Index for words including 一

yiˋ, yiˊ, yi¯

One, 1, Single, A, An, Once, As Soon As, The

Word Links for words containing 一 (sorted via character pairs)

一 yiˋ, yiˊ, yi¯
One, 1, Single, A, An, Once, As Soon As, The

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


一口 A mouthful, A bite, Without hesitation, Insist

一口 In one breath, Without stopping, Breath, A mouthful of air

吐了一口 Spat out a mouthful of blood, Spat blood

吸了一口 Inhale, A breath of air, Take a breath, Breathe in

深吸一口 Takes a deep breath

訝得倒吸一口 Gasped in surprise


最老的一員 Oldest member

最後一員離開視線 The last of them slipped out of sight

等他們的最後一員離開視線後 Waiting till the last of them slipped out of sight


一號 1, Number 1

一號人物 Person, Individual


一戰 A battle, World War 1


一吃 Eating


一吋 One inch


夜風一吹就吹散了 Dissipated by the night breeze


一呎 A foot long


一味 Habitually, Invariably


一哩 A mile and a half

一哩半的路 A mile and a half


一喝 Started drinking


倒入一噴流的鮮奶油到咖啡中 Pouring a flowing jet of cream into coffee


一刷 A wipe, A brush

很快一刷 With a quick brush, With a quick wipe

但只要很快一刷 But all that was needed was a quick wipe, But with a quick brush


一局 Game

一局 This game


一層 Has one layer, A layer

塗有一層 Coated with a layer of, Covered with a layer of

一層層的 Layered

一層薄薄 Thin layer, A thin layer

一層薄薄的鋁 A thin layer of aluminum


一跑 Run around, Run


雙膝一跪 Kneeled, Dropped to both knees


一路 All the way, Throughout the journey, Straight through, Go the same way, Single file

一路滑下另一側 Sliding down the other side, Coasting down the other side

一路 Along the way

一路 Flew

黑烏鴉一路 The raven flew

一路叫嚷 Shouting all the way

一路平安 Have a safe journey, Safe travels

一路順風 Safe travels, Have a safe journey, Bon voyage

一路領到 Led all the way to, Took as far as

一路跟蹤他 Follow him, Followed him

一路坐在後面 Sat all the way in the back

一路生長出來 Grown straight from

一路跟蹤他到 Follow him to, Followed him to


一跳 React out of surprise, Reacting out of shock, Reacted out of shock, Reacted in shock

一跳 Scared, Surprised, Jump in surprise

一跳 Jump around, Skip, Hop around

向上一跳 Jump up, Jumps up, Jumped up, Jumped

嚇了一跳 Startled, Surprised, Taken aback, Shocked, Scared, Frightened, Made (someone) jump

大家都嚇了一跳 Everybody jumped in fear, Everbody was startled

我被自己的回答嚇了一跳 I am surprised by my own answer


一踢 Kick

一踢上樓 Kick upstairs, Kicked upstairs


一蹴而就 To succeed after a single attempt

一蹴而幾 To succeed after a single attempt

從來不是一蹴而就 Nothing great is created suddenly, Great results take time, Success never occurs after a single attempt


一躍而上 Leap up, Vault up

一躍而起 Jumped up, Leaped up

一躍而過 Leapfrog


一回 Once, One time, An occasion, A round (boxing)

一回 Once, One time, On one occasion

一回 One and the same thing, Caused by, One thing

一回事了 Take it seriously

把茶當一回事了 Take tea seriously

太把茶當一回事了 Take tea too seriously

他們太把茶當一回事了 They were too serious about the tea, They took the tea too seriously, They were making too big deal out of the tea


一圈 Circle, Arc, Ring, Belt, A circle, An arc

一圈 Walk around, Complete a circle

揮轉一圈 Swing around

滾了一圈 Rolled

轉了一圈 Did a turn, Did a spin, Did a twirl

小小轉了一圈 Did a little turn, Did a little spin, Did a little twirl

弧形揮轉一圈 Swing around in an arc

最裡邊的一圈 Innermost ring

帶著他轉了一圈 Spun him around

帶著她轉了一圈 Spun her around

一圈石柱群 A circle of stone pillars

一圈高高的石頭 A tall circle of stones, A circle of tall stones, A high circle of stones


一圓 Realize, Complete


一團 Clump of, Mass of, Ball of, Round of

一團 Everyone in a group, Entire regiment

一團 Hopeless case

一團混亂 A jumble, A disorganized bunch, A messy bunch of

一團亂當中 In the midst of (the) confusion

一團物體 A heap

變成很怪異的一團物體 Turning into an awkward heap

搞得一團亂的人 A person who messes up or causes trouble

經常搞得一團亂的人 A person who frequently messes up or causes trouble


一日 The first

不消一日 Less than a day, Not more than a day

六月一日 The first of June

日復一日 Day to day

有朝一日 Someday


一早 Early

第二天一早 The next morning

一早到那兒 Get there early


一晃 Flash


一星 Go for a week, Let a week pass by


一旦 Once, Whenever, Some day

毀於一旦 Destroyed

一旦我們 Once we

不過一旦我們 But once we

一旦交代完畢 Once the explanation was complete

一旦飽和就只能丟棄 Once saturated, They can only be thrown away

一旦真槍實彈事情就會困難得多 Things are a lot tougher when it's for real

一旦我們逮到她 Once we catch her

不過一旦我們逮到她 But once we catch her


舀起一匙 Scooped up a spoonful


一是 The first is that


一題 A question, A problem

一題 Next question, Follow up question

一題 There is a question, There is a problem


一時 For a moment, A period of time, Accidentally

聰明一世糊塗一時 A lifetime of cleverness includes moments of stupidity

一時衝動 On an impulse

一時 At this time, This time


好好睡了一晚 Had a good night's sleep, Having had a good night's sleep

為了那一晚特別借了 Had borrowed especially for that evening


對某一問題的回答 Answer to a particular question, Answer to a question


一門 Which class

一門新的語言 A new language


一閃 Twinkle

靈光一閃 Flash of inspiration

頓時靈光一閃 Immediately had a flash of inspiration, Was suddenly inspired

一閃而逝 Fleeting

一閃一閃的星星 Twinkling stars, Shining stars


一開 Began to, Started to, At first, Initially

一開始頁面佈滿 Initially the page was covered with

幾乎打從一開始就知道 Had known from almost the very beginning


一間 A or An (e.g. room or indoor area)

一間公司 A company, One company

一間房子 This house


一疊 A stack of paper

一疊教科書 Pile of schoolbooks, Pile of textbooks


一顆 A (e.g. a planet)

一顆小種子 A tiny seed

其中一顆小球 One of the small spheres, One of the tiny globes

它必須拿到一顆心臟 It needs to get a heart, It needed to get a heart


一男一女 A man and a woman


一貫 Consistant, Unswerving, From beginning to end


一點 A little, A little bit of, One o'clock

一點 A little bigger

一點 Younger, Less sophisticated

一點 Smaller

一點 A bit less than, A little less than

一點 Almost

一點 Newer

一點 Earlier, Early

一點 Sprinkle a little

一點 A little more, A little bit

一點 This point

再多一點 A little more

好拿一點 More convenient to cary, Easy to carry or bring along

好過一點 A little better, Feel a little better

平凡一點 A little more ordinary, A little more mundane

撐久一點 Last a little longer

灑上一點 Sprinkle on a little

中心的一點 A spot in the middle

再多拿一點 Take a little extra

支撐久一點 Last for a while longer, Last for a while

比較好一點 Even better

稍微好一點 A little better

稍微遠一點 A little bit further

聚集成一點 Gathered into a point, Focused into a single point

薪水好一點 Paid a little better

長大了一點 Grown a little bigger

再考慮遠一點 Something to consider later on, Think about later on

就是舊了一點 It's a little bit old

我相信這一點 I believe this, I believe that

最重要的一點 The most important point

覺得舒服一點 Feel a little better

說得好聽一點 Fancy way of saying, Nice way of saying

一點兒也不一樣 Completely different, Not even remotely the same

可以支撐久一點 Would last for a while longer, Would last for a while

或是比較好一點 Or even better

說得再準確一點 More to the point

參數空間中的一點 A point in parameter space

只比兩公尺少一點 Just under two meters, Just a bit less than two meters

在他嘴上的那一點 The spot over his mouth

把孔切磨得大一點 Ream out the hole to a slightly larger size

沒什麼特別的一點 Nothing special, At no particular point

習慣往下瞄準一點 Get used to aiming a little lower

這是很重要的一點 This is an important point

開始覺得舒服一點 Started to feel a little more comfortable, Started to feel better

在你鼻子前方幾吋的一點 A point a few inches in front of your nose

一點 A little, A little bit

一點 A little, Hardly any, Very little, A tiny amount

一點 Make a small effort

一點 Almost, Nearly

一點 Have a little, Are a little

匆匆一點 Nodded quickly, Gave a quick nod, Nodded curtly, Gave a curt nod

喝了一點 Drink a little soup, Have a little soup

即使是一點 Even a little

稍微大一點 A little bit older, A little bit bigger, A little more grown up

即使是一點點都 Even a little

走路還有一點 Walk with a limp, Walks with a limp, Walking with a limp, Walked with a limp

現在你稍微大一點 You're a little bit older now

一點不差 Exactly

一點也不像 Isn't at all like, Not at all like

一點兒也不小 Not small at all, Not at all insignificant

一點兒也不想 I didn't want to

一點痕跡也不留 Without leaving a trace, No tracks

一點兒也不老 I'm not old

一點沒錯 Not wrong, That's for sure

一點也沒錯 Exactly!, Precisely!

一點都沒趣 Uninteresting, Not at all interesting

一點用也沒有 Not even a little

一點價值也沒有 Completely worthless

一點感覺也沒有 Don't feel a thing, Didn't feel a thing

一點感覺都沒有 No feeling whatsoever, No feeling at all

一點裝潢都沒有 Undecorated, Unfurnished

一點辦法也沒有 No way at all, Completely impossible

甚至一點感覺都沒有 Can't even feel, Can't feel anything

跟他把你打傷一點關係都沒有 It has nothing to do with him hurting you

一點讚美 A little praise, A little admiration

一點零頭 Tiny fraction

一點不差嗎 Exactly?

一點不遜色 Not at all inferior, As good as

一點之後 Beyond that point

一點也不清楚 Not at all clear, There was nothing clear

一點都沒流露 Didn't show it, Didn't look it

一點兒也不怕冷 Not at all afraid of the cold

一點都不覺得痛 Didn't feel any pain at all, Didn't hurt at all

一點摔到地上 Almost fell down, Almost fell on their ass

甚至有一點恐懼 Just a little fearful, More that a little bit fearful

一點就像我了 Just like me

一點兒也不了解我 Doesn't know or understand me at all, Completely misunderstands me

我差一點就送命了 I could have died, I almost got killed

讓我來告訴你一點我自己的事吧 Allow me to tell you a little about myself

所以跟他把你打傷一點關係都沒有囉 So it has nothing to do with him hurting you?

承受得起一點浪費 Can afford a little largesse, Can afford a little extravagance

我們承受得起一點浪費 We can afford a little largesse, We can afford a little extravagance


一目了然 Understand at a glance

一目十行 Read ten lines in a single glance, Fast reader


一眨 In the blink of an eye


一眼 At a glance

一眼 Looked at, Glanced at, Took a look at

看了一眼 Glanced at

瞄了一眼 Glance at, Glanced at

瞄他一眼 Glanced at him

瞅他一眼 Look at him, Glance at him

瞅她一眼 Look at her, Glance at her

瞄了他一眼 Glanced at him

父女倆對看了一眼 Father and daughter looked at each other

一眼覺的 A critical eye

看了一眼 Glanced at it, Looked at it


一睹國際巨星 An international superstar


邪惡一瞪 Glare with an evil eye, Stare with an evil eye, Give the evil eye


一瞬 For a moment

一瞬 For a moment


一見 At the first sign of, At the first sight of

他們一見 As soon as they met

一見愉快 Happy at first site, Merry, Glad to see

難得一見 Difficult to get together


一則較短的報導 A shorter article, A comparatively short piece


一同 Together

一同前往 Go together, Travel together


一周 One week

短短一周 In as little as a week, In as little as a week's time

一周的薪水 One week's paycheck, One week's salary


一月 January, Jan, One month, A month


一肚子的氣 A belly full of gas, Harbor resentment, Harbored resentment


一股壓力 A surge of pressure, A wave of pressure

一股氣味 A smell

一股透明薄霧 A transparent haze

一股新生的焦慮 A new anxiety, A new worry

一股灰燼般的雲 A cloud of ashes, An ash-like cloud

空氣中有一股清新的味道 The air smells fresh, The air smelled fresh

一股清新 A fresh

一股清涼 A coolness, A cool feeling


其中一腳 One foot, One of their feet

他會想要參一腳 He will want to join, He will want to get involved, He would want to join, He would want to get involved

朝他的下巴補一腳 Kicked him in the chin, Kicked him in the jaw


一臉不安 Looked uneasy, Looked uncomfortable, Looked upset

一臉滿是 A face full of


一朵 A bunch (of flowers)

一朵 A bunch of, Lots of

一朵 A flower

一朵朵小野花 Bunches of tiny wild flowers, Tiny wild flowers

一朵朵小野花 Like tiny wildflowers

看起來都像一朵朵小野花 They all look like tiny wildflowers, All looking like tiny wildflowers, They all looked like tiny wildflowers


一體 One piece, A single piece

一體 Form a single piece

連結成一體 Weld together, Connect together, Join together


一隊 A team, A flight, A squad

一隊獵人 A group of hunters


一陣 A (e.g. a sound or a breeze), A moment, A pause, A flash, A burst of

一陣 For a while, For some time

一陣一陣 Gusts

彼此對吼一陣 Shout at each other for awhile

一陣 A while, For a while

一陣 A gust

一陣 A gust of wind

一陣 For a long while

再陪我一陣 Stay with me for a while, Stick around for a while

繼續做一陣 Continue working for a while

至少好一陣 At least for a while, For a while at least

躺了好一陣 Lay for a while

一陣刺痛 Suddenly started to prickle

一陣劇痛 A burst of intense pain

一陣灼痛 A burning pain, A flash of burning pain, A burst of searing pain

一陣小混亂 A small disturbance

一陣騷動 This disturbance

躺了好一陣子睡不著 Lay awake for a while

一陣很不舒服的鼓漲感 An uncomfortable bulging sensation

一陣子情況非常糟糕 For a while it was bad, For a while it was really rough

一陣大風 A strong wind

下起一陣大雨 It started to rain heavily

下過一陣大雨 A heavy rainfall

一陣子後 After a while

一陣子後 After awhile

一陣巨響 A tremendous noise, Aloud noise

外忽然傳來一陣巨響 From outside there was a sudden loud noise

一陣子之後 After a while

過了一陣子之後 After a period of time, After a while


一出現時 As soon as it appears, As soon as it appeared

他們一出 As soon as they come out


一比 Compare


一男一女 A man and a woman


一如 Just like, Just as

一如既往 As always

一如往常地 As usual

一如他所知的 As he had known would be the case, As he had known


一台 A (e.g. a plane)

一台複製機 A copy machine


一組 A set of, Set of

三包一組 Three-pack

下為一組 Forms 1 set, Constitutes 1 set

二人一組 A group of two

一組 A bundle, A group

一組先發置人的 A preemptive


一統 Unification

支持大一統國家觀念 Support the concept of a unified country


一絲 A trace, A hint

一絲不掛 Naked, Bare, Nude, Not wearing any clothing

一絲懷疑 Harbor a thread of doubt

一絲頭髮 A hair, A strand of hair

沒露出一絲頭髮 Not a strand of hair showed, Not a strand of hair was revealed


一綑 A bundle


一經 Once


頭髮一綹綹地 Tufts of hair


一線 A line

眼睛瞇成一線 Eyes narrowed to a line, Squinted narrowly, Eyes squinted to a thin line

整齊一線 Neatly lined up, In a neat line


一縮 Shrink, Reduce, Flinch, Cringe

微微一縮 Flinch a little, Flinched a little, Cringed a little


一張 A (e.g. a chair)

一張 A picture, A drawing

一張 A bed

一張 One sheet

一張 A picture, A painting

一張 A sheet of paper

一張 Draw a picture

展開一張 Unfolded a piece of paper, Opened the piece of paper

你每次一張 Every time you open your mouth

一張名片 A card, A business card

一張新床 A new bed

一張桌子 A table

一張照片 A picture, A photo

一張貼紙 A sticker

一張長椅 A bench

一張大卡片 A big card

一張雙人床 A double bed, One double bed

夾了一張紙當書籤 Used a sheet of paper as a bookmark, Bookmarked with a sheet of paper

一張小小的愛心卡 Write a short thank you card

好多年都沒看到過這麼漂亮的一張臉了 Had not seen such a beautiful face in many years

一張椅子 A single chair, One chair

一張讀書用的椅子 A chair for reading

一張白紙 A blank piece of paper

拿出一張白紙 Pulled out a blank piece of paper

一張又髒又皺的空白紙 Dirty and wrinkled blank piece of paper

在右半邊擺了一張辦公桌 On the right was a desk

一張薄薄的紙 A thin piece of paper, A thin slip of paper

一張折成三折的紙 A sheet of paper folded in thirds


一改 Make a little change, Just make a little change


一群 A group, A bunch (of), A team (of)

一群 A group (of)

一群婦女 A group of women

一群把風 A team of lookouts

一群瘋子 Group of maniacs, Crazy people

一群移民 Group of migrants, Bunch of migrants

一群人進來 Let a bunch of people in

一群把風和誘餌 A team of lookouts and decoys


一矛穿心 A spear through the heart


千鈞一發 Close call


一了百了 Solving the key problem provides the key to solving all the problems.


一反 Learn by analogy


一戶 This household, This family


一扇 A (e.g. door or window)

一扇 A window

一扇灰門 A gray door

一扇可以上鎖的門 A door that locked, A door that can be locked

一扇有十二道鎖的大門 A gate with twelve locks

一扇開著的窗戶 An open window

一扇髒髒的窗戶 A dirty window


值得一顧 Worth a look at, Worthy of attention

有值得一顧的地方 Something to be said for, Worthy of visiting


一學就會 All it needs is a little practice, All it needs is a little study


一覺醒來 Wake up


一舉 In one fell swoop

一舉一動 Every move

一舉兩得 Gain Two Objectives With A Single Act, Kill Two Birds With One Stone

一舉數得 Lots of benefits from one action, Kill two birds with one stone (equivalent)


一段 A section, First section, One section

一段 Which section?

蠻長一段 Quite (a) long

當年那一段 That particular

一段對話 A conversation

一段引言 An introduction, An introductory paragraph

一段 A long way, A good section of road

一段時間後 Over time, Over a period of time

一段關係之下 In a relationship

放起一段影片 Play a video

一段時間 A while, A time

一段時間 A while, A good while, A long time

住了一段時間 Lived for a while

很長一段時間 A long time

持續了一段時間 Lasted for a while

猶豫了很長一段時間 Hesitated a long time

在中南部住了一段時間 Lived in the mid-South for awhile

每隔一段距離 A set distance apart, At regular intervals

蠻長一段距離 Quite a distance, Quite a ways


一匹 A (e.g. a horse)

一匹 A horse

騎著一匹 Riding a horse


腹中一緊 A tightening in the belly, Lost hope


薄得一覽無遺 So thin you can see right through


一長 A long list, A list of, A string of, A trail of

一長排窗戶 A long line of windows

一長串好幾個名字 A long list of names

一長一短 One long one short

時間一長 Over time


一鬆 Loose


一系 Series


一片 A piece, A flap, A swath, A slab

漆黑一片 Dark, Darkness, Pitch black, Dark of night

一片 Fragments

一片凌亂 A mess, Messy

一片嘈雜 Noisy

一片沉寂 Silence

一片葉子 A leaf

一片海域 This part of the ocean

一片漆黑 Dark, The darkness, Totally dark, Completely dark, Complete darkness

外頭的一片漆黑 The darkness outside

凝視外頭的一片漆黑 Stare out in the darkness, Startes out into the darkness, Starting out into the darkness, Stared out into the darkness


一句 In a word, In short, A sentence, One sentence

一句 Which sentence

一句 That was it, That was all, Just that one sentence

下列哪一句 Which of the following sentences

妳以前不是喜歡說一句 What was it you used to say?

一句口號 A slogan, A catchphrase

一句廢話也沒有 Not wasting words

只有一句話可說 Only had one thing to say

問了一句 Asked a question

提醒一句 Remind, Reminder

補上一句 Make up a sentence

補了一句 Said in addition, Added

一句也不信 Don't believe a word, Doesn't believe a word, Didn't believe a word

一句話不說 Didn't speak, Didn't speak a word


一名 A (e.g. a person)

數百位先驅中的一名 One of the few hundred pioneers

成為奈米科技革命中數百位先驅中的一名 Became one of the few hundred pioneers of the nanotechnological revolution

一名落單 A single, A solitary

一名神秘女子 A mysterious woman

一名金髮美女 A beautiful blonde woman, A good-looking blonde

你是一名記者嗎 Are you a reporter

一名落單的幫派份子 A single gang member

看見一名年輕的女人朝他走過來 Saw a young woman walking towards him


一物 With nothing, Not containing anything, Empty

空無一物 Empty, Filled with nothing

一物剋一物 The circle of life, There is always one thing that limits or restricts another


一生 A life, All one's life, Throughout one's life

一生 As soon as I got sick

一生都為背傷所苦 Suffered back injuries all their life


萬無一失 Safe bet, Certain to succeed, A certainty

難保萬無一失 Will go wrong, Not a sure thing


一年 One year

一年 The previous year

一年 What year?

一年 One year later

這個是哪一年 What year is this one?

一年到頭 All year round

一年不過幾次而已 Just a few times a year

一年到頭都如此 Year round it was always like this

幾乎一年到頭都如此 It was like this nearly the whole year round

一年的這個時期 Every year around this time, At this time of year

一年的這個時期 At this time of year


一罐 One can, One canister, One tin

多準備一罐 Prepare one more can,

需要多準備一罐 Need to prepare one more can, Need one more can

一罐油漆 A can of paint, One can of paint

一罐維他命 A bottle of vitamins


一長一短 One long one short


一知半解 Only partially comprehend, A smattering of understanding, Partially understand


一無所有 Nothing

一無所獲 Achieved nothing

一無所知 Know nothing, Knew nothing

一無所知 He knew nothing

一無所知 She knew nothing

一無 Unique, One of a kind, Only one of its kind

我是獨一無二的 I'm unique, I'm one of a kind

一無所有再無可失 Nothing to lose

落到一無所有再無可失的處境 Fall into a situation of having nothing to lose, Have nothing to lose


一氣之下 In a fit of anger

一氣呵成 Done in one breath, Get something done in one go


一氧化碳 Carbon monoxide

一氧化碳中毒 Carbon monoxide poisoning


一條 A/An (e.g. a scarf or other long object)

各有一條 Each has one, One for each

一條 A line

一條 Draw a line

來到一條 Arriving at a street, Arrived at a street

不只是一座小鎮而是一條 Not just a town but a street

一條水圳 An irrigation canal

一條小曲線 A short bendy line

一條高速公路 A highway

形成一條稜線 Forms a ridge, Forms a ridge-line

一條銀色的長線 A long silver colored thread

一條街上 Street

一條街上 Which street

一條彩色的布 A strip of colored cloth

一條白色的魚 A white fish

一條神祕的河 A mysterious river

一條隱匿小道 A concealed path

發現一條隱匿小道 Discovered a concealed path


一隻 One, A (e.g. a hand), An (e.g. an animal), A (e.g. a beast or creature)

其中一隻 One of the (creatures)

一隻 One hand, A hand

一隻 A Foot, foot

一隻 A Cicada

一隻 One by one

一隻 A bird

一隻兔子 A rabbit

一隻公雞 One rooster, One cock

一隻孔雀 A peacock

一隻老鼠 One mouse, A mouse

一隻蜘蛛 A spider

一隻蜜蜂 A honeybee

一隻蝴蝶 A butterfly

一隻鱷魚 An alligator

一隻麒麟 A unicorn

一隻大黑鳥 A big black bird

一隻小海豹 A seal, One seal

一隻小毛毛蟲 A caterpillar

一隻腿站立 Stand on one leg, Stands on one leg, Standing on one leg, Stood on one leg

一隻蜜蜂嗡嗡尋花蜜 A honeybee buzzing around looking for nectar

一隻手肘 An elbow

一隻手臂 One arm

一隻腳踢中他的小腿 A foot kicked his lower leg

一隻腳踢中她的小腿 A foot kicked her lower leg

一隻手肘撞進他的胸口 An elbow crashed into his chest

一隻手肘撞進她的胸口 An elbow crashed into her chest


一雙 A pair (of)


一代 A generation

一代 Next generation

一代 This generation

一代代流傳下來 Passed down from generation to generation


一件 A/An (e.g. a piece of clothing), A (e.g. a matter of business)

穿一件 Wear a, Wears a, Wearing a, Wore a

最後一件 One last thing

一件 A matter

最後一件 Last thing

你讓我想到一件 You've given me an idea, You've given me a thought, You've made me think of something

我記得最後一件 The last thing I remember (is/was)

一件事情 A matter, A thing to do

一件意思的事情 An interesting matter, An interesting thing to do

一件絲袍 A silk robe

拿出一件絲袍 Grabbed a silk robe

從衣櫥拿出一件絲袍 Grabbed a silk robe from the wardrobe

一件輕紗 A veil

披著一件輕紗 Wearing a veil

一件四角褲 A pair of boxer shorts

行頭一件不少 To have enough outfits, Sufficient wardrobe

把他們大部分的法力放進一件物品 Place most of their magic into an object


一份 A part, A portion, a share

一份 Previous, Last, Occasion before

一份 Extra portion, Additional serving

他上一份 His previous, His last

一份拷貝 A copy

一份餐包 A meal packet, A packaged meal

一份泰晤士報 A copy of the Times

一份濃縮咖啡 Extra shot of espresso

這麼一份最美好的生日禮物 This most wonderful birthday present

一份 Owe a debt, Have a debt to pay

幫派的一份 Part of a gang

一份驗屍報告 An autopsy report

那是一份驗屍報告 It was an autopsy report


一位 A/An (e.g. a person)

一位客戶 A customer, A client

一位知名 A famous

一位文學家 A writer

一位痴情女子 An infatuated woman

以前一位教授 A former professor

一位對浪漫派詩人狂熱的人 An aficionado of romantic poets

一位皇帝 An emperor

一位皇帝 Which emperor


他頭一低 He lowered his head, He dropped his head


各舉一例 Give an example of each

舉出一例 Give an example, Give one example


一個 A/An, A, An

一個 The next

一個 Which one

一個 Has, in addition, Has an additional

一個 Has one, One of, One of the

一個 By a

一個 Smile

一個一個 One by one

其中一個 Any one of, One of

另外一個 Another

只有一個 Only have one

吃下一個 Ate one

過了一個 After a, After an

一個接一個 One after another

是另外一個 The other other one

指著其中一個 Pointed at one of them, Pointed at one of these

只關心其中一個 Only cared about one of them, Was only concerned about one of them

在他前面的人有一個 One of the people in front of him

一個 A person

一個 One by one, Each and every

一個 1 month, One month

一個 A battalion

一個 One egg, An egg

一個 A point

一個個的 One-by-one

一個 One month, There was one month

再過一個 Just over a month

就你一個 Just you, Just you, alone

就妳一個 Just you, Just you, alone

沒說一個 Didn't say a word, Didn't say anything

載著一個 Carry one person

轟了一個 Blew a hole

卻沒說一個 But didn't say a word, But didn't say anything

只有他一個 He is alone, He was alone

得到了一個 Got a kiss

我看到一個 I see one now

他們其中一個 One of them

我想我看到一個 I believe I see one know

所以你才會一個 That's why you are alone, That's why you were alone

所以妳才會一個 That's why you are alone, That's why you were alone

一個人影 Silhouette of a person, Shadow of one person

一個人的 A person's

一個小小穿白裙的人形 A small figure wearing a white dress

等到只剩下他一個人了 Wait until he is alone

等到只剩下她一個人了 Wait until she is alone

一個反射在鏡子裡的人形 A figure reflected in a mirror, A reflected figure in a mirror, A reflected image in a mirror

等到只剩下那個女孩一個人了 Wait until the girl is alone

一個位置 A position

這麼一個位置 Such a position

一個勁兒 Keep going

一個月後 A month later

一個特點 A feature or characteristic

一個年輕人 A young person, A young man

一個星期中 During a week, Within a week

一個氮元素 A nitrogen element, An element of nitrogen

一個空油箱 An empty fuel tank

一個辦公室 A single office

一個速率 At one rate

一個起點 As a starting point

一個世紀 The previous century

一個側管 Has an additional side tube

一個人都沒有 There's no one here, There isn't even one person here

一個圓形凹陷 A circular depression

一個秘密基地 A secret base

一個起司漢堡 A cheeseburger

作為一個學生 As a student

作為一個銀行 As a bank

最後一個做好 Last to finish

一個要刺青 Having a tattoo done

一個晚上才 Only for one particular night

紮了一個架子 Tied together a framework

聽見一個聲音 Heard a sound

一個固定的工作 A regular job

一個大大的愛心 A big heart (shape)

一個大視窗打開 Then a large pane opened, Then a large window opened, Then a large panel opened

一個自我性行為 Self gratification (act of), Sexual self gratification (act of)

一個池塘中央 In the center of a pond, In the middle of a pond

我是一個人來的 I came alone

提著一個工具箱 Holding a tool box

有那麼一個地方 There is such a place, There was such a place

一個巨大水管 Use one giant pipe, Using one giant pipe

發現了一個蟲洞 Discovered a wormhole

一個星期五的下午 One Friday afternoon, On a Friday afternoon

一個空油箱的容量 An empty fuel tanks capacity

他們雇了一個腳夫 They had hired a porter

一個分子數較多 Which molecular number is bigger

想出來了一個辦法 Come up with a means of, Come up with a method for

打開其中一個抽屜 Opened one of the drawers

看著我的一個同事 Look at one of my colleagues, Looked at one of my colleagues, Look at a colleague of mine

一個小孩子接了電話 A child answered the phone

其中一個自動對焦點 Any one of the auto focus points

一個原子或分子的質量 The mass of an atom or molecule

我自己一個人沒辦法做 I can't do it alone

生活在一個生態系統裡 Living within an ecosystem

一個父親能做的最好投資 The best investment a father could make

其中一個自動對焦點對準 Aim any one auto focus point

其中沒有一個人有啤酒肚 Not one person among them had a beergut or beer belly

拿出一個黑色三孔活頁夾 Took out a black three ring binder

看我一個人有沒有辦法應付 To see if I could handle it alone

一個勇敢的人面臨苦難而面無懼色 In the face of adversity a brave man shows no fear, A brave man smiles in the face of adversity

看都沒看就點了一個起司漢堡和一杯汽水 Ordered a cheeseburger and soda without looking

那麼是什麼使一個人的生活比另一個有趣 What makes one person's life more interesting than another's?

形成一個在未來將會影響他政治見解的看法 Form an idea or opinion that would in the future shape his political views

一個呵欠 A yawn

壓下了一個呵欠 Stifled a yawn, Suppressed a yawn

一個大坑 A big pit, A big hole

一個較大的 A larger

一個小門 A small gate

一個白人小孩 A white kid

一個成分 An ingredient

少了一個成分 Missing an ingredient

缺乏一個成分 Lack an ingredient, Lacked an ingredient

這最後一個成分 This final ingredient, This last ingredient

一個晚上 A night, One night

一個晚上 Stay one night, One night

一個晚上 One particular night, For one night, For one particular night

然後會有一個晚上 Then there would be a night, Then would come one night

一個決定 A decision

做了一個決定 Made a decision

一個環帶 A belt, A loop, A ring

形成一個環帶 Form a loop, Forming a belt

一個生氣 An angry

一個人的生活 A person's life, One person's life

一個禮物 A gift, A present

一個小禮物 A small gift, A tiny present

一個缺角 A missing corner, Missing a corner

一個最大的缺點 Has one big downside, Had one big downside

一個小機器 A small device

一個機會 Had one chance

願意用一切交換一個機會 Willing to do anything for the chance to, Willing to do anything in exchange for the chance to

我願意用一切交換一個機會 I'd do anything for the chance to, I'd give anything for the chance to

一個新名字 A new name

一個新名字 Take a new name, Takes a new name, Taking a new name, Took a new name

一個新科技 A new technology

創造出一個新科技 Invent a new technology

一個轉身 He turned

一個轉身 She turned

一個營來 Send a battalion

他們得派一個營來 They need to send a battalion, They will need to send a battalion, They have to send a battalion, They will have to send a battalion

一個亭子 Built a pavilion

一個四面有柱子撐住上面有蓋的亭子 Built a pavilion with supporting pillars on four sides and a roof above

一個出其不意 A suprise

一個你都找不到 Not one more would you find

一個清晰的像 A clear image

一個很不想嗅到什麼的人 Like a person eager not to sense a smell

一個不朽的見證 An immortal witness

一個不朽的見證 Like an immortal witness

告訴你一個秘密 Tell you a secret

我這可是告訴你一個秘密 I tell you this in all confidence

一個金髮白人女孩 A blonde white girl

一個深色頭髮的女孩 A dark-haired girl

一個矮胖的亞洲男孩 A pudgy Asian boy

一個徹徹底底的偽君子 An absolute hypocrite

說這句話就會是一個徹徹底底的偽君子 To say this would be the height of hypocrisy, Saying this was the height of hypocrisy

一個已經暴露的敵人藏身處 A known enemy hideout

他追蹤男爵到一個已經暴露的敵人藏身處 He tracked the Baron to an exposed enemy hideout

一個跟他一模一樣的複製品 An exact copy of him, An exact replica of himself

一個跟她一模一樣的複製品 An exact copy of her, An exact replica of herself

一個外貌差不多的男士主持 Hosted by a man of similar appearance

將其中一個自動對焦點對準主體 Aim any one of the auto focus points at the subject


一倍 Times one, One times

一倍 Stupider, More stupid


他的頭往後一倒 His head was pushed back


一倖 Never survived, No survivors


工作一做五年 Work for five years, Worked for five years


一停 Stop


一側 One side

一側 To one side, Towards one side

其中一側 To one side

他從街道的一側跳到另一側 He jumped from one side of the street to the other, He leaped from one side of the street to the other

她從街道的一側跳到另一側 She jumped from one side of the street to the other, She leaped from one side of the street to the other

臀部向一側 Push the hips to one side, Pushes the hips to one side, Push our hips to one side

把臀部向一側 Push the hips to one side, Pushes the hips to one side, Push our hips to one side


一袋 Bag of


一千 One thousand, 1000

一千一百 One thousand one hundred, Eleven hundred, 1100

一千 One thousand seconds

一千五百 One thousand five hundred, 1500

一千四百 One thousand four hundred, 1400

一千年的歷史 A thousand years of history

一千四百二十五 One thousand four hundred and twenty five, 1425

一千五百年前 1500 years ago

一千三百 Thirteen Hundred, One Thousand Three Hundred, 1300

一千零三十 One thousand and thirty, 1030

一千多塊 Over a thousand dollars, More than a thousand dollars

願意花一千多塊 Willing to spend over a thousand dollars


一動 Moved, Shifted

一舉一動 Every move

靈機一動 Suddenly think of

一動不動 Perfectly still

一動也不動 Was completely still, Didn't move


一手 One hand

舉起一手 Raised a hand

緊抓在一手 Clutching in one hand

一手搞定 Single-handed, Single-handedly

一手拿著雜誌 Holding a magazine in one hand

一手拿著冰啤酒 Holding a cold beer in one hand

一手在牆壁上摸索 Felt along the wall with one hand

我總是一手拿著筆記本 I always had the notebook in one hand, I always held the book in one hand


一看 As soon as they saw her

一看就懂 Understand at a glance, Get the message

一看就知道 Know at a glance

一看 Take a look

仔細一看 Taking a closer look

回頭一看 Turned to look

我回頭一看 I turned to look

上下左右看一看 Looks around, Takes a look around


邏輯性的一和 Logical ones and zeroes


遲疑一秒 Hesitate for a second, Hesitated for a second

頓了一秒 Took a second, Stopped for a second

我遲疑一秒 I hesitated for a second

害怕一秒 Instant of fright

那麼一秒 For an instant, For a moment, For a second

擔心了那麼一秒 Felt a moment of worry


一秤 Weigh, Weigh one by one


一種 A kind of, A type, One kind

一種 What kind of

不只一種 More than one, Not just one

是哪一種 What kind of, Is what kind

一種技能 A skill

一種武器 A kind of weapon

一種藝術 A kind of art

一種 What kind of flower

一種誇大的 An exaggerated

那是又多一種邪惡 That's one more kind of evil, That's one more evil

一種獨特的做事方式 A unique way of doing something, The only possible way of doing something

一種化合物的分子量 A certain compound's molecular weight

不管他做出哪一種體操動作 No matter what kind of gymnastic movement he did, No matter what gymnastic feat he performed

還有一種澱粉與肥豬肉混合的香腸也稱作粉腸 There is also a kind of sausage made from starch and fatty pork that is also known as rice sausage

一種誇大 A kind of exaggeration

一種誇的 In a somewhat pompous

一種混合體 A hybrid

一種化合物 A certain compound, A particular compound

一種新的感官 A new sense

開啟一種新的感官 Activate a new sense, Activating a new sense

晾乾而成的一種香腸 A kind of dried sausage, A dried sausage

一種澱粉與肥豬肉混合的香腸 A kind of sausage made with starch and fatty pork


一毛 A hair, A dime

一毛不拔 Stingy, Wouldn't spare a dime to help somebody


一番 Some, An (e.g. an argument)

奔放一番 Go wild, Run freely, Gallop around for a turn


一行 A group

一言一行 Every word and deed

混這一行 Playing this (game, Profession trade)


一街之遙 One street away, One block away

離日落大道只有一街之遙 One block from Sunset Boulevard


一役 A battle

經此一役 As a result they banded together, As a result they joined the fight

傳奇的一役 A legendary battle


一往情深 Fall deeply in love


一待 Stay, Stays

有時候一待 Sometimes staying


一律 Equally


一微形塊 A microscopic chunk, One microscopic chunk

一次一微形塊 One microscopic chunk at a time


一笑 Laugh, Smile, Laughed, Smiled

一笑 Laughed

咧嘴一笑 Grinned

咧開一笑 Grinned, Smiled

微微一笑 Gave a smile, Smiled

一笑就會 Would, if laughing, Would, if smiling, If they laughed would, If they smiled would

一笑置之 Laughed it off, Laughingly disregarded


一筆款項轉到 Transfer funds, Transfer a sum of money

獲得一筆和解賠償金 Received a cash settlement


一等 Wait a moment

高人一等 Cut above other people

自以為高人一等 Think one is better than others, Self-righteous, Priggish, Moralistic, Superior


一算 Count

屈指一算 Count using one's fingers

掐指一算 Count on fingers, Calculate


我們在前一節學過 We learned in the previous section


一籌莫展 At a loss

較勝一籌 A little better


一向 Always, Until now, Consistently

一向懶得 But always too lazy, But could never be bothered to

一向上箭號 Add an upward pointing arrow symbol

一向下箭號 Add a downward pointing arrow


一六 Sixteen

一六 Sixteen


一夜 Tonight, This night

跳了一夜 Dancing through the night, Dancing into the night


一離 While about to leave


一刻 Time, Occasion, Moment

一刻 This time

一刻 That time, That occasion, That moment

在那一刻 At that moment

等這一刻 Waited for this moment

從那一刻 From then on

在這一刻之前 Until now, Until this moment, Up until this moment


一文不值 Worthless


一齊 Simultaneously, At the same time, Together, In unison


一亮 Dawn, Break of day


一方 One side, On the one hand, but on the other hand…


一站 Next stop


一端 One end

一端 On one end


耳目一新 Refreshing

令人耳目一新 Refreshing


一部 A book or movie, A volume

一部 A part, A portion, An element, A component

一部 Portion, Part

官方程序的一部 Part of an official procedure, Part of some official procedure

一部電視電影 A made-for-TV movie

被拍成一部電視電影 Was made into a made-for-TV movie, Became the subject of a made-for-TV movie


一心一意 One heart and one mind, Focused, Whole heartedly


一旁 On one side, To one side

一旁 Nearby, next to

把她到一旁 Took her to one side, Took her aside

一旁觀看很難受 Difficult to watch, Uncomfortable to watch


一言一行 Every word and deed

一言不發 Without saying a word

一言以蔽之 To make a long story short, To sum up


敲了一記 Struck a note, Struck and created a sound


一語不發 Said nothing, Didn't say anything

不發一語 Said nothing, Without a word, Didn't say a word, Don't say a word


一說 Talk about, Discuss

你這麼一說 Now that you mention it


學到的一課 A lesson learned, The lesson that was learned

寶貴的一課 A valuable lesson

那他不是學到寶貴的一課了嗎 Then you've learned a valuable lesson, haven't you?

那妳不是學到寶貴的一課了嗎 Then you've learned a valuable lesson, haven't you?


混為一談 Lump together indiscriminately


一謝再謝感謝 Thank again and again, Thanked again and again


一讀 Read


一字排開 Line up, Lined up, Arrayed, Arranged

一字一字慢慢說 Speak slowly, Speaks slowly, Speaking slowly, Spoke slowly


一定 Definitely, Probably

一定 Not certain, Not definite, Indefinite, Unsure

沒有一定 Indefinite, Undefined, General, Unspecific, Non-specified

那可不一定 Not necessarily, That isn't definite

一定 Definitely need to, Definitely should

一定 Will, Would

一定 Definitely need to, Want to, Wanting to, Should definitely

一定 You are probably hungry

一定 I will

一定 This must be

我們一定 We have to, We must

一定要選 Must choose

一定會很棒 It'll be wonderful, It'll be great

一定要多試試 Don't give up, Keep trying

一定很難想像 You probably find it difficult to imagine

一定有幾百公里長 Must have been a hundred kilometers long

裡頭一定什麼也沒有 There would be nothing inside, There is nothing inside, It would be empty, It is empty

我們以後講起這件事一定會笑死 We'll have a good laugh about this afterwards

一定是伸出手了 Probably reached out, Must have reached out

一定是伸出手了 He probably reached out, He must have reached out


一家 A family, Family

一家 The family

一家 Stick together

我們一家 Our family

一家知名 A well known, A famous

一家旅行社 A travel agency

一家老茶樓 An old teahouse

一家保全公司 A security company

一家二手家具店 A second hand furniture store

跳到一家屋頂邊緣 Jump to the edge of the roof, Jumped to the edge of the roof, Jumped to the edge of a roof

一家穿著特別好的人 A particularly well-dressed family

開創了一家有機農場 Started an organic farm

一家屋頂飛到另一家屋頂 Flying from one rooftop to another, Flying from rooftop to rooftop, Moving from rooftop to rooftop

常常到一家老茶樓喝茶 Frequently drank tea at an old teahouse

早晨常常到一家老茶樓喝茶 Frequently drank tea in the morning at an old teahouse


把你搜刮一空 Empty your pockets, Pick your pockets


一感應到 As soon as it sensed


一成 Ten percent, 10 percent

一成不變 Fixed, Invariable, Immutable


一應俱全 Everything is available


一度 Once, On one occasion


一席 A speech, An enlightening speech

短短一席話後 After a few words, After a short talk


一座 A (e.g. a building), An (e.g. an island)

一座 One mountain, A mountain

一座 A bridge

一座岩石 A rock

一座瞭望臺 A lookout tower

一座頹廢的古堡 A ruined castle, The ruins of a castle

不只是一座小鎮 Not just a town

一座又高又暗的城堡 A tall dark castle

不只是一座小鎮而是一條街 Not just a town but a street


大小不一的 Various sized, Various sizes, Of various sizes

大小不一的聚落 Various sized settlements


每隔一殷時間 Once in a while

每隔一殷時間就聯絡一下 Reach out every once in a while, Connect every once in a while


奄奄一息 On the verge of death


一鼻子灰 Rejected, Meet with rejection, Rebuffed


一身 Whole body, Solitary, A suit

孑然一身 Alone, Living alone

一身 Sweated

他穿了一身 He wore black, He was dressed in black

她穿了一身 She wore black, She was dressed in black

一身瘀青 Bruised all over

弄得他一身瘀青 Left him bruised all over, Left him bruised

一身盔甲 A suit of armour

一身汗臭味 Whole body stank of sweat, Whole body reeked of sweat, Stank of sweat


鞠了一躬 Bowed


一般 Just like, In much the same way, Like, As if, Usually, In general, As a rule, Ordinary, Common, Mediocre, Typical

一般 Mountainous, Mountain-like, Like a mountain

一般 Rather ordinary

不同於一般 Differently than usual, Different than usual

像我們以前漫遊一般 Roam like we used used to, Like we roamed before

像準備狩獵的貓一般 Like a cat ready to hunt, Like a hunting cat ready to hunt

一般 Average person, The average person

一般 General purpose, General

一般人們 Average people, People

一般來說 Usually, In general, For the most part

一般感冒 Common cold

一般而言 Usually, In general, For the most part

一般股票 Common stock, Common stocks

一般說來 Usually, In general, For the most part

一般情況下 Generally, Normally, Usually, In general situations

一般日子裡 Normally, On an average day, During an average day

一般為瓷製 Generally made from porcelain

一般的情況 General case, General situation

一般巨大 Mountainous, Mountain-sized, Giant

一般型計算機 General purpose calculator

一般正常衣服 Normal clothes

穿一般正常衣服 Wear normal clothes, Wears normal clothes, Wearing normal clothes, Wore normal clothes

他穿一般正常衣服 He wears normal clothes, He wore normal clothes

他們穿一般正常衣服 They wear normal clothes, They wore normal clothes


一艘 A (e.g. a boat or ship or vessel), One ship

一艘好船 A good ship

造了一艘好船 Made a good ship


一次 A, One, Single

一次 Next time

一次 Once again

一次 Once

一次 Try once, Tried once

一次 This time

一次 First time

不只一次 More than once

不止一次 More than once, Not for the first time

再試一次 Tried again

再說一次 Say once more, Say again

多久一次 How often

最後一次 Last time

重複一次 Repeat once

一次又一次 Again and again, Repeatedly

再逮捕他一次 Arrest him again

再逮捕她一次 Arrest her again

努力再試一次 Try again, Strive to try again

又喊了他一次 Called for him again

只出現過一次 Only appear once, Only appeared once

只能輸入一次 Can only be entered once

幹嘛再上一次 Why are we doing this?, Why are we going over this?

我幫助過他一次 I helped him once

救過他不止一次 Saved him more than once, Had saved him more than once, Had saved his life on more than one occasion

救過她不止一次 Saved her more than once, Had saved her more than once, Had saved her life on more than one occasion

近距離看過他們一次 Saw them up close once

一次 Disposable, Single use

一次 First order term

一次次的 Again and again, Constant

一元一次 Single variable linear equation

一次多項式 First-order polynomial, First-degree polynomial

一次式乘積 First-order product, First degree product

一次項係數 First order (linear) coefficient

一次問過 Had once asked

一次一微形塊 One microscopic chunk at a time

一次項係數為 The first order (linear) coefficient is

最後一次看到 Last seen


一池清涼乾淨活水 Cool and clear pond of fresh water

環繞一池清涼乾淨活水的一叢小樹林 A small grove surrounding a cool, clear pond of fresh water


一決 Once decided, Once the decision had been made

心意一決 With mind made up


一沒說實話 Spoke false, Lied, Did not tell the truth


一波 Wave, Waves

一波波的 Surging, Rippling

一波波襲來的麻痺 An attacking wave of paralysis, An oncoming wave of paralysis


一流 First class, First rate, Of the same class

一流 Excellent, First class, First rate


一清 Clean up, Tidy up

一清二楚 Crystal clear

記得一清二楚 Remembered clearly

什麼都看得一清二楚 Could see everything clearly


一滴 A drop of water, One drop of water

一滴 Drip a drop of water

不會流一滴 Without getting sweaty, Without breaking a sweat

一滴墨水 A drop of ink

一滴墨水滴入杯水中 Like a drop of ink in a glass of water


一滿二十一歲 As soon as I turned twenty-one


一逛 Go shopping, Window shopping


一連 A (e.g. a series), A (e.g. a series or set of connected objects)

一連 A series (of), A sequence (of)

一連 This series of, This line of

一連追了 Continued to follow, Continued to pursue

一連好多天 For many days

一連幾個月 For a few months


整整一週 A whole week, For exactly one week

雨已經下了整整一週 Up until now it had been raining for a whole week

一週洗兩次大量的衣服 Did a load of laundry twice a week


一遍 Once, Again, Once more

說了一遍 Said it again, Said once again, Repeated

過目一遍 Look over, Look through

又說了一遍 Repeated, Said again

粗略地過目一遍 Cursory look over

把事情的邏輯再想一遍 Run through the logic of matter one more time

邊喝上午的咖啡邊將郵件粗略地過目一遍 Glance over the mail while drinking their morning coffee


一道 Together, On the same path, A (problem)

一道一道 Arrived one-by-one

一道陷阱 A trap

一道衝擊波 A shock wave

一道小小的疤 A small scar, A little scar

挑高一道眉毛 Raise an eyebrow, Raising an eyebrow, Raised an eyebrow

挑高了一道 Raised an eyebrow

最後一道餘暉 Last remaining light

一道道平行的小瀑布 Small parallel cascades

他臉上似乎閃過一道陰影 It seemed as if a shadow briefly passed over his face

劃過一道閃電 A flash of lightning

地平線劃過一道閃電 Lightning flashes on the horizon, Lightning flashed on the horizon


一適應它 As soon as you are used to it


一邊 On one hand, One edge, A border

一邊 To one side

一邊 Which side?

一邊 That side

另外一邊 On the other side

擋到一邊 Block to one side, Blocks to one side, Blocked to one side

髒的一邊 Dirty side

乾淨的一邊 Clean side

側倒向一邊 Tipped on its side

從田的那一邊 From that side of the field, From one side of the field

把劍擋到一邊 Block the sword to one side, Blocks the sword to one side, Blocked the sword to one side

把臀部推向一邊 Push the hips to one side

滾到田的這一邊 Rolling to this side of the field, Rolling to the other side of the field

一邊 While letting, While allowing

一邊 On one hand running, Running while also doing something else

其中一邊 One of which had, One side of which had

在另外一邊 On the other side

一邊大叫 On the other hand shouting, Shouting while also doing something else

一邊耳朵 An ear

一邊顴骨高處 High on one cheekbone

把他一邊眼皮往後拉起 Peeled back one of his eyelids

他的一邊肩膀 One of his shoulders, His shoulder

她的一邊肩膀 One of her shoulders, Her shoulder

壓住了他的一邊肩膀 Press his shoulder, Presses one of his shoulders, Pressing one of his shoulders, Pressed one of his shoulders

壓住了她的一邊肩膀 Press her shoulder, Presses one of her shoulders, Pressing one of her shoulders, Pressed one of her shoulders


一心 Whole heartedly

一心一意 One heart and one mind, Focused, Whole heartedly

一心二用 Inattentive, Trying to do two or more things at once


一視同仁 Treat everyone the same, Treat everyone equally


一人 One person, Alone, Sole

其中一人 One of them

單獨一人 Alone

孤身一人 Alone

獨自一人 Alone, Single handedly, By one's self

空無一人 Empty of people

是單獨一人 Is alone, Was alone

男女各一人 One male and one female

不是單獨一人 Isn't alone, Wasn't alone

成年男女各一人 One man and one woman

未成年男女各一人 One minor of each sex

一人在家 Alone at home

孤身一人 Isolated, Alone


救我一命 Save my life

我的機械專長或許可以救我一命 My mechanical knowledge might save my life


一念 Read aloud, Recite, Study


一會 A while

聊了一會 Chatted (for a while)

一會 A while, For a while, A moment, For a moment

怕了一會 Felt an instant of fright

想了一會 Taking a moment to think, Taking some time to think, Thinking for a moment

看了一會 Looked for a while, Looked at it for a while

站了一會 Stood for a moment, Stood for a while

聽了一會 Listened for a moment, Listened

過了一會 After a moment, After a while, Moments later

再多留一會 Stay a minute, Stay a while longer

沉默了一會 Went quiet for awhile

他在那兒站了一會 He stood there for a while

一會兒後 Before long, After a while, After a short while

一會兒轉這一會轉兒那 Turning this way and that, Rotating this way and that

一會兒踏板 Pedal for a while

先學一會兒字母 First spend some time on letters

一會兒痙攣一會兒僵直 Jerked and stiffened

一會兒轉這一會兒轉那 Rotating this way and that way, Turning this way and that way


一針麻醉 A shot of anesthetic

一針麻醉 A shot of anesthetic

打了一針 Gave a needle, Gave a shot


一鍋 A pot of porridge


一公 One centimeter

一公分一公分 Centimeter by centimeter

一公尺寬 One meter wide, A meter wide

走了一公里路 Walked for a kilometer


一分 Some money

一分 One minute

沒贏得一分 Didn't' win any money

一分鐘慢吞吞地過去 A minute dragged by slowly

高速公路往北一分鐘路程處 One minute north of the highway


一小 A tiny piece

一小 One hour

一小 A fragment

一小 Spend an hour

一小口一小口 Mouthful by mouthful, Swallow by swallow

一小步一小步 Step by step, One step at a time

人類的一小 One small step for mankind

可能要花一小 It may take an hour

一小隊人 A small team, A small group of people

一小點點 A little bit

讀了一小時故事 Read stories for an hour

一小團火花 A little spark

製造出一小團火花 Create a spark, Creating a spark

一小撮泥土 A pinch of soil

他已經蹲下在指尖摩弄一小撮泥土 He was already crouched down and rubbing a pinch of dirt between his fingertips


一粒原子 A single atom

沒有一粒原子 Not a single atom


一類 One type

最好的那一類 The very best


一叢 A cluster

一叢 Bunched together

一叢小樹林 A small grove

環繞一池清涼乾淨活水的一叢小樹林 A small grove surrounding a cool, clear pond of fresh water


一對 A pair

一對夫婦 A couple, A man and wife


一首 A song

一首 A poem

收音機播放的一首 A song playing on the radio

一首戈登萊福特的歌 A Gordon Lightfoot song


一瓶 A bottle, A bottle of

拿了一瓶啤酒 Grabbed a beer

從冰箱拿了一瓶啤酒 Grabbed a beer from the fridge


一半 Half

一半 Even half

吞了一半 Half swallowed

數到一半 Counted half

僅需要一半 Just need half, Only need half

甚至不到一半 Not even half

已經站起來一半 In the midst of standing up, Already getting up

一半 Half are

他的冒險故事我連一半都說不完 I can't tell half his adventures


一堂 One class, One lesson, A class, A lesson


一萬 Ten thousand, 10 000

一萬 One trillion, One tera


一落 Lands, Landed, , Touches down, Touched down

一落 As he landed, As soon as he landed

一落 As she landed, As soon as she landed


大吃一驚 Surprised


一共 All together

一共有多重 Combined weight


一鞠 Bowed


一一 One by one, Each one

一一 September 11th, 911, number for emergency services in North America

一一 The only one, The sole

不是唯一一 Not the only one

一一拼貼起來 Then glue together one-by-one to form a collage

向大家一一問好 Greeted everybody one by one


一副 A set or pair of (eyewear, Goggles, To do with face)

一副無辜 Look innocent

一副假牙 Set of false teeth, Pair of dentures

一副假牙 Previous pair of false teeth


一頭 A head, A head (of livestock), Bump into someone unexpectedly

壞的一頭 A bad end, A bad part

好的一頭 A good end, A good part

從海的這一頭 From this end of the sea

遊到海的那一頭 Travelling to that end of the sea

一頭 A cow, One cow

一頭 An elephant

一頭大象 One elephant, An elephant

一頭霧水 Confused, Confusing, Bewildering, Confused, Bewildered, Perplexed

一頭大蓬髮 A big head of hair, Big hair


一到夏天 In the summer time, When summer time arrives

十二點一到 As soon as it was 12 o'clock


一致 Unanimous, Unanimously

保持一致 Be consistant with, Agree with


一五一十 Tell it exactly as it happened, Count five at a time

把發生的事情一五一十地造訴我吧 Tell me everything that happened


一下 Once, Please, (phrase ending to suggest politeness)

一下 Touch

一下 Wait a moment

一下 Paused

你看一下 Take a look at, Look at

修補一下 Try to repair, Fix, Mend

停了一下 Pause, Paused

想了一下 Thought about it, Thought about this, Thought for awhile

愣了一下 Momentarily dumbfounded, Momentarily at a loss for words

我接一下 I'll get it (in answer to phone ringing)

旋轉一下 Turned a little, Rotated slightly

測試一下 Go ahead and test it, Check it out

等我一下 Wait a moment, Wait for me

算了一下 Did some calculations, Did the math

親了一下 Kissed, Briefly kissed, Kissed it, Kissed once

解釋一下 Explain

頓了一下 Paused

來抓狂一下 Let's go crazy

再堅持一下 Stick to it, Keep at it

妨享受一下 Might as well enjoy

微笑了一下 Smiled briefly

思考了一下 Thought for a moment, Took a moment to think, Take a moment to think

我得接一下 I have to get that

移動了一下 Shifted, Moved, Adjusted

調整了一下 Adjusted once, Adjusted a single time

退縮了一下 Flinched a little, Recoiled a little

可以測試一下 Go ahead and test it

我應該提一下 I should mention that

為了測試一下 Just to check it out

小小掙扎了一下 Struggled a little, Struggled briefly

需要教訓他一下 He needs to be taught a lesson

需要教訓她一下 She needs to be taught a lesson

跟壞蛋扭打了一下 Had a scuffle with a bad guy, Had a run-in with a bad guy

伸出手來輕輕摸一下 Reach out to lightly touch, Reach out to brush

每隔一殷時間就聯絡一下 Reach out every once in a while, Connect every once in a while

一下 A little bit, A moment

一下 Immediately, Suddenly, At once

一下 Disembark, Leave the boat, Step of the boat

一下 Getting together, Having sex

幫我一下 Give me a hand, Help me

過到一下 Pass through to the next stage

一下再做 Do it later

一下好嗎 Can you wait a moment, Can you give me a second?

你看一下第八場 Take a look at the eighth one

花了一下午打蠟 Spent an afternoon waxing

一下子就衝到十一 Goes all the way up (past 10) to 11, (on a scale of 1 to 10) goes all the way up to 11

你看一下第八場聚會 Take a look at the eighth meeting

一下船就消失在城市裡 Disembarking and then disappearing into the city, Got off the boat and then disappeared into the city, Stepping off the boat and disappearing into the city

思考一下顛覆這個詞的意義 Ponder the meaning of the word subversive

一下子就過去了 Flew by, Went by quickly

上午的時間一下子就過去了 The morning went by quickly


一不小心 Carelessly, A little carelessly

一不變的 Unchanging, Constant

一不小心點 A little carelessly, Not paying attention, Accidentally, A little incautiously

一不 Expert in everything, Versatile and a virtuoso

一不 There is nothing one can't do, Extremely versatile


一歪 Tilted


一頂 A (e.g. a hat)

一頂好帽子 A good hat

一頂破爛的高禮帽 A battered top hat


一哥 Brother, A brother


一天 One day, The whole day

一天 One day before

一天 What day?

一天 One day, Some day

一天 One day

一天 This day

一天 The day that, That day, Then one day

總有一天 Someday, Eventually

很正常的一天 A very normal day

一天以來第一次 For the first time all day

在聖誕節前一天 The day before Christmas, One day before Christmas

笑了一天以來第一次 Smiled for the first time all day

一天到晚 All day, From dusk till dawn, From morning till night

一天夜裡 One night, One evening

一天早晨 One morning

一天的回憶 Memories of the day, A day's worth of memory, A day's worth of memories

一天的餘光 Last of the days light

一天午後 One afternoon

一天天過去了 Days go by

一天近午時分 One day near noon time, Late one morning

總有一天你會 Someday you can, The day that you

一天二十四小時 Twenty-four hours a day

日子一天天過去 As the days went by

一天終究會來 The day would come, Then would come a day

一天的活動做準備 Got ready for the day's activities, Prepare for the day's activities, Prepared for the day's activities

一天意外降臨在你身上 If unforeseen circumstances befall you

一天的回憶就湧進他的心裡 Memories of the day flooded into his mind, A days worth of memories flooded into his mind

一天的回憶就湧進她的心裡 Memories of the day flooded into her mind, A days worth of memories flooded into her mind


一兩 One or two

一兩 One or two batches


一再 Repeatedly

她會一再一再地回來 She'll keep on coming back


一元复始 A new year begins, Beginning of the new year

一元一次式 Single variable linear equation


一項 One item, One thing, One project

一項新計劃 A new project


一環 A belt of, A circle of

自然過程的一環 Part of a natural process

一環抱起 Gathered, Encircled


一霎 A moment, An instant, Momentary


一票 Bunch of or group of (slang)


一聚 Get together, Meet


一聽 As soon as they heard

一聽 Heard

一聽 Listen

一聽見呼喊 Heard a shout

一聽到電話鈴響 As soon as she heard the phone ring


一而 To be faithful to one's husband even if divorced or widowed


一百 One hundred, 100

一千一百 One thousand one hundred, Eleven hundred, 1100

連發一百 Burst of one hundred rounds, Disperse a hundred rounds

一百 One hundred and fifty, 150

一百 A hundred times, 100 x

一百 One hundred years

一百 One hundred rounds, A hundred rounds

一百 One hundred yards

一百 One million, A million

快上一百 A hundred times faster

時速一百 One hundred miles per hour

槍裝了一百 Loaded with a hundred rounds

比他快上一百 A hundred times faster than him

一百公里飆到一百五 From a hundred to a hundred and fifty clicks, From a hundred to a hundred and fifty kilometers per hour

一百五十 One hundred and fifty, 150

每小時一百卡嗒 A hundred clicks an hour

時速一百七十五公里 175 kph, 175 kilometers per hour

有著幾乎一百八十度的景觀 With an almost 180 degree view

遇上時速一百七十五公里的沙塵暴 Encountered a 175 kph sandstorm

一百七十五 One hundred and seventy five, 175

一百九十磅 One hundred and ninety pounds

一百五十人 One-hundred and fifty men

一百八十度 180 degrees, One-hundred and eighty degrees

幾乎一百八十度 Nearly 180 degrees


一頁 A leaf of paper, A sheet of paper

一頁 One page

往下一頁 Turned the page, Turned to the next page, Turn to the next page

一頁 Next page

三九一頁 Page 391

最後一頁 Last page, The last page

又翻了一頁 Turned another page, Flipped another page

重要的一頁 An important page, An important chapter


一面 A/An, An aspect, One side, At the same time

油漆一面 Paint a, Paint an

一面 A wall, One wall

一面 Facing a wall

一面碎玻璃 A pane of shattered glass

穿過一面碎玻璃 Through a pane of shattered glass

一面老城牆 An old section of wall

一面歡呼一面興奮的 Cheered excitedly

一面爬一面拚命尋找手腳的支點 Struggled for finger and toe holds while climbing

一面爬一面拚命尋找手腳的支點 He struggled for finger and toe holds while climbing


一列 This column, This line

排成一列 Line up

一列火車 A train

一列火車載走了 Taken away by a train, Carried away by a train

一列貨車朝她衝來 Rushed toward her like a freight train

一列貨車 A freight train

一列貨車 Like a freight train


一石三鳥 Kill three birds with one stone

一石二鳥 Kill Two Birds With One Stone


一碗 A bowl

一碗 One bowl of rice

一碗燉菜 A bowl of stew


一碰觸到 As soon as he touched


一碼 A yard, Three feet

一碼又一碼 Yards and yards


一串 A string of

在外灘一串老樓之中 Among a bunch of old buildings on the Bund, In one of the old buildings along the Bund


一貴 Zhu Yigui, Leader of a Taiwanese uprising against Qing dynasty rule

一貴事件 Zhu Yigui incident


一數的平方 The square of which number


一帆風順 Smooth Sailing, May The Wind Fill Your Sails, May You Have Favourable Winds


一幅 A picture, A painting

掛了一幅 Hung a picture, Put up a picture

一幅相關的圖照 A relevant photo, A relevant image

在畫一幅很大很大的畫 Painting a big, big picture


一幢 A (building or house )

一幢維多利亞建築 A Victorian house

山上的一幢維多利亞建築 A Victorian house on a hill


一上班日 Next working day


一卡 Card


一處 From one place

能從一處 Can from one place

一處到另一處 From place to place, From one place to another place

能從一處到另一處 Can, from place to place


一些 Some, A little bit

一些 Apply some

一些 Have some, Some

共渡一些 Spend some

稍晚一些 A little later

多灌了一些 Added a little more

找到了一些 Found some

你仍然有一些 You still have a little, You still have some

比較恢復正常一些 A little more normal

一些 Things, A few things

切身知道的一些 Things well know to oneself

在暗示切身知道的一些 Allude to things known to oneself, Alluding to things known to oneself

一些小孩 Some children, Some small children

一些蒸餾水 A little boiled water, A little bit of distilled water

贏得一些名聲 Earned a little repute, Gained a little fame

倒了一些穀片到碗裡 Pouring cereal into a bowl, Poured cereal into a bowl

一些阻礙 Some obstacles, Some hinderances

會遇上一些阻礙 Will encounter some obstacles, Will have some obstacles, Will have some obstacles to overcome


一步 One step

一步 Advance to the next stage, Take the next step, Go further

上前一步 Stepped forward, Stepped towards

前進一步 Step forwards, Advance a little bit

搶先一步 Rushing ahead

每踩一步 Every step, Each step

卻晚了一步 But (are) too late

向後退了一步 Stepped back, Retreated a step

往前走了一步 Took a step forward

往裡面跨一步 Took a step inside

一步發展 Further developed

一步調查 Investigate further

一步也沒落空 Not missing a step, Without missing a step

等待進一步的指示 Await further instructions

他們還來不及進一步討論 Before they could continue the discussion


一齣 Next chapter, The next chapter


一輩 A lifetime, One's whole life, His whole life, Her whole life

他這一輩 His whole life

這工作不能做一輩 This job isn't forever

一輩子多半時間 Most of a lifetime, Most of their life

你才會一輩子都忘不了 You'll never forget

妳才會一輩子都忘不了 You'll never forget


一五一十 Tell it exactly as it happened, Count five at a time

兩百一十 Two hundred and ten pounds

兩百一十磅重 Weighing two hundred and ten pounds

把發生的事情一五一十地造訴我吧 Tell me everything that happened


一支 A (e.g. an antennae or other long and slender object)

一支天線 An antennae

一支蜡燭 A candle

一支鋼筆 A fountain pen

一支小傘 A little tiny umbrella

插了一支小傘 Included a tiny umbrella

一支手錶 A watch

給他買了一支手錶 Bought him a watch


一直 Straight, Always, All the way, Constantly, Been, Straight ahead, Go straight ahead

一直 He has been

一直企圖 Constantly trying, Constantly been trying

一直抱怨 Complained

一直期待 Been waiting, Been wondering

一直看到 Kept watching until, Continued to watch until, Watched until

一直覺得 Felt, Believed, Thought that

一直通過 Has been using

一直預期 Been expecting

一直 Straight, Made to look straight, Aligned

一直到週末 Up to the weekend

一直在工作 Work continuously, Worked continuously

一直在海底 Always under the sea, Been on the bottom of the ocean

一直在講話 Been talking

一直在進步 Always progressing, Always improving

一直往前走吧 Go straight ahead

一直持續增強 Keeps getting stronger

一直擺在原地 Remained in place

一直站在窗邊 Been standing by the window, Standing at the window

一直走下台階 Go all the way down the stairs

一直都是如此 It had always been this way.

一直都單身 He's always been single

一直在思索 I have been thinking, I've been pondering

一直愛著他 I've always loved him

一直到熱水用盡 Until the hot water ran out, Till the hot water was used up

一直在困擾情我 Has always puzzle me, Constantly perplexes me

不要一直看電視 Don't watch too much T.V.

一直都在 Was there, Was always there

一直都在 I was there, I was always there

一直都是 I have always been

不過我一直都在 But I was there, But I was always there

一直太忙了 Have been so busy

一直太忙了 I've been so busy


一乾二淨 Clean up completely, Lick the bowl clean, Shirk responsibility, Hide things under the carpet

把責任推得一乾二淨 Shirk responsibility and let someone else take care of it


一去不返 Leave for good, Leave and never return

一去不回的 Gone for good, Won't ever return


一封 A letter


一走 Started walking, Began to walk away

一走 Walked, Strolled

圍著桌子走一走 Strolled around the desk, Strolled around the table

一走上去 Went up, Went up onto


一起 Together

一起 Together

住在一起 Lived together

卡到一起 Force together, Jam together

坐在一起 Sit together

排在一起 Grouped together, Line up, Align

撞在一起 Crash together, Crashed together

擠在一起 Crowd together

混到一起 Blend together

相擁一起 Huddled together

綁到一起 Tied together

跟他一起 Was with him, Accompanied him

連到一起 Link together, Linking together, Link, Linking

連在一起 Connected together, Linked together

安排在一起 Arrange them together, Arranges them together, Arranging them together, Arranged them together, Arranged together

折疊到一起 Folded together

疊合在一起 Superimposed, Stacked over together

讓我們一起 Let's go together

被吸引到一起 Drawn together, Drawn towards each other

可以跟你在一起 Can be with you, Can stay with you

把一切綁到一起 Tied them all together

當他跟她在一起 When he was with her

都會折疊到一起 All folded together, All accordioned together

你的小孩在你造訪期間當然可以跟你在一起 Off course your children can stay with you during your visit

一起 Come together

一起 Went together to

一起 Sit together

跟我一起 Go with me, Come with me

我不能和你一起 I can't go with you, I won't be able to go with you

我不能和你們一起 I can't go with you, I won't be able to go with you

一起哭泣 Cry together

一起扔進 Toss it all into

一起擠在 Crammed together, Jammed together

一起發生 Happened at once

一起讀書 Study together

一起辦案 Handle a case together

一起做生意 Do business together

和我一起過去 Go with me, Come with me to

和同學一起討論 Discuss with classmates, Discusses with classmates, Discussing with classmates, Discussed with classmates

請你們一起加入 Won't you please all join

我們大家一起分擔 We all have to pitch in, We all have to do our part

正和她一起在探索奇觀 Was exploring wonders with her right now

把一切綁到一起形成網路 Tied them together to form a network, Tied them all together to form a network

請你們一起加入我的生日宴會 Won't you please all join my birthday party

一起來參觀 Together come to visit

希望下次能和他一起來參觀 Hope that next time we can come together to visit

一起出去玩 Go to play together

妳會跟我一起去嗎 Are you coming with me?, Will you accompany me?

和好朋友一起出去玩 With friends go to play together

妳會跟我們一起去嗎 Are you coming with us?, Will you accompany us?

一起坐在家門口 Sit together in front of the house

我們可以一起坐在家門口 We can sit together in front of the house


一趟 A trip, A ride, A journey

你該去一趟 I think you should go there, I think you should take a trip

每個小時都要跑一趟 Runs every hour

大約每個小時都要跑一趟 Runs every hour or so

走這一趟的麻煩 The difficulty of the trip


落了一地 Fell to the ground, Fallen

落了一地的花瓣 Fallen petals


一堆 A (e.g. a packet or pile of), Bunch of, Pile of, Heap of

看這一堆 Look at a bunch of, Look at a lot of

一堆又一堆 Piles and piles, Piles of

一堆分數 A big pile of points

一堆小人物 A bunch of small figures


一場 A

一場 A battle

竹籃打水一場 Draw water using a bamboo basket, Euphemism for wasting time or doing nothing

最為人津津樂道的一場 The most talked about battle, Most talked about battles

那是整個戰爭裡最為人津津樂道的一場 It was the most talked about battle of the whole war

一場地震 An earthquake

一場惡夢 A nightmare

一場車禍 A car accident, A car crash

一場大對決 A showdown, A big match

一場大洪水 An immense flood

一場沙塵暴 A sandstorm

一場沙塵暴中 During a sandstorm

一場聚會 Next meeting

我的下一場聚會 My next meeting


一塊 A piece, A chip

一塊 That part, That piece

圍出一塊 Forming the border of a/an, Surrounding a/an

一塊又一塊 Pieces, Lots of pieces

切成一塊一塊 Cut into pieces

把你切成一塊一塊 Cut you into pieces

把妳切成一塊一塊 Cut you into pieces

一塊 Together

聚在一塊 Gather together

一塊碎布 A piece of cloth

找到一塊碎布 Found a piece of cloth, Came across a piece of cloth

一塊餅乾 A cookie

她的一塊餅乾 Her cookie, One of her cookies

一塊的面積 The area of this piece

一塊的面積是多少呢 What is the area of this piece?

一塊正方形的土地 A square patch of land, A parcel of land

一塊正方形的土地 There is a square patch of land, There is a parcel of land


一臺 A

一臺暫時備用機 A short term spare device, Short term replacement device or piece of equipment


一鼓作氣 In one go


一聲 Pop, Popping sound

大吼了一聲 Roared and then after

一聲 Snorting, Harumphing

一聲 Popping sound, Pop, Bank

不吭一聲 Quietly, Without a sound

不說一聲 Not say a thing

低哼一聲 Low moaning sound

叫了一聲 Call out, Called out, Say, Said

咕噥一聲 Grunt, Grunts, Grunted

哭了一聲 Cry, A cry, Cry aloud, Cry out, Cried out

大吼一聲 Roared a single time

大大一聲 Loud noise

悶噴一聲 Sound of a muffled snort, Let out a muffled snort

鏘的一聲 Qiang

嘟囔了一聲 Grumbled, Muttered, Grunted

費力地悶哼一聲 Grunt with exertion, Grunts with exertion, Grunting with exertion, Grunted with exertion

一聲不吭 Keep silent

一聲令下 Gives order to attack

一聲吼叫後 After roaring

一聲鷹鳴響起 An eagle cried out, A hawk shrieked

一聲關上門 Slammed the door closed, Slammed the door


一未 An unknown


一架 A (e.g. a plane), A (e.g. a helicopter), An (e.g. an aircraft)

我們打了一架 We had a fight

一架啞鈴 A rack of dumbells or free weights

一架客機 A passenger plane, A passenger jet


一九世紀 Nineteenth century

到了一九世紀末 By the end of the nineteenth century


一大 A whole lot, A big pile

一大 At daybreak, Early in the morning

一大 A large swath, Large expanse

一大 Bundle, Large some of money, Lots of money

一大 A big group (of)

做出一大 Make a whole lot, Produce a whole lot

嚇了一大 Shocked

賺了一大 Won a lot of money, Won a bundle, Made a bundle

一大恩賜 A boon

一大疊的 A big wad of

一大筆錢 A large sum of money

一大早路上 Getting on the road in the early morning

一大張空白紙 A large piece of blank paper

一大籃的花生 A big basket of peanuts

一大堆好點子 Had plenty of good ideas

一大片的黃色小花 A large swath of yellow flowers

一大口氣 Take a big breath, Takes a big breath, Taking a big breath, Took a big breath

刻意吸一大口氣 Deliberately take a big breath, Deliberately takes a big breath, Deliberately taking a big breath, Deliberately took a big breath

又刻意吸一大口氣 Deliberately take another big breath, Deliberately takes another big breath, Deliberately taking another big breath, Deliberately took another big breath


一套 A set of, An act or set of actions for drawing in attention

很有一套 Had a procedure and stuck to it, Proceed methodically

一套理論 A theory

一套飛行太空衣 One space suit for flying operations


一來 When someone arrives, On one hand

如此一來 And so if someone arrives, And so what it comes down to


一本 A (e.g. a book)

一本 This book

一本 A book, A single book, One book

一本萬利 Large Returns From A Small Investment

一本正經地說 Seriously, Said seriously

一本破舊的小筆記本 A small battered notebook, A small worn out notebook

讀過一本他早期寫的書 Had read one of his earlier books


一整 All day

一整 An entire wall, One entire wall

忙了一整 Worked all day

一整個月 A whole month

跑完了一整棟樓 Ran the length of the building


一束 Bunch, Bundle

一束又一束 Bunches and bunches, Bunches

一束光線 A beam of light

一束平行光射 A beam of parallel rays of light

一束分子輸送帶 A bunch of molecular conveyor belts

我把一束炸藥丟到他身上 I dropped a bunch of dynamite on him, I threw a bundle of dynamite on him


一想 Once I started thinking about, No sooner had I thought of, Once they started thinking about, No sooner had they began to think about

一想 Think, Think about it


一杯 A cup of

再來一杯 Another cup, Another drink?

一杯汽水 A soda

看都沒看就點了一個起司漢堡和一杯汽水 Ordered a cheeseburger and soda without looking

一杯熱茶 Cup of tea

一杯熱咖啡 A Cup Of Coffee, A cup of hot coffee

一杯 Last drink one had

再倒一杯 Another glass of water, Drank another glass of water


一根 A (e.g. a finger)

其中一根 From among (them being long slender objects)

一根 A rope

一根手指 A finger

一根小竹竿 A small bamboo pole

一根棒球棒 A bat, A baseball bat

一根食指對準 Aiming an index finger at

一根咆哮的喉管 A howling maw, A roaring gullet

一根細細的長竿 A thin long pole

一根長長的木頭 A long piece of wood

一根根細枝添入火中 Feeding twig after twig into the fire

一根汗毛 A single hair

不用動一根汗毛 Without moving a single hair, Without doing anything, Without having to actually do anything, Not having to do anything, No need to do anything

一根筷子 A chopstick

拿了一根筷子 Took a chopstick


一棟公寓樓房 An apartment building, A tenement

帶路進入一棟公寓樓房 Led the way into an apartment block, Led the way into a tenement building


一棵 A (e.g. a tree)

一棵 A tree

一棵 A tree

有如倒過來的一棵 Like an inverted tree

佛於是把我化作一棵 Buddha then turned me into a tree

一棵柿子樹 A persimmon tree

一棵開花的樹 A flowering tree

一棵骨節多眼的楓樹 A knotted maple tree, Gnarled maple tree


一概 All, Everything, Without exception

一概而論 Generalize


開了一槍 Fired a single shot


一樓 First floor


一模一樣 Nearly identical

一模一樣 Like Earth's, Almost exactly like that of Earth

一模一樣的鑰匙 Duplicate key or keys

一個跟他一模一樣的複製品 An exact copy of him, An exact replica of himself

一個跟她一模一樣的複製品 An exact copy of her, An exact replica of herself


一樣 Alike, The same, Equal

一樣 Not the same, Different, Unalike

一樣 Like the wind

一模一樣 Nearly identical

像針一樣 Looks like a needle

和我一樣 Like I did, Like me

喜好一樣 Like the same things

意思一樣 The same meaning

身高一樣 The same height

像圍巾一樣 Like a scarf

像小偷一樣 Like a thief

像屍體一樣 Like a corpse

像懷孕一樣 As if pregnant

像死鳥一樣 Like a dead bird

完全不一樣 Completely different, Wholly different

就像你一樣 Just like you, In the say way as you

球一模一樣 Like Earth's, Almost exactly like that of Earth

跟大家一樣 Like everyone else

跟平常一樣 As always, As usual

這次不一樣 This time it's different, This is different

也跟大家一樣 Like everyone else

差不多那一樣 Pretty much the same

有什麼不一樣 What is the difference, What are the differences, How are they different

聽起來都一樣 Sound the same, Sounds the same, Sounded the same, Sound alike

跟你興趣一樣 Have the same interests as you

跟其他人一樣 Same as anyone else

跟每個人一樣 Like anyone else, Like everyone else, Like anyone

一點兒也不一樣 Completely different, Not even remotely the same

我跟他們不一樣 I'm not like them, I'm different from them

也不過跟加法一樣 It's just like adding

好像忽然想起一樣 As if suddenly remembering, As if suddenly having an afterthought

跟他上課學的一樣 Like he'd been taught

跟她上課學的一樣 Like she'd been taught

就像是美夢成真一樣 It's like a dream come true

看起來和美人魚一樣 Looked like a mermaid

和大多數那類人不一樣 Was different from the majority of people, Was different from most people

速度快得像是糞便通過鵝腸一樣 As fast as shit through a goose, Like shit through a goose

就像灰塵飄進鼻子裡讓人打噴嚏一樣 It was the same as dust getting into someone's nose causing them to sneeze

一樣 The same amount

一樣 Just as big, As big as

一樣 Just as fast, Just as quickly

一樣 As old as

一樣 As tall as, Same height as

一樣 Boat sized, As large as a boat

跟他一樣 As fast as him, Matched him in speed, Matched him speed, Matched him for speed

跟她一樣 As fast as her, Matched her in speed, Matched her speed, Matched her for speed

速度跟他一樣 As fast as him, Matched him in speed, Matched him speed, Matched him for speed

速度跟她一樣 As fast as her, Matched her in speed, Matched her speed, Matched her for speed

年紀和地球一樣 As old as the earth

我的年紀和地球一樣 I am as old as the earth

現在事情大大不一樣 Things are very different now, Things were a lot different now

一樣東西 An object, A thing, Something

他擁有的一樣東西 Something that was owned by him

完全不一樣的東西 Completely different thing, Whole different thing, Wholly different thing

一樣聰明 Just as smart

一樣理所當然 As obvious, As natural

公牛一樣寬壯 As broad as a bull

一模一樣的鑰匙 Duplicate key or keys

像空氣一樣普通 As common as air

完全一樣的問題 The exact same problem, Precisely the same issue

一樣細的裂縫 Hairline crack

玩的是一樣的手法 Play the same way, Playing in the same way, Run the same racket, Running the same racket

讀完全不一樣的報紙 Read a completely different newspaper

學會讀那種完全不一樣的語言 Learn to read a whole other language

一樣的故事 The same story

一樣的故事 Read the same story, Reading the same story

一個跟他一模一樣的複製品 An exact copy of him, An exact replica of himself

一個跟她一模一樣的複製品 An exact copy of her, An exact replica of herself


一檔 First gear

上踢一檔 Kicked up a gear, Kicked up to a higher gear


一寸煩惱 Fretted, Worried

一寸煩惱的樣子 Fretted, Look worried


一事無成 Get nothing done


一剎 For a moment

一剎 The instant, The moment


一有事要做 As soon as there are things to do


一存到足夠 Once she'd saved enough


一猜 Guess, Try to guess


一扭 Twist, Twists, Twisting, Twisted, Wrench, Wrenches, Wrenching, Wrenched

一扭 Twist, Give a twist, Turn


一技之長 Skill


一把 Handful, Bunch

一把 An umbrella

一把 Number one

一把 Use an umbrella

一把扯下 Pulled off

一把種子 A handful of seeds


一抹惡毒的綠 A malevolent green, A poisonous green, A venomous green


一拍即合 Become good friends


一拐 Limp

一拐一拐 Limped


一招 A trick, A device, A move

一招 This trick


一振 Roused

精神一振 Invigorate, Invigorated


一排古炮 An old cannon

一排杜鵑 A row of rhododendrons

一排瓦罐 A row of mason jars

一排帶刺的鐵籬 A spiked iron fence


一接觸到 As soon as it contacted, As soon as it came in contact with, As soon as contact was made


用力一推 With a strong shove

他用力一推 He pushed hard, She pushed

她用力一推 She pushed hard, She pushed


一提 A mention, Mention

不值一提 Not worth a mention, Not worth mentioning

值得一提 Noteworthy, Worth mentioning

順帶一提 For reference

根本不值一提 Not worth mentioning at all, Not even worth mentioning, Not even bear mentioning

不值一提的事 Didn't need mentioning or acknowledgement

值得一提的特色 Noteworthy features


一插圖頁 An illustrated page


一揚 Raise an eyebrow, Raised an eyebrow

朝她一揚 Raised an eyebrow at her


一揮 Waved


一搖 Wiggle, Wiggling

一搖一擺 Sway, Waddle

他只搖一搖 He only shook his head


一擦而淨 Scoured away


一搖一擺 Sway, Waddle


一攬 Package


一切 All, Completely, Everything

一切 With respect to everything, With respect to all of this

一切 All of this

拋開一切 Set aside everything, Throw it all away

他所學的一切 Everything he'd been taught

負責指揮一切 In total command

從螢幕觀看一切 Watched it all from a screen

一切綁到一起 Tied them all together

不會受制於這一切 Free from all of this, Not restrained by all of this

他之前相信的一切 Everything he'd believed until recently

他不相信我說的一切 He doesn't believe anything that I say

一切 Everthing

一切 Once everything is, Once everything was

一切其來有自 It all comes around

一切都剛剛好 Everything is fine

一切原本很單純 Everything was so simple, Everything had been so simple

一切就如他所願 Everything was as he wanted, He got his way

一切都是他的錯 It's all his fault

一切都準備就緒後 After all of these preparations where completed

一切亂了套之前 Before everything went crazy

所接觸的一切都不真實 None of it was real, None of it was definite, None of it was true, None of it was definitely true

一切綁到一起形成網路 Tied them together to form a network, Tied them all together to form a network

一切發生在僅僅二十分鐘內 It had all happened in just 20 minutes

一切真的過去了 Completely in the past, Completely over

一切都過去了 It was all over now

願意用一切交換一個機會 Willing to do anything for the chance to, Willing to do anything in exchange for the chance to

我願意用一切交換一個機會 I'd do anything for the chance to, I'd give anything for the chance to


一世 An era, An age, A lifetime

聰明一世糊塗一時 A lifetime of cleverness includes moments of stupidity


一車 Car, Vehicle


其中一輛 One of the (vehicles)

一輛計程車經過 A taxi passes by, A taxi passed by

一輛生鏽的舊飛雅特 A rusty old Fiat

一輛生鏽的舊飛雅特旁邊 Next to a rusty old Fiat

一輛很不起眼的黑色腳踏車 An unremarkable black bicycle

一輛很美的車子 A beautiful car

這是一輛很美的車子 This was a beautiful car, It was a beautiful car


一轉 A spin, A turn, Swiveled, Turned, Spun around

話鋒一轉 Change the topic of conversation

把椅子一轉 Turned the chair around, Spun the chair around, Gave the chair a spin

一轉 Turn around, Turn, Turned around, Turned


如出一轍 The same, Identical, Similar


一帶 Region, District

海灣一帶 Bay area


單一 Single, Sole, Individual, One

單一 A little bit easier, Easier, Simpler

單一的案例 A single case


另一 Another, The other

得到另一 Got another

另一 The other person

另一 The other, Another

另一 The other side

另一 Other half

另一 Another set

另一 Other hand

另一 The other piece

另一 Another kind

另一 Other end, Other side

另一 Other foot, The other foot

另一 Elsewhere, Other side, The other side

另一 Another team, Another group, Another flight

另一 The other

另一 The other thing

另一 To another place

另一 To the other side, Towards the other side

旁是另一 Next to another

曲向另一 Bend to the other side

移到另一 To the other side

稱的另一 The other side of the scale

隸屬另一 Part of a separate district

電話另一 The other end of the phone

一路滑下另一 Sliding down the other side, Coasting down the other side

從一處到另一 From place to place, From one place to another place

身體曲向另一 Bend the body to the other side, Bends the body to the other side, Bend our body to the other side

儲存槽旁是另一 Next to the storage tank is another

能從一處到另一 Can, from place to place

他從街道的一側跳到另一 He jumped from one side of the street to the other, He leaped from one side of the street to the other

她從街道的一側跳到另一 She jumped from one side of the street to the other, She leaped from one side of the street to the other

另一件事 Something else

另一幅圖 Another picture

另一個部分 The other part

另一隻眼睛 Other eye

另一輛是 Decisive factor

另一個速率 At a different rate

另一個病人 Another of your patients

另一個儲存槽 Another storage tank

另一盞酒精燈 Another alcohol burner

另一邊旋轉 Turned the other way, Rotated in the opposite direction

另一個客戶 Give to another customer or client

另一個騎車的人 Another rider, Another cyclist

另一手拿著咖啡 Had a coffee in the other hand, Had a cup of coffee in the other hand

按下另一個按鈕 Pressed another button

另一種眼光看待 Look at from another perspective or point of view

把脊椎向另一邊彎曲 Bend the spine towards the other side

另一個缺少的成分 The other missing ingredient, That other missing ingredient

把重量轉移到另一隻腳時 While shifting weight to the other foot, As weight is shifted to the other foot

從一家屋頂飛到另一家屋頂 Flying from one rooftop to another, Flying from rooftop to rooftop, Moving from rooftop to rooftop

另一個缺少的成分是什麼 What is the other missing ingredient?, What was the other missing ingredient

那麼是什麼使一個人的生活比另一個有趣 What makes one person's life more interesting than another's?

希望人類能利用它到達另一遙遠的星系定居 In the hope that mankind can use it to settle in a distant star system

另一個人 Another person

另一個男 The other guy, The other man

另一座山 Another hill, Another mountain

山路盤旋上另一座山 A road winding up around another hill

另一方向 In the other direction

另一方面 On the other hand, In other matters

另一方向 In the other direction, Facing the other direction

另一隻手 Other hand

另一隻腳 Other foot

把重量轉移到另一隻腳 Shift weight to the other foot

另一個威脅 A new threat, Another threat

都是另一個威脅 Was a new threat

另一班巴士 Another bus

搭上另一班巴士 Boarded another bus, Got onto another bus

能利用它到達另一遙遠的星系 Can use it to travel to a distant star system

人類能利用它到達另一遙遠的星系 Mankind can use it to travel to a distant star system

希望人類能利用它到達另一遙遠的星系 In the hope that mankind can use it to travel to a distant star system


唯一 The only, Only, The sole, Sole

他第一個也是目前唯一 His first and at present his only, Currently his first and only

唯一 Only, Single, Sole

唯一一個 The only one, The sole

不是唯一一個 Not the only one

唯一功能 Its only function

唯一原因 Sole reason, Whole reason

唯一工作 Sole job, Only job

唯一的方式 The only way, The only means of

唯一的途徑 The only way

唯一的壞處是 The only disadvantage is, The only bad point is

唯一適合的心臟 The only suitable heart, The only heart suitable

唯一確定的是 All I know for sure is

唯一能踩下煞車的只有你 The only one who can put on the brakes is you

唯一的孫輩 Only grandchild

目前唯一的孫輩 Only grandchild so far


同一 Same

同一個論點 The same issue, The same argument, The same point

同一 Same, The same

同一 Same group, Same gang

同一 Treat impartially, Accord the same treatment to all, Unbiased

同一回事 The same thing, One and the same thing

並非同一回事 Not the same as, Not quite the same as

同一地區 Same area

差不多同一地區 Roughly the same area

同一時刻 At the same time, At precisely the same time

同一時間 Simultaneously, At the same time

同一時間 At the same time


如一 Consistent


統一 Unify, Uniform, Unitary, Unified


又一 Another, Yet another

又一 Again

又一 Said again

又一 Another

又一 He said again

一堆又一 Piles and piles, Piles of

一塊又一 Pieces, Lots of pieces

一束又一 Bunches and bunches, Bunches

一次又一 Again and again, Repeatedly

一碼又一 Yards and yards

又一杯熱茶 Another cup of tea

倒給他又一杯熱茶 Pour him another cup of tea

又一隻蜘蛛 Another spider

又一周的薪水 Another week's salary


每一 Each one, Each single, Each

每一 Every, Each and every

每一 Each day, Every single day

每一 Every

每一 Each page

隨著每一 With each step, With each stride, Following each step

每一丁點 Every little bit

每一個人 Each and every person, Everybody

每一分秒 Each second

每一口氣 Every breath of air

每一款車 Every type of car

每一個輪輻 Each spoke, Every spoke

每一種物質都 Every substance

每一輛救護車 Every ambulance

內在每一分能量 Every ounce of inner strength, Every bit of inner strength

每一個儲存槽旁 Next to each tank

每一種物質都是 Every substance is

每一幅畫 Every picture, Every painting

下面每一幅圖 Each of the following pictures

每一堂課都 Every class, Every lesson

上的每一堂課都 Every class taken, Every class attended, Every class


第一 Number one, First

高居世界第一 Highest in the world

第一 First

第一 Section one, Book one, Volume one

第一 First place

第一 First day

第一 First level

第一 First year

第一 First hand

第一 First row

第一 First time, Initial, The first time, For the first time

第一 Section 1

第一 First stanza

第一 First line

第一 First line

第一 His first

第一 Sat in the first row

以來第一 For the first time

小數第一 First decimal place

平生第一 For the first time ever

我坐第一 I sat in the first row

戰士第一 Warrior 1, Virabhadrasana 1

生平第一 For the first time ever

眼鏡蛇第一 Cobra 1, Bhujangasana

破題兒第一 For the first time

一天以來第一 For the first time all day

凡事皆有第一 There's a first time for everything

小數點後第一 First decimal place

笑了一天以來第一 Smiled for the first time all day

第一人稱 First person

透過第一人稱 Through first person

第一件事 First thing

第一個數 The first number, First number

第一部分 First part, The first part, The first part of

第一七八號 Number 178

第一份工作 First job

第一個念頭 First thought

第一次接觸 Initial contact

第一次見到 First time seeing, At first glance

第一道飛矛 The first flying spear

第一次來時 On his first visit here, During the first time he came here

第一聲鐘響 On the first stroke, On the first ring

第一人稱的角度 First person point of view

除了第一個之外 Except for the first one, Except the first one

第一杯伯爵茶前 Before drinking (my) first cup of earl grey

第一座亞特蘭堤斯 Like the first Atlantis

第一個也是目前唯一 His first and at present his only, Currently his first and only

你是第一個跟她聯絡的 You're the first to contact her, You're the first to get back to her

他的第一個衝動是抽開手 His first impulse was to pull his hand away

在我喝下第一杯咖啡以前 Before my first cup of coffee, Before I've had my first cup of coffee

追溯到世界上第一批巫師 Traced back to the world's first sorcerers, Tracing the world's first wizards

第一次以 The first time using

反正也不是第一次了 Not for the first time

第一天上學 First day of school

第一次見到她的人愛上她 Make people fall in love with her when first meeting her, Making people fall in love with her when first meeting her

喜歡讓第一次見到她的人愛上她 Liked to make people fall in love with her on first site

第一次知道 Knew for the first time

第一次知道 For the first time knew, Knew for the first time

那時他才第一次知道 And then he knew for the first time

第一次見到她的人 Someone seeing her for the first time, Anyone seeing her for the first time

你會是我第一個殺掉的人 You will be the first person I kill

妳會是我第一個殺掉的人 You will be the first person I kill


之一 One of

三分之一 One third, 1/3

十分之一 One tenth

四分之一 One quarter, A quarter, Quarter

諸侯之一 A vassal of, One of the vasals, One of the princes

設計者之一 One of the designers

另外三分之一 Another third

商朝的諸侯之一 A vassal of the Shang Court, A prince of the Shang Court

最後的三分之一 Final third, Last third

選拔官員管道之一 One of the channels for selecting officials

勢力較大的國家之一 One of the more powerful nations

他是早看過試爆的設計者之一 He was one of the designers who'd seen the test explosion earlier

百分之一 A hundredth of a second, A split second

猶豫了那麼百分之一 Hesitated for a split second

四分之一個圓形 A quadrant, One quadrant


為一 Set to 1, Set to one


灣一 Waikiki


初一 First grade of Junior High School


合一 Combined into one


萬一 One ten thousandth, A tiny fraction, If by chance, Just in case, An unanticipated event, An accidental occurrence

以便萬一 In case, If by chance

為了以防萬一 As a precaution, Just in case

萬一 Twenty-one thousand

萬一需要 Just in case

萬一千哩 Twenty-one thousand miles

加起來長度高達兩萬一千哩 Added up to a length of twenty-one thousand miles


期一 Monday

上星期一 Last Monday


三一 Trinity

三一教堂 Trinity Church


十一 Eleven, 11

十一 Thirty-one, 31

十一 Twenty-one, 21

百分之二十一 21\%, Twenty-one percent

一下子就衝到十一 Goes all the way up (past 10) to 11, (on a scale of 1 to 10) goes all the way up to 11

十一 November, Nov

十一 Eleven times

十一 Eleven years old

十一 Twenty-one years old

不下十一 No fewer than eleven times, No less than eleven times

我才五十一 I'm only 51 years old

我一滿二十一 As soon as I turned twenty-one

原定全長三十一 Was originally intended to last for 31 Days

十一世紀初 Early twenty-first century

十一萬五千五百 One hundred and fifteen thousand five hundred, 115 500

到我二十一歲左右的時候 When I was 21 years old or thereabouts


加一 Eight plus one


九一 Three hundred and ninety one, 391


專一 Single minded

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