
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 酸


Add an appropriate amount of hydrochloric acid, (Cats: Chemistry next)

jia¯ ruˋ shiˋ liangˋ de˙ shuiˇ yanˊ suan¯

酸 suan¯
Sour, Tart, Acidic, Spoiled

(hide char details)

Phone , Tone


加入 jia¯ ruˋ

適量 shiˋ liangˋ

鹽酸 yanˊ suan¯

Words that rhyme with 加入適量的水鹽酸 (ia-wu)

Grouped by first phone

jia, qia, xia

家畜 jia¯ chuˋ

Livestock, Domestic animals

甲除以乙 jiaˇ chuˊ yiˇ yiˇ

A divided by B

甲骨文 jiaˇ guˇ wenˊ

Oracle bone scriptures, Original Chinese Characters, Ancient style of writing

加入 jia¯ ruˋ

Join, Append, Add

加入了 jia¯ ruˋ le˙

Joined, Appended, Added

加入了牠 jia¯ ruˋ le˙ ta¯

Joined it

加入適量的水鹽酸 jia¯ ruˋ shiˋ liangˋ de˙ shuiˇ yanˊ suan¯

Add an appropriate amount of hydrochloric acid

假如 jiaˇ ruˊ


假如她還活著的話 jiaˇ ruˊ ta¯ haiˊ huoˊ zhe˙ de˙ huaˋ

That is if she was still living

假如打算 jiaˇ ruˊ daˇ suanˋ

If intending to

家書 jia¯ shu¯

Letter from home, Letter from one's parents

家屬 jia¯ shuˇ

Family, Family member

加速 jia¯ suˋ

Accelerate, Speed up, Accelerated, Sped up

加速器 jia¯ suˋ qiˋ


加速度 jia¯ suˋ duˋ


加速離開 jia¯ suˋ liˊ kai¯

Accelerate away from, Accelerated away from

加速離開時 jia¯ suˋ liˊ kai¯ shiˊ

While accelerating away, While accelerating away from

家務 jia¯ wuˋ

Chores, Housework

加諸他 jia¯ zhu¯ ta¯

Impose on him, Reposed in him

加諸自身 jia¯ zhu¯ ziˋ shen¯


加諸自身的 jia¯ zhu¯ ziˋ shen¯ de˙


加諸自身的行為規範 jia¯ zhu¯ ziˋ shen¯ de˙ xingˊ weiˊ gui¯ fanˋ

Self-imposed behavioural protocols

夾注號 jia¯ zhuˋ haoˋ


夾住 jiaˊ zhuˋ

Clamp, Squeeze

家族 jia¯ zuˊ


家族之爭 jia¯ zuˊ zhi¯ zheng¯

Family Feud

家族聚餐 jia¯ zuˊ juˋ can¯

Family dinner

jia, qia, xia

恰如其分 qiaˋ ruˊ qiˊ fenˋ

Just right

掐住 qia¯ zhuˋ

Seize, Grasp, Hold

掐住他的喉嚨 qia¯ zhuˋ ta¯ de˙ houˊ longˊ

Choke him

jia, qia, xia

下不去 xiaˋ buˊ quˋ

Can't go down

下不來 xiaˋ buˋ laiˊ

Can't come down

下處於下風 xiaˋ chuˋ yuˊ xiaˋ feng¯

Disadvantaged, At a disadvantage

峽谷 xiaˊ guˇ

Valley, Gorge

嚇唬 xiaˋ huˇ


下屬 xiaˋ shuˇ


下圖 xiaˋ tuˊ

The figure below, The following figure, The following picture, The following diagram, The following illustration

下午 xiaˋ wuˇ


下午五點 xiaˋ wuˇ wuˇ dianˇ

Five o'clock in the afternoon, 5pm

下午好 xiaˋ wuˇ haoˇ

Good afternoon

下午茶 xiaˋ wuˇ chaˊ

Afternoon tea

Grouped in tone pairs

14, 11, 12, 13, 23, 24, 32, 33, 42, 43, 44

家畜 jia¯ chuˋ

Livestock, Domestic animals

加入 jia¯ ruˋ

Join, Append, Add

加入了 jia¯ ruˋ le˙

Joined, Appended, Added

加入了牠 jia¯ ruˋ le˙ ta¯

Joined it

加入適量的水鹽酸 jia¯ ruˋ shiˋ liangˋ de˙ shuiˇ yanˊ suan¯

Add an appropriate amount of hydrochloric acid

加速 jia¯ suˋ

Accelerate, Speed up, Accelerated, Sped up

加速器 jia¯ suˋ qiˋ


加速度 jia¯ suˋ duˋ


加速離開 jia¯ suˋ liˊ kai¯

Accelerate away from, Accelerated away from

加速離開時 jia¯ suˋ liˊ kai¯ shiˊ

While accelerating away, While accelerating away from

家務 jia¯ wuˋ

Chores, Housework

夾注號 jia¯ zhuˋ haoˋ


掐住 qia¯ zhuˋ

Seize, Grasp, Hold

掐住他的喉嚨 qia¯ zhuˋ ta¯ de˙ houˊ longˊ

Choke him

14, 11, 12, 13, 23, 24, 32, 33, 42, 43, 44

家書 jia¯ shu¯

Letter from home, Letter from one's parents

加諸他 jia¯ zhu¯ ta¯

Impose on him, Reposed in him

加諸自身 jia¯ zhu¯ ziˋ shen¯


加諸自身的 jia¯ zhu¯ ziˋ shen¯ de˙


加諸自身的行為規範 jia¯ zhu¯ ziˋ shen¯ de˙ xingˊ weiˊ gui¯ fanˋ

Self-imposed behavioural protocols

14, 11, 12, 13, 23, 24, 32, 33, 42, 43, 44

家族 jia¯ zuˊ


家族之爭 jia¯ zuˊ zhi¯ zheng¯

Family Feud

家族聚餐 jia¯ zuˊ juˋ can¯

Family dinner

14, 11, 12, 13, 23, 24, 32, 33, 42, 43, 44

家屬 jia¯ shuˇ

Family, Family member

14, 11, 12, 13, 23, 24, 32, 33, 42, 43, 44

峽谷 xiaˊ guˇ

Valley, Gorge

14, 11, 12, 13, 23, 24, 32, 33, 42, 43, 44

夾住 jiaˊ zhuˋ

Clamp, Squeeze

14, 11, 12, 13, 23, 24, 32, 33, 42, 43, 44

甲除以乙 jiaˇ chuˊ yiˇ yiˇ

A divided by B

假如 jiaˇ ruˊ


假如她還活著的話 jiaˇ ruˊ ta¯ haiˊ huoˊ zhe˙ de˙ huaˋ

That is if she was still living

假如打算 jiaˇ ruˊ daˇ suanˋ

If intending to

14, 11, 12, 13, 23, 24, 32, 33, 42, 43, 44

甲骨文 jiaˇ guˇ wenˊ

Oracle bone scriptures, Original Chinese Characters, Ancient style of writing

14, 11, 12, 13, 23, 24, 32, 33, 42, 43, 44

恰如其分 qiaˋ ruˊ qiˊ fenˋ

Just right

下不去 xiaˋ buˊ quˋ

Can't go down

下圖 xiaˋ tuˊ

The figure below, The following figure, The following picture, The following diagram, The following illustration

14, 11, 12, 13, 23, 24, 32, 33, 42, 43, 44

嚇唬 xiaˋ huˇ


下屬 xiaˋ shuˇ


下午 xiaˋ wuˇ


下午五點 xiaˋ wuˇ wuˇ dianˇ

Five o'clock in the afternoon, 5pm

下午好 xiaˋ wuˇ haoˇ

Good afternoon

下午茶 xiaˋ wuˇ chaˊ

Afternoon tea

14, 11, 12, 13, 23, 24, 32, 33, 42, 43, 44

下不來 xiaˋ buˋ laiˊ

Can't come down

下處於下風 xiaˋ chuˋ yuˊ xiaˋ feng¯

Disadvantaged, At a disadvantage

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