監獄 jian ˉ yuˋ

Jail, Prison


baˇ niˇ congˊ jian ˉ yuˋ liˇ jiuˋ le˙ chu ˉ laiˊ

(Freed, Got you) Freed you from prison, Got you out of jail


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woˇ henˇ peiˋ fuˊ ta ˉ baˇ niˇ congˊ jian ˉ yuˋ liˇ jiuˋ le˙ chu ˉ laiˊ

(I appreciate) I appreciate him for getting you out of prison, I appreciate that he got you out of jail


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niˇ shuˇ yuˊ jian ˉ yuˋ

(You belong in) You belong in jail, You belong in prison


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niˇ shuˇ yuˊ jian ˉ yuˋ

(You belong in) You belong in jail, You belong in prison


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Rhymes: yan yu

rh: jian ˉ yuˋ 監獄

rh: jianˋ yuˊ 建於


rh: jianˋ yuˊ 鑑於


rh: jian ˉ juˋ 間距


rh: jian ˉ juˋ 艱巨


rh: jian ˉ juˋ 艱鉅


rh: jianˋ qu ˉ 漸趨


rh: jianˋ quˋ 漸去


rh: lianˊ xuˋ 連續


rh: mianˇ yuˊ 免於


rh: mianˋ juˋ 面具


rh: nianˋ juˋ 念句


rh: qian ˉ juˉ 遷居


rh: qianˊ ju ˉ 潛居


rh: qianˊ ju ˉ 前鋸


rh: qianˇ luuˋ 淺綠


rh: qianˊ quˋ 前去


rh: qian ˉ xuˉ 謙虛


rh: tianˊ yuˋ 甜玉


rh: tianˇ quˋ 舔去


rh: xianˊ yuˊ 鹹魚


rh: xianˋ yuˊ 限於


rh: xian ˉ juˇ 先舉


rh: xianˋ luuˇ 線縷


rh: xian ˉ nuuˇ 仙女


rh: xian ˉ quˉ 先驅


rh: yanˊ yuˇ 言語


rh: yanˋ yuˇ 諺語


rh: yanˊ xuˋ 延續


rh: bianˋ yuˊ 便於


rh: bian ˉ juˋ 編劇


Jail, Prison

< Oversee, Examine, Supervise, Monitor, Control, Direct, Confine, Imprison, College, Jail, Supervisor, Proctor, Inspector, Auditor

Auditor, College, Confine, Control, Direct, Examine, Imprison, Inspector, Jail, Monitor, Oversee, Proctor, Supervise, Supervisor

< Prison, Jail, Prisoner

Jail, Prison, Prisoner






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