
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 過


Cursory look over

cu¯ lueˋ diˋ guoˋ muˋ yiˊ bianˋ

過 guoˋ
Experience, Pass, Go Through, Arrive, Past Perfect Tense, Pass On, Transfer, Visit

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Phone , Tone


粗略 cu¯ lueˋ

過目 guoˋ muˋ

一遍 yiˊ bianˋ

Words that rhyme with 粗略地過目一遍 (wu-yue)

Grouped by first phone

cu, bu, chu, du, fu, hu, mu, ru, shu, wu, zhu

粗略 cu¯ lueˋ


粗略估計 cu¯ lueˋ gu¯ jiˋ

Roughly estimate, Rough estimate

粗略地過目一遍 cu¯ lueˋ diˋ guoˋ muˋ yiˊ bianˋ

Cursory look over

cu, bu, chu, du, fu, hu, mu, ru, shu, wu, zhu

不確定 buˊ queˋ dingˋ

Unsure, Undecided, Wasn't sure

不確定為什麼 buˊ queˋ dingˋ weiˋ shenˊ me˙

Was not sure why

不約而同 buˋ yue¯ erˊ tongˊ


cu, bu, chu, du, fu, hu, mu, ru, shu, wu, zhu

處決 chuˇ jueˊ


觸覺 chuˋ jueˊ

Sense of touch

cu, bu, chu, du, fu, hu, mu, ru, shu, wu, zhu

杜絕 duˋ jueˊ

Put an end to

cu, bu, chu, du, fu, hu, mu, ru, shu, wu, zhu

赴約 fuˋ yue¯

Going to meet for a date

cu, bu, chu, du, fu, hu, mu, ru, shu, wu, zhu

忽略 hu¯ lueˋ

Overlook, Neglect, Ignore

忽略了 hu¯ lueˋ le˙


忽略了什麼 hu¯ lueˋ le˙ sheˊ me˙

Overlooked something, Overlooked anything

cu, bu, chu, du, fu, hu, mu, ru, shu, wu, zhu

墓穴 muˋ xueˋ


cu, bu, chu, du, fu, hu, mu, ru, shu, wu, zhu

儒學 ruˊ xueˊ


入學 ruˋ xueˊ

Start school

cu, bu, chu, du, fu, hu, mu, ru, shu, wu, zhu

輸血 shu¯ xueˋ

Blood transfusion

數學 shuˋ xueˊ


數學問題 shuˋ xueˊ wenˋ tiˊ

Math problems

數學家 shuˋ xueˊ jia¯


數學題 shuˋ xueˊ tiˊ

Math question

cu, bu, chu, du, fu, hu, mu, ru, shu, wu, zhu

無缺 wuˊ que¯


五月 wuˇ yueˋ


五月天 wuˇ yueˋ tian¯


cu, bu, chu, du, fu, hu, mu, ru, shu, wu, zhu

主角 zhuˇ jueˊ

Leading actor

豬血湯 zhu¯ xueˋ tang¯

Pig's Blood Soup

Grouped in tone pairs

14, 21, 22, 24, 32, 34, 41, 42, 44

粗略 cu¯ lueˋ


粗略估計 cu¯ lueˋ gu¯ jiˋ

Roughly estimate, Rough estimate

粗略地過目一遍 cu¯ lueˋ diˋ guoˋ muˋ yiˊ bianˋ

Cursory look over

忽略 hu¯ lueˋ

Overlook, Neglect, Ignore

忽略了 hu¯ lueˋ le˙


忽略了什麼 hu¯ lueˋ le˙ sheˊ me˙

Overlooked something, Overlooked anything

輸血 shu¯ xueˋ

Blood transfusion

豬血湯 zhu¯ xueˋ tang¯

Pig's Blood Soup

14, 21, 22, 24, 32, 34, 41, 42, 44

無缺 wuˊ que¯


14, 21, 22, 24, 32, 34, 41, 42, 44

儒學 ruˊ xueˊ


14, 21, 22, 24, 32, 34, 41, 42, 44

不確定 buˊ queˋ dingˋ

Unsure, Undecided, Wasn't sure

不確定為什麼 buˊ queˋ dingˋ weiˋ shenˊ me˙

Was not sure why

14, 21, 22, 24, 32, 34, 41, 42, 44

處決 chuˇ jueˊ


主角 zhuˇ jueˊ

Leading actor

14, 21, 22, 24, 32, 34, 41, 42, 44

五月 wuˇ yueˋ


五月天 wuˇ yueˋ tian¯


14, 21, 22, 24, 32, 34, 41, 42, 44

不約而同 buˋ yue¯ erˊ tongˊ


赴約 fuˋ yue¯

Going to meet for a date

14, 21, 22, 24, 32, 34, 41, 42, 44

觸覺 chuˋ jueˊ

Sense of touch

杜絕 duˋ jueˊ

Put an end to

入學 ruˋ xueˊ

Start school

數學 shuˋ xueˊ


數學問題 shuˋ xueˊ wenˋ tiˊ

Math problems

數學家 shuˋ xueˊ jia¯


數學題 shuˋ xueˊ tiˊ

Math question

14, 21, 22, 24, 32, 34, 41, 42, 44

墓穴 muˋ xueˋ


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