yiˊ qieˋ yuanˊ benˇ henˇ dan ˉ chunˊ
(Everything) Everything was so simple | Everything had been so simple
一切 yiˊ qieˋ
(All, Completely, Everything) All, Completely, Everything
原本 yuanˊ benˇ
(Cause, Initial, Initially, Origin, Original, Originally, Originate, To begin, To cause, To originate) Original, Initial, Origin, Cause, Originally, Initially, To begin with, To originate, Originate , Originates , Originating , Originated , To cause, Cause , Causes , Causing , Caused
很 henˇ
Very, Very Much, Is, Are, Highly, Extremely
單純 danˉ chunˊ
(Artless, Basic, Plain, Pure, Simple, Unembellished) Simple, Plain, Pure, Basic, Artless, Unembellished
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