用它進行照明 yongˋ ta ˉ jinˋ xingˊ zhaoˋ mingˊ

Use it for lighting, Use it for illumination


zaiˋ woˇ men˙ yongˋ ta ˉ jinˋ xingˊ zhaoˋ mingˊ shiˊ

(When we) When we use it for lighting, When we use it for illumination


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Rhymes: yong a

rh: yongˋ ta ˉ 用他


rh: yongˋ ta ˉ 用它

rh: yongˋ ya ˉ 用壓


rh: xiong ˉ daˋ 胸大


rh: xiong ˉ yaˊ 匈牙


rh: yongˇ daˊ 永達


Use it

Administer, Am doing, Are doing, Carry out, Conduct, Did, Do, Does, Is doing, Perform, To be, To become, To begin, To carry out, To commence, To conduct, To do, To get, To perform, Was doing, Were doing, Illuminate, Light, Shine

< Use, Employ, Operate, Apply, Exert, Try, Sample

Apply, Employ, Exert, Operate, Sample, Try, Use

< It, This, These, That, They, Them

It, That, Them, These, They, This

< Enter, Advance, Progress, Come in, Go In

Advance, Come in, Enter, Go In, Progress

< Take action, Go, Do, Work, Able, Capable, Ready, Walk, Travel, Road, Path, Baggage, Current, Prevailing, Publish, (Xing4), Conduct, Behaviour, (Hang2), Generation, Row, Line, Array, Series, Sequence, Profession, Trade, Business, Rank and file of the military, Financial Market

Able, Array, Baggage, Behaviour, Business, Capable, Conduct, Current, Do, Financial, Generation, Go, Line, Path, Prevailing, Profession, Publish, Rank and file, Ready, Road, Row, Sequence, Series, Take action, Trade, Travel, Walk, Work

< Comply, Compliance, Act in accordance with, According To, Compare, Notify, Look after, License, Certificate, Illuminate, Photograph, Shine, Reflect, Record, Reason

According To, Act in, Certificate, Compare, Compliance, Comply, Illuminate, License, Look after, Notify, Photograph, Reason, Record, Reflect, Shine

< Bright, Clear, Light, Understand, Ming Dynasty

Bright, Clear, Light, Ming, Understand


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