
Definition, Pronunciation with char definition links


ta¯ baˇ lianˇ zhuanˇ guoˋ quˋ zhengˋ mianˋ duiˋ zhe˙

He turned his face directly toward

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轉過 Turned

zhuanˇ guoˋ

過去 Formerly, In the past, Former, Old, Pass, Pass by, Passed, Go over, Go over there, Ended, Was over, Pass away

guoˋ quˋ

他把臉轉過去 He turned his face

ta¯ baˇ lianˇ zhuanˇ guoˋ quˋ

正面 Front, Direct, Positive

zhengˋ mianˋ

面對 Face, Faces, Facing, Faced, Confront, Confronts, Confronting, Confronted

mianˋ duiˋ

對著 Opposite

duiˋ zhe˙

正面對著 Squarely opposite, Directly opposite, Directly facing

zhengˋ mianˋ duiˋ zhe˙


丿-亻 : > : > [他]-他把 : >

十-扌 : > : > [把]-把臉 : >

冂-月 : > : > [臉]-臉轉 : >

十-車 : > : > [轉]-轉過 : >

丶-辶 : > : > [過]-轉過 : >

十-土 : > : > [去]-過去 : >

一-正 : > : > [正]-正面 : >

一-丆 : > : > [面]-正面 : >

人-业 : > : > [對]-面對 : >

人-艹 : > : > [著]-對著 : >


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