叫 jiaoˋ
(Call, Called, Calling, Calls, Cry, Greet, Shout, Tell)
Call, Calls, Calling, Called, Shout, Cry, Greet, Tell
jiaoˋ hanˇ
(Call, Scream, Shout, Shout out, Yell)
Shout, Shout out, Yell, Scream, Call loudly
jiaoˋ zhuˋ shouˇ shangˋ chaˊ
(Call, Call for, Called, Called for, Calling, Calls)
Call an assistant for tea, Calls an assistant for tea, Calling an assistant for tea, Called an assistant for tea, Call for tea from an assistant, Calls for tea from an assistant, Calling for tea from an assistant, Called for tea from an assistant
jiaoˋ taˉ qianˊ renˋ laoˇ banˇ quˋ siˇ shiˊ
Told his last boss to go to hell
jiaoˋ daoˋ
(Exclaim, Exclaimed, Exclaiming, Exclaims)
Exclaim, Exclaims, Exclaiming, Exclaimed
shiˇ taˉ tingˉ qiˇ laiˊ xiangˋ yaˉ zi˙ jiaoˋ
Caused him to sound like a duck
taˉ men˙ jiaoˋ niˇ laiˊ duiˋ fuˋ woˇ
They called you to deal with me, They sent you to deal with me
taˉ men˙ jiaoˋ niˇ laiˊ duiˋ fuˋ woˇ
They called you to deal with me, They sent you to deal with me
laoˇ shiˉ jiaoˋ daˋ jiaˉ shuoˉ chuˉ biˋ
yeˋ yiˇ houˋ yaoˋ zuoˋ shenˊ me˙
The teacher asked everyone to say what they wanted to do after graduating, The teacher had asked everyone to declare what they wanted to do when they finished school
taˉ guanˇ taˉ jiaoˋ
He calls it, What he calls, What he refers to as
taˉ guanˇ taˉ jiaoˋ
She calls it, What she calls, What she refers to as
jingˉ jiaoˋ
(Exclaim, Exclaimed, Exclaiming, Exclaims, Scream, Screamed, Screaming, Screams, To exclaim, To scream)
To exclaim, To scream, Exclaim, Exclaims, Exclaiming, Exclaimed, Scream, Screams, Screaming, Screamed
laoˊ laoˊ daoˉ daoˉ diˋ jiaoˋ
Nagged, Vocally coerced
Rhymes: yao wu
rh: jiaoˋ zhuˋ 叫助
rh: liaoˇ bu˙ 了不
rh: miaoˋ buˋ 妙不
rh: miaoˊ shuˋ 描述
rh: niaoˋ buˋ 尿布
rh: niaoˋ chu ˉ 尿出
rh: piao ˉ fuˊ 漂浮
rh: piao ˉ fuˊ 飄浮
rh: qiaoˊ buˋ 瞧不
rh: qiaoˇ buˋ 巧不
rh: qiaoˊ fu ˉ 樵夫
rh: qiaoˇ guˋ 巧故
rh: tiaoˋ wuˇ 跳舞
rh: tiao ˉ chuˉ 挑出
rh: tiao ˉ chuˊ 挑除
rh: tiaoˋ chu ˉ 跳出
rh: tiaoˋ ruˋ 跳入
rh: xiaoˇ buˇ 小補
rh: xiaoˇ buˋ 小部
rh: xiaoˇ buˋ 小步
rh: xiao ˉ chuˊ 消除
rh: xiaoˋ chu ˉ 笑出
rh: xiao ˉ duˊ 消毒
rh: xiaoˇ fuˋ 小腹
rh: xiaoˇ fuˋ 小富
rh: xiaoˋ fuˊ 校服
rh: xiaoˇ guˋ 小故
rh: xiaoˇ luˋ 小路
rh: xiaoˇ luˋ 小露
rh: xiaoˇ muˇ 小母
rh: xiaoˇ muˋ 小木
rh: xiaoˇ pu ˉ 小鋪
rh: xiaoˇ shuˇ 小暑
rh: xiaoˇ shuˋ 小數
rh: xiaoˇ su ˉ 小蘇
rh: xiaoˇ tuˊ 小圖
rh: xiaoˇ tuˋ 小兔
rh: xiaoˇ zhu ˉ 小豬
rh: xiaoˇ zuˊ 小卒
rh: xiaoˇ zuˇ 小組
rh: yaoˇ wuˊ 杳無
rh: yaoˋ wuˋ 藥物
rh: yao ˉ buˋ 腰部
rh: yaoˋ buˋ 要不
rh: yaoˋ duˊ 要讀
rh: yaoˋ suˋ 要素
rh: yaoˋ zhuˋ 要注
rh: biao ˉ chuˉ 標出
rh: biao ˉ fuˊ 彪福
rh: biaoˇ shuˋ 表述
rh: biao ˉ zhuˋ 標註
rh: diaoˋ chu ˉ 掉出
rh: diaoˋ duˋ 調度
rh: diaoˋ ruˋ 掉入
rh: diao ˉ suˋ 雕塑
rh: jiaoˇ buˋ 腳部
rh: jiaoˇ buˋ 腳步
rh: jiaoˋ buˋ 較不
rh: jiaoˇ duˋ 角度
rh: jiao ˉ fuˋ 交付
rh: jiaoˇ fu ˉ 腳夫
rh: jiaoˋ fu ˉ 轎夫
rh: jiaoˋ fuˋ 較富
rh: jiao ˉ huˋ 交互
rh: jiao ˉ shuˉ 教書
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