別 bieˊ bieˋ
(Alias, Depart, Did not, Different, Differentiate, Distinguish, Do not, Does not, Don't, Leave, Misspelled, Not, Original, Other, Pin, Separate, Turn, Unique)
Do not, Does not, Did not, Leave, Depart, Separate, Differentiate, Not, Don't, Pin up, Turn, Distinguish, Different, Unique, Other, Original, Misspelled, Alias
bieˊ kaiˉ muˋ guangˉ
(Look away, Looked away, Looks)
Look away, Looks away, Looked away
bieˊ shiˉ wangˋ
(Don't be, Don't despair, Not to)
Don't be disappointed, Not to worry, Don't despair
bieˊ zheˋ me˙ shuoˉ
Don't say that, Don't speak like this
bieˊ zaiˋ dingˉ zhe˙ woˇ
Stop staring at me
Cat: Latest (Stop staring at me) Next
bieˊ zaiˋ shuoˉ le˙
(Don't say, Enough, Stop talking)
Stop talking, Don't say anything else, Enough already
buˊ guoˋ zhiˇ yaoˋ woˇ bieˊ
But as long as I don't, But if I don't
Rhymes: ye e
rh: bieˊ zheˋ 別這
rh: dieˊ heˊ 疊合
rh: jieˋ de˙ 界的
rh: jieˋ de˙ 借得
rh: jieˋ ge˙ 借個
rh: jie ˉ heˊ 接合
rh: jieˊ heˊ 結合
rh: jieˊ keˋ 傑克
rh: jieˊ keˋ 捷克
rh: jie ˉ le˙ 接了
rh: jieˋ le˙ 借了
rh: jie ˉ zhe˙ 接著
rh: jieˋ zheˋ 藉這
rh: jieˋ zhe˙ 藉著
rh: lieˋ che ˉ 列車
rh: lieˋ de˙ 獵的
rh: lieˋ le˙ 裂了
rh: mieˋ le˙ 滅了
rh: nieˋ heˊ 嚙合
rh: nie ˉ le˙ 捏了
rh: qie ˉ deˊ 切得
rh: qie ˉ geˉ 切割
rh: tie ˉ heˊ 貼合
rh: tie ˉ zheˋ 貼這
rh: tie ˉ zhe˙ 貼著
rh: xieˊ eˋ 邪惡
rh: xieˇ de˙ 寫得
rh: xieˇ de˙ 寫的
rh: xieˊ keˋ 諧刻
rh: xieˇ le˙ 寫了
rh: xieˋ le˙ 謝了
rh: xieˋ le˙ 洩了
rh: xieˇ seˋ 血色
rh: xieˇ zheˋ 寫這
rh: xieˇ zhe˙ 寫著
rh: yeˇ keˇ 也可
rh: yeˋ seˋ 夜色
rh: bieˊ de˙ 別的
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