
Definition, Pronunciation with char definition links


daoˋ le˙ chaˋ buˋ duo¯ niˇ zheˋ ge˙ nianˊ jiˋ shiˊ

Get to about your age, When getting to about your age

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Words and Phrases included in:

到了 Reach, Reached, Arrive at, Had arrived at, Had Arrived, Get to, Got to

daoˋ le˙

不多 Not many, Very few

buˋ duo¯

差不多 About, There abouts, Approximately

chaˋ buˋ duo¯

這個 This, These, The

zheˋ ge˙

年紀 Age, Young, Old

nianˊ jiˋ

妳這個年紀時 At your age, About your age

niˇ zheˋ ge˙ nianˊ jiˋ shiˊ


一-一 : > : > [到]-到了 : >

𠃌-了 : > : > [了]-到了 : >

人-丷 : > : > [差]-差不 : >

一-一 : > : > [不]-不多 : >

丿-夕 : > : > [多]-不多 : >

𠄌-女 : > : > [妳]-妳這 : >

丶-辶 : > : > [這]-這個 : >

丿-亻 : > : > [個]-這個 : >

丿-𠂉 : > : > [年]-年紀 : >

𠄌-糸 : > : > [紀]-年紀 : >

口-日 : > : > [時]-紀時 : >


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