
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 早


Sooner or later my time will come, My time will come

woˇ feng¯ guang¯ de˙ riˋ ziˇ zaoˇ wanˇ huiˋ laiˊ de˙

早 zaoˇ
Early, Earlier, Beforehand, Had already, In Advance, Ago, Before, Soon, Morning, Good Morning!

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Phone , Tone


風光 feng¯ guang¯

日子 riˋ ziˇ

早晚 zaoˇ wanˇ

晚會 wanˇ huiˋ

來的 laiˊ de˙

Words that rhyme with 我風光的日子早晚會來的 (wo-eng)

Grouped by first phone

wo, guo, huo, suo, zhuo, zuo

握成拳頭 woˋ chengˊ quanˊ touˊ

Made a fist, Made fists

窩蜂 wo¯ feng¯

Bee's nest

我風光的日子早晚會來的 woˇ feng¯ guang¯ de˙ riˋ ziˇ zaoˇ wanˇ huiˋ laiˊ de˙

Sooner or later my time will come, My time will come

我更火大了 woˇ gengˋ huoˇ daˋ le˙

I am angrier, I am even more irritated

我生日 woˇ sheng¯ riˋ

My birthday

我正在寫功課 woˇ zhengˋ zaiˋ xieˇ gong¯ keˋ

I am doing homework

我正要寫功課 woˇ zhengˋ yaoˋ xieˇ gong¯ keˋ

I am about to do homework., I just want to do homework.

wo, guo, huo, suo, zhuo, zuo

過程 guoˋ chengˊ


過程中 guoˋ chengˊ zhong¯

In the process

過程反覆十幾次 guoˋ chengˊ fanˇ fuˋ shiˊ jiˇ ciˋ

Repeat the process several dozen times, Repeat several dozen times

過剩 guoˋ shengˋ


wo, guo, huo, suo, zhuo, zuo

活生生的 huoˊ sheng¯ sheng¯ de˙

Vivid, Very much alive, Alive and kicking

獲勝 huoˋ sheng¯

To win

wo, guo, huo, suo, zhuo, zuo

縮成 suo¯ chengˊ

Shrivel completely, Squeeze

所能找到 suoˇ nengˊ zhaoˇ daoˋ

Can find

wo, guo, huo, suo, zhuo, zuo

擢升 zhuoˊ sheng¯


wo, guo, huo, suo, zhuo, zuo

做成 zuoˋ chengˊ

Made from, Made with, to make

做成了 zuoˋ chengˊ le˙

Making, Made, Creating, Created, Forming, Formed, Building, Built

做成大秤 zuoˋ chengˊ daˋ chengˋ

Make a big scale

作風 zuoˋ feng¯

Way of doing things, Style, Typical way of doing things

作夢 zuoˋ mengˋ


做夢 zuoˋ mengˋ

Dream, Dreaming, Have a dream, Daydream

做朋友 zuoˋ pengˊ youˇ

Make friends, Become friends

做生意 zuoˋ sheng¯ yiˋ

Do business, Doing business

作證 zuoˋ zhengˋ

Bear witness

做證 zuoˋ zhengˋ


Grouped in tone pairs

31, 11, 12, 21, 32, 34, 41, 42, 44

我風光的日子早晚會來的 woˇ feng¯ guang¯ de˙ riˋ ziˇ zaoˇ wanˇ huiˋ laiˊ de˙

Sooner or later my time will come, My time will come

我生日 woˇ sheng¯ riˋ

My birthday

31, 11, 12, 21, 32, 34, 41, 42, 44

窩蜂 wo¯ feng¯

Bee's nest

31, 11, 12, 21, 32, 34, 41, 42, 44

縮成 suo¯ chengˊ

Shrivel completely, Squeeze

31, 11, 12, 21, 32, 34, 41, 42, 44

活生生的 huoˊ sheng¯ sheng¯ de˙

Vivid, Very much alive, Alive and kicking

擢升 zhuoˊ sheng¯


31, 11, 12, 21, 32, 34, 41, 42, 44

所能找到 suoˇ nengˊ zhaoˇ daoˋ

Can find

31, 11, 12, 21, 32, 34, 41, 42, 44

我更火大了 woˇ gengˋ huoˇ daˋ le˙

I am angrier, I am even more irritated

我正在寫功課 woˇ zhengˋ zaiˋ xieˇ gong¯ keˋ

I am doing homework

我正要寫功課 woˇ zhengˋ yaoˋ xieˇ gong¯ keˋ

I am about to do homework., I just want to do homework.

31, 11, 12, 21, 32, 34, 41, 42, 44

獲勝 huoˋ sheng¯

To win

作風 zuoˋ feng¯

Way of doing things, Style, Typical way of doing things

做生意 zuoˋ sheng¯ yiˋ

Do business, Doing business

31, 11, 12, 21, 32, 34, 41, 42, 44

過程 guoˋ chengˊ


過程中 guoˋ chengˊ zhong¯

In the process

過程反覆十幾次 guoˋ chengˊ fanˇ fuˋ shiˊ jiˇ ciˋ

Repeat the process several dozen times, Repeat several dozen times

握成拳頭 woˋ chengˊ quanˊ touˊ

Made a fist, Made fists

做成 zuoˋ chengˊ

Made from, Made with, to make

做成了 zuoˋ chengˊ le˙

Making, Made, Creating, Created, Forming, Formed, Building, Built

做成大秤 zuoˋ chengˊ daˋ chengˋ

Make a big scale

做朋友 zuoˋ pengˊ youˇ

Make friends, Become friends

31, 11, 12, 21, 32, 34, 41, 42, 44

過剩 guoˋ shengˋ


作夢 zuoˋ mengˋ


做夢 zuoˋ mengˋ

Dream, Dreaming, Have a dream, Daydream

作證 zuoˋ zhengˋ

Bear witness

做證 zuoˋ zhengˋ


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