相反 xiang ˉ fanˇ

On the contrary, Contrary, To the contrary, In contrast, Opposite, The opposite, Opposing, Instead


xiang ˉ fanˇ de˙ liˋ liangˋ

(Opposing, Opposing force) Opposing force, Opposing forces, An opposing force, The opposing force, The opposing forces


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相反數 xiang ˉ fanˇ shuˋ

(Additive, Opposite) Opposite number, Additive inverse


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ruˊ guoˇ xiang ˉ fanˇ

(If) If, on the contrary, If, on the other hand


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woˇ de˙ xiangˇ faˇ zhengˋ haoˇ xiang ˉ fanˇ

(It seems) It seems as if I am of the opposite opinion


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yiˊ ge˙ xiang ˉ fanˇ de˙ liˋ liangˋ

(Opposing force) An opposing force


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woˇ de˙ xiangˇ faˇ xiang ˉ fanˇ

(I am, My opinion) I am of the opposite opinion, My opinion is the complete opposite


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hanˋ daˋ duo ˉ shuˋ renˊ de˙ xiangˇ faˇ xiang ˉ fanˇ zheˇ

(Contrary to what) Contrary to what most people think, Contrary to what the majority think


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yuˇ suiˊ zhe˙ liuˊ dongˋ qianˊ jinˋ xiang ˉ fanˇ

(As opposed, Instead of) As opposed to moving with the flow, Instead of travelling with the flow


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qiaˋ qiaˋ xiang ˉ fanˇ

(On the contrary) On the contrary


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wanˊ quanˊ xiang ˉ fanˇ

(Are completely, Are exactly, Are in, Completely opposite) Completely opposite, Are completely the opposite, Are in complete opposition, Are exactly opposite


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shuˋ ziˋ juˋ youˇ xiang ˉ fanˇ fuˊ haoˋ

(Numbers) Numbers with opposite signs


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Rhymes: yang an

rh: xiang ˉ fanˇ 相反

rh: xiang ˉ ganˉ 相干


rh: xiangˇ kanˋ 想看


rh: xiang ˉ manˇ 鑲滿


rh: xiangˋ nanˊ 像喃


rh: xiangˋ shan ˉ 像山


rh: yangˊ manˊ 洋蠻


rh: yangˊ sanˇ 陽傘


rh: yangˊ sanˇ 洋傘


rh: liangˇ anˋ 兩岸


rh: liangˊ banˋ 涼拌


rh: liangˇ banˋ 兩半


rh: liangˋ gan ˉ 晾乾


rh: liangˇ nanˊ 兩難


rh: liangˇ san ˉ 兩三


rh: liangˊ shanˋ 良善


rh: liangˇ shan ˉ 兩扇


rh: liangˇ zhanˇ 兩盞


rh: qiangˇ anˋ 搶案


rh: qiangˊ banˇ 牆板


rh: qiangˊ ganˋ 強幹


rh: qiangˊ hanˋ 強悍


rh: qiang ˉ zhanˋ 槍戰


rh: qiangˊ zhanˋ 強佔


rh: qiangˇ zhanˋ 搶佔


rh: xiangˇ anˋ 想暗


rh: xiangˋ an ˉ 向安


Contrary, In contrast, Instead, On the contrary, Opposing, Opposite, To the

< Mutual, Together, Accompany, Side by side, Towards Each Other, Look at, Examine, Similar, Alike, (Xiang4), Picture, Photo, Countenance, Study

Accompany, Alike, Countenance, Examine, Look at, Mutual, Photo, Picture, Side by side, Similar, Study, Together, Towards

< Instead, Contrary, Oppose, Opposite, Turn over, Flip, Switch, Turn upside down, Turn Around, Turn back, Retreat, Return, Reverse, Introspect, Infer, Retrospect, Anti

Anti, Contrary, Flip, Infer, Instead, Introspect, Oppose, Opposite, Retreat, Retrospect, Return, Reverse, Switch, Turn around, Turn back, Turn over, Turn upside down













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