again
說了什麼 Said what?
我說了什麼 What did I say
說了幾句 Spoke a few sentences, Spoke a few words
咕嚕說了幾句 Mumbled a few sentences, Muttered a few sentences, Said something that couldn't be made out
用不熟悉的咕嚕說了幾句 Said a few words in an unfamiliar tongue
說了你也不會懂 You wouldn't understand even if I told you, You wouldn't understand
說了妳也不會懂 You wouldn't understand even if I told you, You wouldn't understand
完了 Finished
做完了 Finished, Finished doing, Completed
吐完了 Finished throwing up
打完了 Finished, Over
玩完了 Screwed, Finished, Done for
仗打完了 The war is finished, The war is over
該說的都說完了 That's all there is to say
等我把你整治完了 When I'm done with you
等我把妳整治完了 When I'm done with you
跑完了一整棟樓 Ran the length of the building
死定了 Going to die, Definitely going to die, Dead (am going to be dead), Fucked
決定了 Decided, Dictated, Determined
規定了 Stipulate, Stipulates
狀態穩定了 Condition has stablized, Condition is stable
穿了 Wore, Was wearing
他穿了 He wore, He was wearing
她穿了 She wore, She was wearing
這輩子都不愁吃穿了 Would never be short of money, Would never have to worry about food or clothing
他穿了一身黑 He wore black, He was dressed in black
她穿了一身黑 She wore black, She was dressed in black
成了 Become
做成了 Making, Made, Creating, Created, Forming, Formed, Building, Built
完成了 Completed, Finished, Solved
形成了 Form, Formed, Developed
碾成了 Pulverized, Destroyed, Smashed
變成了 Changed into, Became
造成了 Caused
而造成了 And so caused
已經變成了 Turned into, Already changed into
早就完成了 Would already be finished
成了作家 Became an author
炸成了灰燼 Blast completely into ashes
炸成了碎片 Blown up, Blasted to pieces
把殺人變成了藝術 Turn murder into a kind of art, Turn killing into a kind of art, Turning killing into a form of art
怎麼了 What's up?, What's the matter?, What's wrong?
不知怎麼了 Didn't know what to do, Didn't know what was wrong
到底怎麼了 What happened?
發生什麼了 What happened
你的手到底怎麼了 What happened to your hand?
明白了 Understand, Understood, Realize, Realized
說白了 To be honest
想明白了 Understood, Realized
我明白了 I see, I understand, I get it
是的我明白了 Yes, I see
沒了 That's it!
淹沒了 Submerged, Swamped, Rolled, Drowned
沒完沒了 Endless, Endlessly, Continues, Continued
還在沒完沒了 Continued, Went on
沒了用 No longer working
被耗盡沒了用 Too worn-out to work
會游泳了 Can swim
早就會游泳了 Already know how to swim
我早就會游泳了 I already know how to swim
近來她也不怎麼游泳了 She doesn't swim much these days, She didn't swim much these days
對準了 Centered, Centered on, Aimed at
瞄準了 Aimed, Zeroed in on
射得夠準了 Gave it (your) best shot, Shot was aimed accurately
滿了 Filled
充滿了 Filled, Filled with
排滿了 Lined with, Filled with lines of, Filled with arrangements of
放滿了 Filled, Filled with
爬滿了 Crawling with
畫滿了 Draw completely
鑲滿了 Inlaid with
開滿了 Full, Filled with
箱子內塞滿了 Sealed container filled with
拉滿了弓 Draw the bow, Draw their bows
灌滿了水 Flooded with a gush of water
長滿了草 Overgrown with grass
開滿了花 Full of flowers
透了 Completely, Absolutely
濕透了 Soaking wet, Drenched
糟透了 Lousy, Terrible
厭惡透了 Absolutely hated
看起來糟透了 Looked awful, Looked terrible
想通了 Convinced
行不通了 Doesn't work
已經行不通了 No longer works, Doesn't work anymore
很快就想通了 Was quickly convinced, Didn't have to ponder for too long
造了 Built, Constructed, Made
塑造了 Molded, Shaped
打造了 Constructed, Built, Created
捏造了 Fabricate, Made up, Created, Faked
造了一艘好船 Made a good ship
進了 Enter
噴進了 Blew into
擠進了 Crowded, Jam packed
裝進了 Loaded
走進了 Entered
再前進了 Go any further, Go any further
不能再前進了 Can't go any further, Can't go further
飛進了窗戶 Flew through the window
過了 Passed, After
挺過了 Handled, Stood up to, Withstood
渡過了 Passed
經過了 Pass, Move past
越過了 Crossed
躲過了 Hid from, Evaded, Avoided, Dodged
通過了 Passed (a test)
閃過了 Dodged, Avoided, Evaded
早見過了 Had seen before
檢查過了 Checked, Watching, Covered (as in observing or keeping an eye out)
他到處都看過了 He looked everywhere
她到處都看過了 She looked everywhere
過了一個 After a, After an
過了一會兒 After a moment, After a while, Moments later
過了五分鐘 After five minutes, Five minutes later
過了幾百年 After a few hundred years
過了許多年 After a number of years, Much later
閃過了子彈 Dodged a bullet
通過了什麼考驗 Had been tested
過了一陣子之後 After a period of time, After a while
躲過了他的長指甲 Dodged his long nails
那似乎已經過了很久 That seemed so long ago
午餐時間已經過了許久 It was already well past lunch time
過了今天 After today
而且過了今天 And after today
知道了 Know, Knows, Knowing, Knew, Understand, Understands, Understood, Now know, Now knows, Now knew, Now understand, Now understands, Now understood
他知道了 He knows
她知道了 She knows
我從我自己的經驗就知道了 I know from my own experience
跑遠了 Ran far way, Ran far
再走遠了 Go any further
差得可遠了 Hardly, Far from it
我不敢再走遠了 I dare not go any further, I'd better not go any further
根本還差得遠了 Not even close, Way off target
他早就和童年的朋友疏遠了 Had long ago drifted apart form his childhood friends
她早就和童年的朋友疏遠了 Had long ago drifted apart form her childhood friends
一直太忙了 Have been so busy
不用你幫忙了 Doesn't need your help, Don't need your help
我一直太忙了 I've been so busy
你有什麼急事需要幫忙了 What is the urgent matter that you need help with
妳有什麼急事需要幫忙了 What is the urgent matter that you need help with
愣了 Dumbfounded, At a loss for words
愣了一下 Momentarily dumbfounded, Momentarily at a loss for words
懂了 Understood, Realized
聽懂了 Understood (something that was said)
終於懂了 Finally understood
懂了嗎 Understand?
放心了 Relaxed
接下來就噁心了 Then it became disgusting.
那就有擔不完的心了 Then there will be a lot to worry about, Then there will be endless worries
已經夠多事情要操心了 Got enough to worry about
你就逃不出我的手掌心了 You can't escape my grasp
妳就逃不出我的手掌心了 You can't escape my grasp
侮辱人了 Insulting
迷死人了 Awesome, Amazing, Ravishing
他們現在是城主的人了 Now they belonged to the prince, Now they were the prince's men
等到只剩下他一個人了 Wait until he is alone
等到只剩下她一個人了 Wait until she is alone
等到只剩下那個女孩一個人了 Wait until the girl is alone
拿了 Use, Took, Grabbed, Holding, Held
拿了出來 Pulled out
拿了一根筷子 Took a chopstick
我拿了什麼東西 What have I got?, What am I holding?
拿了一瓶啤酒 Grabbed a beer
從冰箱拿了一瓶啤酒 Grabbed a beer from the fridge
餓了 Was hungry, Become hungry, Got hungry
肚子餓了 Was hungry
他肚子餓了 He was hungry
她肚子餓了 She was hungry
錯了 Incorrect(ly), Wrong(ly)
存錯了 Deposited in error
我錯了 I was wrong
回答錯了 Answered incorrectly, Gave the wrong answer
結果我錯了 And I was wrong
紀錯了時間 Got the time mixed up
原來我紀錯了時間 I got the time mixed up, I forgot what day it was, I got the days mixed up
少了 Without
減少了 Reduced
少了一個成分 Missing an ingredient
其實是少了兩個 It is two things that are missing actually, In fact it is two things that are lacking
火了 Gone viral
我火了 I was angry
著火了 Caught fire, Burning
被惹火了 Got pissed off
著實被惹火了 Got really pissed off
對了 Correct, Right
你猜對了 You guess correctly, You guessed correctly, You assume correctly, You assumed correctly
妳猜對了 You guess correctly, You guessed correctly, You assume correctly, You assumed correctly
知道事情不對了 Knew something was wrong
漏光了 Leaked out, Emptied out
忘光光了 Completely forgot, No idea
金快光了 Running out of money
錢快光了 Running out of money, Was running out of money
所有空氣都漏光了 All the air had leaked out
太常了 Too often, Too frequently
他的呼吸又恢復正常了 His breathing is back to normal, He was breathing normally again
花了 Spent
可花了 Cost, May have cost
卻只花了 Just only spend
花了不少時間 Spent a lot of time
花了一下午打蠟 Spent an afternoon waxing
他花了八十年才成功 It took him eighty years to do it, It took him eighty years to succeed
她花了八十年才成功 It took her eighty years to do it, It took her eighty years to accomplish
落了 Dropped, Fell
下落了 Whereabouts, Dropped
查出下落了 Has been located, Located
落了一地 Fell to the ground, Fallen
落了下去 Falling off, Dropping down
落了一地的花瓣 Fallen petals
借著了 Lent
找著了 Find
用著了 Used
睡著了 Sleeping, Slept, Fall asleep
見著了 Saw (someone or something)
買著了 Bought
到了 Reach, Reached, Arrive at, Had arrived at, Had Arrived, Get to, Got to
來到了 Arrived
借到了 Lent
回到了 Arrive(d) back at
學到了 Learned
就到了 Then, It's, Then it's
帶到了 Take to
得到了 Gets, Successfully gets, Successfully
想到了 Thinking of, Thought of
找到了 Find, Found
拿到了 Grab, Grabbed
接到了 Received
提到了 Mentioned, Brought up (the subject of)
收到了 Received
游到了 Swam to
看到了 Saw
聞到了 Smelt
聽到了 Heard, Listened
見到了 Saw, Met
買到了 Bought
走到了 Arrive at
跑到了 Ran to
踢到了 Kicked
逃到了 Escapes to
遇到了 Met, Bumped into
遊到了 Travelled to
達到了 Reached, Attained
錄到了 Recorded
飛到了 Fly to
你辦到了 You are doing it!
你遲到了 You are late
她遲到了 You are late
已經到了 Already arrived, Has arrived
感覺到了 Felt, Felt it
我收到了 I received, I have received
我看到了 I saw
我聽到了 I heard, I'm listening, I understand, I know
找不到了 Can't find
提升到了 Lifted to, Raised to
時間到了 It's time
檢測到了 Detected
注意到了 Focused on, Focuses on
已接觸到了 Been exposed
幾乎想到了 Almost knew, Almost realized
我感覺到了 I felt it
等時候到了 When the time came
被提升到了 Been lifted to, Raised to
追蹤不到了 Lost track of, Can no longer trace, Can no longer locate
卻隱隱約約猜到了 Suspected
已經都讓男爵的黨羽找到了 Has all been found by the Baron's henchmen
到了後 After arriving, After getting there
看到了他 Saw him
你知不知道你惹到了誰 Do you know who you messed with?, You don't know who you messed with do you?
妳知不知道妳惹到了誰 Do you know who you messed with?, You don't know who you messed with do you?
到了極點 Extremely
害怕到了極點 Extremely worried, More worried than ever
模樣性感到了極點 Looked extremely sexy
找到了一些 Found some
得到了一個吻 Got a kiss
到了很高的水平 Reached a very high level
就來到了目的地 Then arrived at the destination, Then reached the destination, Then reached our destination
收到了電子郵件 Received an email
高到了天上去了 Ascended towards the sky
確實感應到了什麼 Sensed something
我收到了令人不安的消息 I've received disturbing news, I have received some unsettling news
到了一九世紀末 By the end of the nineteenth century
到了差不多妳這個年紀時 Get to about your age, When getting to about your age
遇到了什麼樣的麻煩 Is in what kind of trouble?
他遇到了什麼樣的麻煩 What kind of trouble is he in, What kind of trouble did he run into?
下了 Dismounted, Got of from
寫下了 Wrote down, Wrote
留下了 Left behind, Left a message
記下了 Written, Recorded
下了車 Got out of the car, Got off of the bus
下了匝道 Used the off ramp, Took the slip road
下了校車後 After getting off of the school bus
壓下了一個呵欠 Stifled a yawn, Suppressed a yawn
雨已經下了整整一週 Up until now it had been raining for a whole week
在心理上讓他留下了不少疤痕 Scarred him mentally, Scarred him emotionally
不了 Can't, Couldn't
上不了 Can't attend
做不了 Can't finish, Can't do the job
免不了 Inevitably
到不了 Can't get (there)
去不了 Can't go, Not possible to go
受不了 I have had enough, I can't take it! Can't take any more!
吃不了 Can't eat, Can't eat everything
喝不了 Can't drink, Can't finish a drink
少不了 Indispensable, Inevitable, Inevitably, No doubt
忘不了 Can't forget
拿不了 Can't grab
捨不了 Reluctant
死不了 Cannot die, Won't cause death
用不了 Can't use, Can't use all (of it)
短不了 Cannot do without, Cannot avoid, Have to
要不了 Shouldn't be
買不了 Can't buy
贏不了 Can't possibly win
逃不了 No escape, Can't get away
進不了 Can't enter
過不了 Can't get across
最受不了 Cannot stand, Cannot tolerate
說服不了 Can't convince, Can't persuade
沒啥大不了 Nothing to write home about, Not that big
你才會一輩子都忘不了 You'll never forget
妳才會一輩子都忘不了 You'll never forget
不了解 Did not understand
不了了之 Let it go
死不了的 Won't cause death, Non-vital
開不了門 The door wouldn't open
你逃不了的 You can't escape, There is no escape, You won't get away
幫不了我們 Couldn't help us
賺不了多少錢 Don't earn much money, Don't earn much
一點兒也不了解我 Doesn't know or understand me at all, Completely misunderstands me
過不了多久 Before long, How long will it take
比郵票大不了多少 Not much bigger than a postage stamp, Not much bigger than postage stamps
出現了 Appeared, Showed up
浮現了 Arose
發現了 See a chance, Discover an opportunity
書出現了 Out came the book, The book appeared
醒了 Woken up, Awake, Woke up
他清醒了 He had woken up, He was wide awake
早就醒了 Woke up earlier, Woke up early, Already woke up
聽了 Heard, Listened to
你聽了 When you hear this
聽了一會兒 Listened for a moment, Listened
聽了爸爸的話 After listening to my father
死了 Dead, Is dead, Died
打死了 Kills
摔死了 Killed
殺死了 Killed
氣死了 Angry, Pissed off
煩死了 Very annoyed, Driven crazy
痛死了 Hurt like hell, Extremely painful
你該死了 Damn you, Time for you to die
噁心死了 Disgusting, Revolting
妳該死了 Damn you, Time for you to die
已經死了 Already dead, Was dead
快要死了 Is dying, Will soon be dead
而炸死了 And the explosion kills
開心死了 Thrilled, Die from happiness
頭疼死了 Killer head ache
活活燒死了 Burnt alive
寧可死了算了 Would rather die
搞砸了 Failed, Messed up, Screwed up, Failing, Messing up, Screwing up, Blowing it, Ruining it
把事情搞砸了 Screwed things up, Made a cock-up of the whole thing
趕不上和家人共進晚餐了 Missing dinner with the family, Late for dinner with the family
我為了這個快要趕不上和家人共進晚餐了 This is making me late for dinner with the family
上了 Rode, Came up
封上了 Sealed
愛上了 Fell in love, Fell in love with
戴上了 Put on, Wear, Put it on, Wore it
拉上了 Pulled onto/into
換上了 Put on, Changed into
撞上了 Hit, Ran into, Bumped into
槓上了 Arguing
用上了 Used
當上了 When
穿上了 Put on, Wore
踏上了 Stepped on, Started on
追上了 Caught up with
遇上了 Encountered, Has encountered
鎖上了 Locked, Was locked
關上了 Closed (door or window), It's closed
不小心關上了 Closed by accident, Accidentally closed
已經在飛機上了 Already on the plane, Already in the air, On the plane now, In the air now
我們已經感染上了 We are infected
上了蠟 Waxed
爬上了床 Climbed into bed
上了蠟的 Waxed
上了亮光漆 Varnished
上了好學校 Gone to a good school, Gone to good schools, Attended nice schools
遇上了麻煩 Ran into some trouble, Am in trouble, Was in trouble
遇上了大麻煩 Had ran into some major trouble
跟著他上了三樓 Follow him to the third floor, Followed him to the third floor
跟著她上了三樓 Follow her to the third floor, Followed her to the third floor
沒多大用處了 Not much use, Not very useful
我對你來說就沒多大用處了 I'm not much use to you, I wouldn't be much use to you
中止了 Stopped, Stopped for a while, Temporarily halted
停止了 Stopped, Ceased
阻止了 Stopped
及時阻止了 Stopped, Prevented
退步了 Gotten worse, Regressed
他已經越來越進步了 He is getting better, He was getting better, He is improving, He was improving
她已經越來越進步了 She is getting better, She was getting better, She is improving, She was improving
他已經坐吃山空到開始思考如何賺錢的地步了 He's already eaten into his savings to the point he was starting to think about how to make money
五歲了 Was five, Was five years old
他五歲了 He was five, He was five years old
快五歲了 Nearly 5 years old, Soon be 5 years old
你都快五十歲了 You are already 50 years old
等她滿十八歲了 When she turns eighteen, When she turned eighteen
儘你所能直截了 As straightforward as possible, As direct as possible, As clearly and simply as you can manage
戴了 Wearing, Worn
還戴了 Still wore, Also wore
戴了手套的手 Gloved hand
把戴了手套的手插入泥土 Stick a gloved hand into dirt
去了 Went, went to, Been, Been to, Gone to
上去了 Went up
下去了 Went down
失去了 Lost, Gone missing
回不去了 Can't get back, Can't make it back, Won't make it back
沉下去了 Sink
剛才出去了 Just went out
一天天過去了 Days go by
一下子就過去了 Flew by, Went by quickly
一切真的過去了 Completely in the past, Completely over
我們還去不去了 Are we still going or not, Are we still going
這一切都過去了 It was all over now
高到了天上去了 Ascended towards the sky
吹到幾公里外去了 Blown kilometers away
時間很快就過去了 Time passed quickly
上午的時間一下子就過去了 The morning went by quickly
失去了興趣 Lost interest
你妻子去了哪裡 Where did your wife go?
完全失去了主張 Completely out of ideas, At the end of their wits
甚至去了幾小時毛骨悚然的聖經研讀會 Had even attended a few hours worth of horrific bible-study sessions
走了 Go, Walked
偷走了 Stole
吹走了 Blew, Blew off
奪走了 Took away
得走了 Gotta go
拿走了 Take, Grab, Took
擄走了 Kidnapped
放走了 Released
沖走了 Carried away (by water)
穿走了 Had put on, Were wearing
該走了 Time to go, We should leave
飛走了 Flew away, Flew off
我得走了 I have to go, I gotta go, I gotta take off
風吹走了 Wind blown, Blown (off) by wind
大風吹走了 Blown by strong wind, Blown off by strong wind
往樹上跑走了 Ran up a tree, Went up a tree
小鳥怎麼飛走了 How did the bird fly away?
沉默無語地走了 Walked silently, Walked in silence, Walked without speaking
被一列火車載走了 Taken away by a train, Carried away by a train
走了三步 Walked three steps
走了出來 Walked out, Came out, Emerged
走了四步 Walked four steps
走了進來 Walked in, Came in
往前走了一步 Took a step forward
走了一公里路 Walked for a kilometer
壞了 Broken, Not working, Destroyed, Gone bad
嚇壞了 Scare, Frighten
破壞了 Smashed, Destroyed
累壞了 Worn out, Tired
把你媽給嚇壞了 Giving your mum a scare, Scaring your mum
破壞了他的計畫 Ruined his plan, Foiled his plan
破壞了她的計畫 Ruined her plan, Foiled her plan
破壞了他們的計畫 Ruined their plan, Foiled their plan
盡力了 Done everything that one can, Done everything possible
有機會出點力了 Have a chance to work, Have a chance to be useful
已經儘可能傾盡全力了 Did the best that one could
大了 Grew, Became bigger
多大了 How big, Grown how big
夠大了 Big enough, Old enough
變大了 Became bigger, Increased
更火大了 Angrier, More irritated
我更火大了 I am angrier, I am even more irritated
他年紀很大了 He was pretty old, He was getting on in years
失誤空間就變大了 Increased margin of error, Margin of error is then increased
長大了一點 Grown a little bigger
在某些方面長大了許多 In some respects you are a lot older now
來了 Arrived, It's arrived, Came, Here, Coming, Get to
上來了 Came up
下來了 Came down
他來了 He's here, He came
到來了 Came, Arrived
回來了 Returned, Has returned
她來了 She's here, She came
少來了 Cut it out!, Stop it!
我來了 I am here, I came, I have arrived
搬來了 Having moved, Having brought
春來了 Spring is coming, The arrival of spring time
迴來了 Returned
送來了 Sent
停下來了 Stopped, Parked, Had stopped
想起來了 Remembered, Could remember
打起來了 Start a battle, Get into a fight, Get into a war
挺過來了 Am dealing with it, Can deal with it, Have dealt with it
提出來了 Had raised, Had mentioned, Had brought up
春天來了 Spring is here
滿起來了 Fills up, Filled up
終於來了 Finally arrived
而叫來了 And so called
蹦出來了 Jumped out
躲起來了 Hid
造出來了 Created
飛起來了 Flying
你總算來了 You finally got here, You are finally here, Now that you're here
救護車來了 Ambulance
漸漸回來了 Gradually returned, Gradually returning
終於回來了 Finally returned, Finally came back
說不出來了 Wanted to speak but couldn't
可是很快來了 But soon came, But soon arrived
再也不會回來了 Was never coming back
最後救護車來了 Finally, An ambulance arrived
人們把文字造出來了 People created characters
文字被人們造出來了 Characters or symbols were created by people.
來了解 To understand
想出來了一個辦法 Come up with a means of, Come up with a method for
想了 Thought of, Thought up
想了想 Thought about it
想了一下 Thought about it, Thought about this, Thought for awhile
想了一會兒 Taking a moment to think, Taking some time to think, Thinking for a moment
極了 Utmost, Exceedingly, Without limit
好極了 Excellent, Perfect
巧極了 Extreme coincidence
棒極了 Great, Fantastic
漂亮極了 So beautiful
興奮極了 Excited beyond belief, So excited
順利極了 Great, Fantastic, Going really well
高興極了 So happy!
後來怎樣了 How'd it turn out, How'd it go
現在事情大大不一樣了 Things are very different now, Things were a lot different now
當一回事了 Take it seriously
這麼回事了 This is the case
把茶當一回事了 Take tea seriously
那是以前的事了 That was then
可不是這麼回事了 This is not the case
太把茶當一回事了 Take tea too seriously
他們太把茶當一回事了 They were too serious about the tea, They took the tea too seriously, They were making too big deal out of the tea
但那都是很久以前的事了 But that was a long time ago
殺了 Kill, Killed
謀殺了 Murdered
把某個人殺了 Kill someone, Killed someone
殺了他 Kill him, Killed him
有人殺了他 Someone killed him
當場殺了他 Kill him on the spot, Kill him out of hand
有了 Becoming, Obtained, Getting, Had, With
沒有了 Doesn't have
他就有了 He would then have, He will then have, Then he will have, Then he has
堅信有了 Has absolute faith
什麼都沒有了 Lost everything, Doesn't have anything
有了感覺 Have a feel for
他現在有了個徒弟 He has an apprentice now
她現在有了個徒弟 She now has an apprentice
打了 Hit, Slapped
被喝醉的男友打了 Slapped by a drunken boyfriend
打了一針 Gave a needle, Gave a shot
我們打了一架 We had a fight
跟壞蛋扭打了一下 Had a scuffle with a bad guy, Had a run-in with a bad guy
打了電話 Made a phone call, Called
打了電話給他們 Phoned them, Called them
打了幾個耳光 Slapped around
被喝醉的男友打了幾個耳光 Slapped around by a drunken boyfriend
找了 Looked, Found
不必找了 Don't bother looking
找了好久 Spent a long time looking for it
找了個借口 Found an excuse
找了個借口不來這裡 Found an excuse not to come
停掉了 Had stopped
壞掉了 Broken, Not working
忘掉了 Forgotten, Can't remember
打掉了 Smashed, Destroyed
扔掉了 Threw away, Threw out
摘掉了 Removed, Took off
毀掉了 Destroyed
甩掉了 Discarded, Got rid of
賣掉了 Been sold
走掉了 Has left, Have left
飛掉了 Flew off
掛了 Hung, Put up
掛了號 Take a number
掛了電話 Hung up the phone, Hung up
掛了一幅畫 Hung a picture, Put up a picture
提了 Grabbed, Took, Mentioned, Brought up
別提了 Forget it
提了幾個問題 Mentioned a few problems, Brought up a few questions
擺了 Was arranged, Had
在左半邊擺了縫紉機 On the left was a sewing machine
在右半邊擺了一張辦公桌 On the right was a desk
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