
Definition, Pronunciation with char definition links


ta¯ buˋ xiang¯ xinˋ woˇ shuo¯ de˙ yiˋ qieˋ

He doesn't believe anything that I say

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Words and Phrases included in:

相信 Believe, Believing, Believed, Have faith in, Had faith in

xiang¯ xinˋ

不相信 Do not believe, Did not believe, Does not believe, Do not trust, Did not trust, Does not trust

buˋ xiang¯ xinˋ

他不相信 He does not believe, He did not believe

ta¯ buˋ xiang¯ xinˋ

相信我 Believe me, Trust me

xiang¯ xinˋ woˇ

我說 I say, I said

woˇ shuo¯

說的 Say, Said

shuo¯ de˙

一切 All, Completely, Everything

yiˊ qieˋ


丿-亻 : > : > [他]-他不 : >

一-一 : > : > [不]-不相 : >

十-木 : > : > [相]-相信 : >

丿-亻 : > : > [信]-相信 : >

丿-千 : > : > [我]-我說 : >

丶-言 : > : > [說]-我說 : >

丶-白 : > : > [的]-說的 : >

一-一 : > : > [一]-一切 : >

十-乜 : > : > [切]-一切 : >


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