別 bieˊ bieˋ
(Alias, Depart, Did not, Different, Differentiate, Distinguish, Do not, Does not, Don't, Leave, Misspelled, Not, Original, Other, Pin, Separate, Turn, Unique)
Do not, Does not, Did not, Leave, Depart, Separate, Differentiate, Not, Don't, Pin up, Turn, Distinguish, Different, Unique, Other, Original, Misspelled, Alias
bieˊ kaiˉ muˋ guangˉ
(Look away, Looked away, Looks)
Look away, Looks away, Looked away
bieˊ shiˉ wangˋ
(Don't be, Don't despair, Not to)
Don't be disappointed, Not to worry, Don't despair
bieˊ zaiˋ dingˉ zhe˙ woˇ
Stop staring at me
Cat: Latest (Stop staring at me) Next
bieˊ zaiˋ shuoˉ le˙
(Don't say, Enough, Stop talking)
Stop talking, Don't say anything else, Enough already
buˊ guoˋ zhiˇ yaoˋ woˇ bieˊ
But as long as I don't, But if I don't
Rhymes: ye yu
rh: bieˊ juˋ 別具
rh: bieˊ quˋ 別去
rh: jieˊ yuˋ 劫獄
rh: jieˋ yuˊ 介於
rh: jieˊ juˊ 結局
rh: jie ˉ quˉ 街區
rh: jieˋ quˋ 借去
rh: jie ˉ xuˋ 接續
rh: lieˋ juˇ 列舉
rh: qieˋ yuˊ 切魚
rh: qieˋ quˇ 竊取
rh: xieˊ quˇ 擷取
rh: xieˊ quˋ 斜去
rh: yeˊ yuˊ 揶揄
rh: yeˇ yuˇ 也與
rh: yeˋ yuˊ 業餘
rh: yeˋ luuˋ 葉綠
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